1,926 research outputs found

    Regional geochemical and geophysical surveys in the Berwyn Dome and adjacent areas, north Wales

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    This report describes stream sediment and gravity surveys carried out across the Berwyn Dome and adjacent areas. The gravity survey confirmed the presence of a broad regional Bouguer anomaly low in the central part of the Dome, on which is superimposed several smaller irregular highs and lows. Some of these local anomalies possibly reflect small igneous bodies but more detailed gravity surveys would be needed to determine their form. Near Corwen the Bryneglwys Fault coincides with a 4.5 mGa1 anomaly but southwards the two features diverge, suggesting that the density interface is related either to a splay fault or to the eastern margin of the Lower Palaeozoic Montgomery trough. Some other structural trends are weakly reflected on the Bouguer anomaly and aeromagnetic maps, but there is no clear correlation with known base metal mineralisation. The Bouguer anomalies cannot be attributed to particular structures with any certainty but are probably due to a number of factors, including variation in the Precambrian basement and changes in the lithology and thickness of Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary rocks. There is no evidence for a large granitic body in Lower Palaeozoic rocks underlying the mineralisation at Llangynog. The aeromagnetic map suggests the presence of a magnetic basement at a depth of 3-4 km centred beneath the northwestern margin of the Dome. The stream sediment survey involved the collection of a - 100 mesh stream sediment, panned concentrate and water sample from each of the 399 sites sampled. The sample density was 1 site per 1.5 km*. Cu, Pb, Zn, Ba, Fe, Mn, Co, V, Cr, Ni, Zr, MO and Sn were determined in the stream sediments, Cu, Pb, Zn, Ba, Fe, Mn, Ce, Sn, Sb, Ti, Ni and As in the panned concentrates and Cu, Pb and Zn in stream waters. Major variations in the results are related to (i) hydrous oxide precipitation processes, (ii) contamination from human activities, (iii) base metal and baryte mineralisation, (iv) monazite concentrations in panned concentrates, (v) hitherto unrecorded gold mineralisation and (vi) lithological variations. The latter were related principally to shale-sandstone variation, but groups of elements attributable to the presence of basic intrusions, phosphatic rocks, coal measures, sandstones, limestones and volcanics were also discerned. Threshold levels were established from cumulative frequency curve analysis, and some anomalous sites were examined in the field. Anomalies did not form prominent coherent groups and were generally weak and scattered, with a wide variety of element groupings reflecting a range of causes. Many anomalous panned concentrates were examined mineralogically to try to . determine whether anomalies were related to chemically extreme background lithologies, contamination, or mineralisation. All the anomalies were related to one or more of the major causes of variation, although because of the very limited amount of follow-up work carried out the precise cause of many anomalies remains uncertain. No anomaly is considered to represent a strong prospect but several deserve further limited investigation, notably those associated with (i) gold mineralisation in the northwest of the area, (ii) baryte, perhaps accompanied by base metal ’ mineralisation, associated with Caradocian volcanics and phosphatic rocks at several localities, (iii) mineralisation associated with Llandeilian limestones and volcanic rocks north of Llanrhaeadr, and (iv) copper mineralisation associated with intrusives near the eastern margin of the Dome, where survey data is most incomplete

    Geochemical and geophysical investigations north-west of Llanrwst, North Wales

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    Reconnaissance stream sediment surveys, carried out both by IGS and by Noranda Exploration (UK) Limited, detected zinc anomalies in the Afon Dulyn. It seemed probable either that they reflected a hidden extension of the Llanrwst lead-zinc mining field, or that they were concentrations related in the first instance to hydrous oxide precipitates produced by changes in the secondary environment. To test which of these possibilities was the most likely, a more detailed drainage survey of the Afon Dulyn and Llyn Eigiau areas was carried out. Stream sediment , panned concentrate and stream water samples were collected from each of 28 sites and analysed for a range of elements which included copper, lead and zinc in all three sample types, and iron, manganese and barium in sediments and concentrates. Readings were taken of the pH in stream water and soil at many points in the area. In addition , ground magnetic traverses were surveyed in the Foe1 Fras and Drosgl areas where there are known to be positive aeromagnetic anomalies. The analytical results were examined in some detail by various statistical methods, from which it was concluded that most of the high zinc in stream sediment results were related to hydrous oxide precipitates. The distribution of elements in a few samples showed some indications of mineralisation, but mineralogical examination of the panned concentrates from these sites found no mineral phases which could be related directly to mineralisation or contamination, zinc occurring mainly in iron oxide coatings. It is thus apparent that a source of zinc exists in the general area, perhaps on the wide interfluves, but it is not known whether this source is dispersed or concentrated (i.e. mineralisation)

    Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation at Benglog, north Wales

