186 research outputs found

    Manejo fitotécnico da bananeira, cultivar D'Angola (AAB), visando ao controle da sigatoka-negra.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar alternativas de manejo fitotécnico da bananeira comprida, cultivar D?Angola, visando ao controle da Sigatoka-negra. O experimento foi conduzido no campo experimental da Embrapa Acre no município de Rio Branco-AC com os tratamentos distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, completos, com seis repetições e constituídos por diferentes densidades de plantio, correspondendo: T1 - 3 m x 3 m (1.111 plantas/hectare); T2 - 3 m x 2 m (1.666 plantas/hectare); T3 - 2,5 m x 2 m (2.000 plantas/hectare); T4 - 4 m x 2 m x 1,5 m (1.333 plantas/hectare); T5 - 2 m x 2m (2.500 plantas/hectare) e; T6 - 3 m x 3 m (1.111 plantas/hectare), este último alocado sob o bosque de seringueira. Foram realizadas avaliações durante dois ciclos de produção. As plantas da cv. D'Angola (AAB) cultivadas no espaçamento 3,0 x 3,0m, sombreadas com seringueira, apresentaram maior altura de plantas, maior número de folhas vivas na floração e colheita, maior peso médio do cacho, maior massa das pencas, maior ciclo de produção e menor severidade da Sigatoka-negra. Maiores produtividades foram obtidas quando se adotaram maiores densidades de plantio. O consorciamento de bananeiras com árvores de seringueiras mostrou-se ser uma boa alternativa para viabilizar o cultivo da cv. D'Angola (banana comprida)

    Produtividade de grãos de cultivares de feijão-caupi, [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp], no município de Capitão Poço, PA.

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    Reliable Classifier to Differentiate Primary and Secondary Acute Dengue Infection Based on IgG ELISA

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    Dengue virus infection causes a wide spectrum of illness, ranging from sub-clinical to severe disease. Severe dengue is associated with sequential viral infections. A strict definition of primary versus secondary dengue infections requires a combination of several tests performed at different stages of the disease, which is not practical.We developed a simple method to classify dengue infections as primary or secondary based on the levels of dengue-specific IgG. A group of 109 dengue infection patients were classified as having primary or secondary dengue infection on the basis of a strict combination of results from assays of antigen-specific IgM and IgG, isolation of virus and detection of the viral genome by PCR tests performed on multiple samples, collected from each patient over a period of 30 days. The dengue-specific IgG levels of all samples from 59 of the patients were analyzed by linear discriminant analysis (LDA), and one- and two-dimensional classifiers were designed. The one-dimensional classifier was estimated by bolstered resubstitution error estimation to have 75.1% sensitivity and 92.5% specificity. The two-dimensional classifier was designed by taking also into consideration the number of days after the onset of symptoms, with an estimated sensitivity and specificity of 91.64% and 92.46%. The performance of the two-dimensional classifier was validated using an independent test set of standard samples from the remaining 50 patients. The classifications of the independent set of samples determined by the two-dimensional classifiers were further validated by comparing with two other dengue classification methods: hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay and an in-house anti-dengue IgG-capture ELISA method. The decisions made with the two-dimensional classifier were in 100% accordance with the HI assay and 96% with the in-house ELISA.Once acute dengue infection has been determined, a 2-D classifier based on common dengue virus IgG kits can reliably distinguish primary and secondary dengue infections. Software for calculation and validation of the 2-D classifier is made available for download

    Coleção nuclear de arroz da Embrapa: caracterização agronômica.

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    Introdução; Coleções Nucleares; Coleção Nuclear Brasileira do Arroz - CNAE; Experimentos Multi-Locais da CNAE; Experimento de Goianira (GO); Experimento de Boa Vista (RR); Experimento de Uruguaiana (RS); Qualidade de grão dos acessos da CNAE; Considerações Finais.bitstream/CNPAF/25513/1/doc_189.pd

    Contribution of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil to the development of plant cultivars and their impact on agriculture.

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    This paper describes the development of breeding programs in northern Brazil and their main impacts on agriculture. Their contribution to the breeding of the species palm oil, acai fruit, cacao, cupuaçu, guarana, tomato, camu-camu, cocona, peach palm, and rubber was laid out in detail. Advances in breeding programs of institutions such as Embrapa, Ceplac, Inpa, and Universities require investments in infrastructure and in human and financial resources to ensure continuity and efficiency in economic, social and environmental gains. The improvement of native species, the main focus of the breeding programs of the institutions in the Northern region of Brazil, is a form of exploiting the Amazonian biodiversity for the benefit of society. Therefore, policies to foster research institutions should be a subject of deliberation and action of the scientific and technological community in Brazil

    Quantum field theory approach to the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene

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    The computation of the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene is discussed within the framework of quantum field theory in curved spaces. The analytical solutions of the Dirac equation in an arbitrary static background geometry for one dimensional periodic deformations are computed, together with the corresponding Dirac propagator. Analytical expressions are given for the optical conductivity of strained and deformed graphene associated with both intra and interbrand transitions. The special case of small deformations is discussed and the result compared to the prediction of the tight-binding model.The authors acknowledge financial supportfrom the Brazilian agencies FAPESP (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo) and CNPq (Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico)

    Gene Expression Profiling during Early Acute Febrile Stage of Dengue Infection Can Predict the Disease Outcome

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    Background: We report the detailed development of biomarkers to predict the clinical outcome under dengue infection. Transcriptional signatures from purified peripheral blood mononuclear cells were derived from whole-genome gene-expression microarray data, validated by quantitative PCR and tested in independent samples. Methodology/Principal Findings: The study was performed on patients of a well-characterized dengue cohort from Recife, Brazil. The samples analyzed were collected prospectively from acute febrile dengue patients who evolved with different degrees of disease severity: classic dengue fever or dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) samples were compared with similar samples from other non-dengue febrile illnesses. The DHF samples were collected 2-3 days before the presentation of the plasma leakage symptoms. Differentially-expressed genes were selected by univariate statistical tests as well as multivariate classification techniques. The results showed that at early stages of dengue infection, the genes involved in effector mechanisms of innate immune response presented a weaker activation on patients who later developed hemorrhagic fever, whereas the genes involved in apoptosis were expressed in higher levels. Conclusions/Significance: Some of the gene expression signatures displayed estimated accuracy rates of more than 95%, indicating that expression profiling with these signatures may provide a useful means of DHF prognosis at early stages of infection. © 2009 Nascimento et al

    Catálogo descritivo dos acessos da Coleção Nuclear de Arroz da Embrapa - CNAE versão 1.0.

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    Esta Série Documentos apresenta os resultados do desempenho agronômico de cada um dos 550 acessos da CNAE em 11 experimentos de campo, conduzidos no delineamento de Blocos Aumentados de Federer. Os locais onde os experimentos foram conduzidos no sistema de cultivo de sequeiro estão indicados nas fichas dos acessos. Nos demais locais, os ensaios foram conduzidos sob sistema irrigado. As escalas adotadas para as avaliações de algumas características estão descritas no Anexo I. Em Formoso do Araguaia foram conduzidos dois experimentos - com e sem aplicação de fungicida. Os acessos descritos nesta Série Documentos fazem parte da CNAE versão 1.0.bitstream/CNPAF/26576/1/doc_205.pd