157 research outputs found

    Endoscopic scores for inflammatory bowel disease in the era of 'mucosal healing'. old problem, new perspectives

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    The importance of the endoscopic evaluation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) management has been recognized for many years. However, the modalities for reporting endoscopic activity represent an ongoing challenge. To address this, several endoscopic scores have been proposed. Very few have been properly validated, and the use of such tools remains sub-optimal and is mainly restricted to clinical trials. In recent years, a growing emphasis of the concept of 'mucosal healing' as a prognostic marker and therapeutic goal has increased the need for a more accurate definition of endoscopic activity in both ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). In the present review, the evolution of the challenges related to endoscopic scores in IBD has been analyzed, with particular attention paid to the renewed relevance of endoscopic activity in recent years. Currently, despite the growing relevance of endoscopic activity, evaluating this activity in IBD is still a challenge. The implementation of efficacious endoscopic scores and a better definition of the absence of activity (mucosal healing) are needed.The importance of the endoscopic evaluation in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) management has been recognized for many years. However, the modalities for reporting endoscopic activity represent an ongoing challenge. To address this, several endoscopic scores have been proposed. Very few have been properly validated, and the use of such tools remains sub-optimal and is mainly restricted to clinical trials. In recent years, a growing emphasis of the concept of 'mucosal healing' as a prognostic marker and therapeutic goal has increased the need for a more accurate definition of endoscopic activity in both ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD). In the present review, the evolution of the challenges related to endoscopic scores in IBD has been analyzed, with particular attention paid to the renewed relevance of endoscopic activity in recent years. Currently, despite the growing relevance of endoscopic activity, evaluating this activity in IBD is still a challenge. The implementation of efficacious endoscopic scores and a better definition of the absence of activity (mucosal healing) are needed

    Time trend occurrence of duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytosis and celiac disease in an open access endoscopic population

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    Background: Duodenal intraepithelial lymphocytosis (DIL) is a histological finding characterized by the increase of intraepithelial CD3T-lymphocytes over the normal value without villous atrophy, mostly associated to coeliac disease (CD), Helicobacter pylori (Hp) gastritis and autoimmune diseases. Objective: To assess the occurrence of DIL, CD and Hp gastritis in an endoscopic population over a 13 year period. Methods: From 2003 to 2015 we included adult patients who consecutively underwent oesophago-gastro-duodenoscopy (OGD) with duodenal biopsies assessing the overall and annual occurrence of DIL and CD and the prevalence of Hp gastritis. Results: 160 (2.3%) patients with DIL and 275 (3.9%) with CD were detected among 7001 patients. CD occurrence was higher from 2003 to 2011, while since 2012 DIL occurrence gradually increased significantly compared to CD (p = 0.03). DIL patients were more frequently female (p = 0.0006) and underwent OGD more frequently for dyspepsia (p = 0.002) and for indications not related to gastrointestinal symptoms than CD patients (p = 0.0003). Hp gastritis occurred similarly in CD and DIL patients but the latter had higher frequency of atrophic body gastritis (p = 0.005). Conclusions: DIL is a condition increasing in the general endoscopic population mainly diagnosed by chance. Concomitant gastric histological evaluation is able in one third of DIL patients to identify associated possible causes of DIL, such as Hp and atrophic gastritis

    Application of clinical indexes in ulcerative colitis patients in regular follow-up visit. correlation with endoscopic 'mucosal healing' and implication for management

