30,728 research outputs found

    Coqueiro híbrido: Uma opção ao produtor.

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    O gênero Cocos é constituído apenas pela espécie Cocos nucifera L., a qual é composta de algumas variedades, entre as quais as mais importantes são: Typica (Var. Gigante) e Nana (Var. Anã). Os híbridos de coqueiro mais utilizados no Brasil e no mundo são resultantes dos cruzamentos entre essas variedades. No Brasil estima-se a existência de uma área plantada de aproximadamente 290 mil hectares, composta pelas variedades Gigante e Anã e híbridos.bitstream/item/123064/1/Coqueiro-hibrido.pd

    Efficiency of low versus high airline pressure in stunning cattle with a pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun

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    The efficiency of stunning cattle was assessed in 443 animals (304 pure Zebu and 139 crossbred cattle), being mainly mature bulls and cows. Cattle were stunned using a Jarvis pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt gun operating with low (160–175 psi, N = 82) and high (190 psi, N = 363) airline pressure, which was within the manufactures specifications. Signs of brain function and the position of the shots on the heads were recorded after stunning. Velocity of the captive bolt and its physical parameters were calculated. Cattle shot with low pressures showed more rhythmic respiration (27 vs. 8%, P < 0.001), less tongue protrusion (4 vs. 12%, P = 0.03) and less masseter relaxation (22 vs. 48%, P < 0.001). There was an increased frequency of shots in the ideal position when cattle were shot with the low compared to high airline pressures (15.3 vs. 3.1%). Bolt velocity and its physical parameters were significantly (P < 0.01) higher when using high pressure. Airline pressures below 190 psi are inappropriate when shooting adult Zebu beef cattle with pneumatically powered penetrating captive bolt guns

    Hierarchical Spatial Organization of Geographical Networks

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    In this work we propose the use of a hirarchical extension of the polygonality index as a means to characterize and model geographical networks: each node is associated with the spatial position of the nodes, while the edges of the network are defined by progressive connectivity adjacencies. Through the analysis of such networks, while relating its topological and geometrical properties, it is possible to obtain important indications about the development dynamics of the networks under analysis. The potential of the methodology is illustrated with respect to synthetic geographical networks.Comment: 3 page, 3 figures. A wokring manuscript: suggestions welcome

    Comparison of energy consumption and costs of different HEVs and PHEVs in European and American context

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    This paper will analyse on the one hand the potential of Plug in Hybrid electric Vehicles to significantly reduce fuel consumption and displace it torward various primary energies thanks to the electricity sector. On the other hand the total cost of ownership of two different PHEV architectures will be compared to a conventional cehicle and a HEV without external charging

    Modelling a Particle Detector in Field Theory

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    Particle detector models allow to give an operational definition to the particle content of a given quantum state of a field theory. The commonly adopted Unruh-DeWitt type of detector is known to undergo temporary transitions to excited states even when at rest and in the Minkowski vacuum. We argue that real detectors do not feature this property, as the configuration "detector in its ground state + vacuum of the field" is generally a stable bound state of the underlying fundamental theory (e.g. the ground state-hydrogen atom in a suitable QED with electrons and protons) in the non-accelerated case. As a concrete example, we study a local relativistic field theory where a stable particle can capture a light quantum and form a quasi-stable state. As expected, to such a stable particle correspond energy eigenstates of the full theory, as is shown explicitly by using a dressed particle formalism at first order in perturbation theory. We derive an effective model of detector (at rest) where the stable particle and the quasi-stable configurations correspond to the two internal levels, "ground" and "excited", of the detector.Comment: 13 pages, references added, final versio

    Aplicação de fungicidas via água de irrigação por aspersão convencional para o controle da brusone (Pyricularia oryzae) em arroz.

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    Plantas de arroz da cultivar IAC-25 foram inoculadas aos 21 dias de idade com 5x10 conidios de Pyricularia oryzae/ml de suspensao. Parcelas de 12 x 12m foram irrigadas por 4 aspersoes setoriais (ZE-305). Os fungicidas foram aplicados atraves do Aplicador Portatil de Produtos Quimicos. Foram 5 as aplicacoes com intervalos de 7 a 10 dias, e inicio 15 dias apos a inoculacao. A lamina media de agua aplicada foi de 3,0mm. A porcentagem de brusone no "pescoco" da panicula e o peso em gramas de graos em 2000 paniculas foram de 8,1 e 11000; 41,4 e 9477, 84,9 e 7052 para os tratamentos trifenil hidroxido de estanho (750 g ia/ha), IBP (960 IA/HA) e testemunha sem fungicida respectivamente. O aumento de producao das parcelas tratadas com trienil hidroxido de estanho foi de 55,9% em relacao a testemunha. Os resultados mostraram a viabilidade da aplicacao de fungicidas via agua de irrigacao por aspersao convencional visando o controle da brusone em arroz