25,155 research outputs found

    Composição da lignina de três espécies forrageiras visando à produção de bioetanol.

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    Editores técnicos: Marcílio José Thomazini, Elenice Fritzsons, Patrícia Raquel Silva, Guilherme Schnell e Schuhli, Denise Jeton Cardoso, Luziane Franciscon. EVINCI. Resumos

    Hierarchical Spatial Organization of Geographical Networks

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    In this work we propose the use of a hirarchical extension of the polygonality index as a means to characterize and model geographical networks: each node is associated with the spatial position of the nodes, while the edges of the network are defined by progressive connectivity adjacencies. Through the analysis of such networks, while relating its topological and geometrical properties, it is possible to obtain important indications about the development dynamics of the networks under analysis. The potential of the methodology is illustrated with respect to synthetic geographical networks.Comment: 3 page, 3 figures. A wokring manuscript: suggestions welcome

    Levantamento de nematóides fitoparasitas associados a pomares de videira em declínio da serra gaúcha.

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    Far Infrared Slab Lensing and Subwavelength Imaging in Crystal Quartz

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    We examine the possibility of using negative refraction stemming from the phonon response in an anisotropic crystal to create a simple slab lens with plane parallel sides, and show that imaging from such a lens should be possible at room temperature despite the effects of absorption that are inevitably present due to phonon damping. In particular, we consider the case of crystal quartz, a system for which experimental measurements consistent with all-angle negative refraction have already been demonstrated. Furthermore, we investigate the possibility of subwavelength imaging from such materials, and show that it should be possible for certain configurations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Rendimento de derruba e extração mecanizada em florestas de terra firme da Amazônia.

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    A Complex Network Approach to Topographical Connections

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    The neuronal networks in the mammals cortex are characterized by the coexistence of hierarchy, modularity, short and long range interactions, spatial correlations, and topographical connections. Particularly interesting, the latter type of organization implies special demands on the evolutionary and ontogenetic systems in order to achieve precise maps preserving spatial adjacencies, even at the expense of isometry. Although object of intensive biological research, the elucidation of the main anatomic-functional purposes of the ubiquitous topographical connections in the mammals brain remains an elusive issue. The present work reports on how recent results from complex network formalism can be used to quantify and model the effect of topographical connections between neuronal cells over a number of relevant network properties such as connectivity, adjacency, and information broadcasting. While the topographical mapping between two cortical modules are achieved by connecting nearest cells from each module, three kinds of network models are adopted for implementing intracortical connections (ICC), including random, preferential-attachment, and short-range networks. It is shown that, though spatially uniform and simple, topographical connections between modules can lead to major changes in the network properties, fostering more effective intercommunication between the involved neuronal cells and modules. The possible implications of such effects on cortical operation are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Produtividade de forragem de gramíneas tropicais consorciadas com milho safrinha.

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    Os sistemas de integração lavoura-pecuária têm como vantagem tanto a produção de grãos quanto a de forragem para alimentação animal e palhada para o plantio direto. O objetivo desse estudo foi a avaliação da produtividade de oito capins consorciados com o milho safrinha e a proporção de folha e colmo de cada capim