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    OBJECTIVE: Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the colon of unknown etiology. Several clinical indexes have been proposed for UC disease activity evaluation, but none have been properly validated. Moreover, the reference parameter for the scores and their prognostic value is not clear. Mucosal healing has been recently proposed as an important end-point. Aim of the present study was to evaluate the correlation of four clinical indexes with objective diagnostic tools for UC evaluation, the discriminative ability in identifying patients with endoscopic mucosal healing, and to analyze the possible prognostic indication for disease course in 1 year of follow-up. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We analyzed data of 75 patients recorded in regular follow-up visit in IBD clinic at S. Andrea Hospital, Rome, between 2007-2011. We recorded clinical data and lab tests at the time of the visit, and endoscopic/ histological repor ts performed within 1 month. Clinical indexes (Seo' activity index, Simple Clinical Colitis Activity Index, partial Mayo score and Endoscopic-Clinical Correlation Index) were calculated and correlation to endoscopic and histologic activity, and to C-reactive protein increment, was assessed by mean of Spearman's rank correlation. Discriminative ability of the indexes for patients with and without endoscopic mucosal healing was tested by calculation of area under ROC curve (AUC). Patients with low and high clinical scores were compared for number of flares and increment of therapy during 1 year of follow-up. RESULTS: Clinical indexes had a good correlation with endoscopic activity (mean r = 0.73 ± 0.06), a fair correlation with CRP-increment (mean r = 0.55 ± 0.01) and a poor one with histologic activity (mean r = 0.35 ± 0.01). The discriminatory ability of the indexes for endoscopic mucosal healing was good for all the indexes (mean AUC = 0.87 ± 0.05). Patients with high clinical score had more flares and required more frequently increase of therapy at 1 year of follow up compared with patients with low score. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical indexes have a good correlation with endoscopic activity and can discriminate patients with and without mucosal healing. Patients with low and high score have different risk of disease flare and of need to increase therapy at 1 year. Clinical indexes may represent a useful tool for disease assessment in clinical practice in UC outpatients with mildmoderate disease

    Frog skin-derived peptides against corynebacterium jeikeium: correlation between antibacterial and cytotoxic activities

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    Corynebacterium jeikeium is a commensal bacterium that colonizes human skin, and it is part of the normal bacterial flora. In non-risk subjects, it can be the cause of bad body smell due to the generation of volatile odorous metabolites, especially in the wet parts of the body that this bacterium often colonizes (i.e., groin and axillary regions). Importantly, in the last few decades, there have been increasing cases of serious infections provoked by this bacterium, especially in immunocompromised or hospitalized patients who have undergone installation of prostheses or catheters. The ease in developing resistance to commonly-used antibiotics (i.e., glycopeptides) has made the search for new antimicrobial compounds of clinical importance. Here, for the first time, we characterize the antimicrobial activity of some selected frog skin-derived antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) against C. jeikeium by determining their minimum inhibitory and bactericidal concentrations (MIC and MBC) by a microdilution method. The results highlight esculentin-1b(1-18) [Esc(1-18)] and esculentin-1a(1-21) [Esc(1-21)] as the most active AMPs with MIC and MBC of 4–8 and 0.125–0.25 µM, respectively, along with a non-toxic profile after a short-and long-term (40 min and 24 h) treatment of mammalian cells. Overall, these findings indicate the high potentiality of Esc(1-18) and Esc(1-21) as (i) alternative antimicrobials against C. jeikeium infections and/or as (ii) additives in cosmetic products (creams, deodorants) to reduce the production of bad body odor

    Choral Classics Concert

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    Sololists: Ivin Bellamy, bass, will perform the Benedictus. He is a junior who participates in basketball, volleyball, track and field, orchestra and chorus. He plans to at-tend the University of North Carolina majoring in music. Kiyah Bracy, soprano, performs as soloist on the Kyrie. She is a senior who par-ticipates in theatre and chorus. She plans on attending Georgia State University with a major in human biology, aspiring to be a pediatric surgeon. Taniyah Colter, soprano, sings as soloist on the Gloria. She is a senior and is the vice president of the choral program. She hopes to attend college to major in psychology and minor in vocal music. Her goal is to become a psychologist. Alona Fransis, soprano, is heard today as soloist on the piece Benedictus. She is a junior who participates in the marching band, and chorus. In the future, she plans to attend Regent University and major in criminal justice. Christopher Freeman, bass, is heard as soloist on the Gloria. He is a senior who participates in volleyball, chorus, enjoys writing and plans to attend Norfolk State University for psychology. Markle Juste, tenor, will perform the Benedictus. Markle is a senior who partici-pates in the theatre program and chorus. After high school, he would like to be a merchant seaman. Sidney Mapp, soprano, will solo on the Gloria. As a sophomore, she is in volley-ball, chorus, and enjoys reading. She plans to attend the University of Virginia to become a nurse. Savion White, bass, is a soloist on the Agnus Dei. Savion is a senior who partici-pates in volleyball and the Teens With a Purpose poetry club. After high school, he hopes to attend The American Musical and Dramatic Academy for music performance and production. Jordan Wright, soprano, will perform as soloist on the Agnus Dei. Jordan is a junior who participates in chorus and enjoys drawing and writing. She plans is to attend Old Dominion University and major in graphic design
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