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    Exploration for volcanogenic sulphide mineralisation around Benglog is one of three investigations designed to assess the metallogenic potential of the Ordovician Aran Volcanic Group. Detailed geological mapping in the Benglog area enabled an interpretation of the volcanic environment, critical to such an assessment, to be made. The eruptive rocks are acid and basic in composition; the acid rocks are mostly ash-flow tuffs derived from outside the area, whereas the basic rocks have a local derivation. They are all interbedded with dark grey or black silty mudstone and were probably erupted in a submarine environment. Contemporaneous dolerite sills were intruded into wet sediment. This environment was suitable for volcanogenic exhalative sulphide deposits to form and indications of a metallogenic horizon were found at the top of the Y Fron Formation in the form of abundant pyrite, minor pyrrhotite and minor base metal enrichment. Soil samples, analysed for copper, lead and zinc, were collected and geophysical surveys were carried out along eleven east-west trending traverse lines 300 m apart across the volcanic succession. Indications were found of minor vein mineralisation at dolerite intrusion margins and locally along faults. Very high chargeability and low resistivity anomalies over mudstones did not spatially coincide with geochemical anomalies in soil, but the secondary redistribution of metals in soils and variable thickness of overburden precluded confident interpretation of the source of many soil anomalies. Geochemical drainage data, in conjunction with rock analyses, show strong barium enrichment in mudstones which could be volcanogenic in origin but related to two separate eruptive episodes. The findings of the survey were inconclusive. An environment suitable for the formation of volcanogenic exhalative sulphide deposits was established, but the geochemical and geophysical surveys located only minor vein mineralisation and tenuous indications of other styles of mineralisation. Recommendations are made for further work

    Cocaine self-administration in the mouse: A low- cost, chronic catheter preparation

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    Intravenous drug self-administration is the most valid animal model of human addiction because it allows volitional titration of the drug in the blood based on an individual’s motivational state together with the pharmacokinetic properties of the drug. Here we describe a reliable low-cost mouse self-administration catheter assembly and protocol that that can be used to assess a variety of drugs of abuse with a variety of protocols. We describe a method for intravenous catheter fabrication that allows for efficient and long-lasting intravenous drug delivery. The intravenous catheters remained intact and patent for several weeks allowing us to establish stable maintenance of cocaine acquisition. This was followed by a dose response study in the same mice. For collaborators interested in premade catheters for research please make a request at www.neuro-cloud.net/nature-precedings/pomerenze

    Mineral exploration in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of south-west Cumbria. Part 1, regional surveys

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    The results of geochemical, geological and geophysical surveys over Lower Palaeozoic rocks in the south-western part of Cumbria are given in two reports. This report (Part 1) describes the results of a geochemical drainage survey and an examination of mineralised sites, and relates them to information from new geological mapping and an assessment of regional geophysical data. Part 2 contains details of follow-up surveys in the Black Combe inlier. The geochemical drainage survey, involving the collection and analysis of heavy mineral concentrates and stream sediment samples from 119 sites, found substantial antimony, arsenic, barium, bismuth, copper, iron, lead, tin, tungsten and zinc anomalies. Gold was reported for the first time from this part of the Lake District: small amounts were noted in panned concentrates from five sites. Other minerals identified in panned concentrates included arsenopyrite, baryte, bismutite, bismuthinite, cassiterite, chalcopyrite, cerussite, pyrite, pyromorphite, scheelite, sphalerite, stolzite and wolfram&e. The examination of old workings and outcrops revealed many undocumented occurrences of quartzsulphide vein-style mineralisation. The chemical analysis of samples taken from old workings and other occurrences confirmed field observations that locally, particularly in the Black Combe area, this mineralisation is polymetallic with variable amounts of arsenic, gold, bismuth, copper, lead, zinc and in a few cases antimony, barium, cobalt, nickel, tungsten and tin. Iron mineralisation occurs both as oxide (hematite) and sulphide deposits. Mercury was present in appreciable amounts in samples from the High Brow pyrite mine. The distribution of panned concentrate anomalies suggests that the vein-style mineralisation is polyphase and that individual phases may be zoned. Highest zinc anomalies occur near Torver and the highest lead on the west side of Black Combe. Tin and tungsten are restricted largely to the central part of Black Combe, and the most prominent arsenic and bismuth anomalies are found in the same area. Copper anomalies are widespread over the Skiddaw Group and the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. Barium anomalies indicate that baryte mineralisation is weak and localised, occurring principally within the Black Combe area and close to the Windermere Supergroup basal unconformity. Iron oxides from host rocks and hematite mineralisation are responsible for local enrichments of iron, antimony, arsenic and molybdenum in panned concentrates

    Radiocarbon Date List X: Baffin Bay, Baffin Island, Iceland, Labrador Sea, and the Northern North Atlantic

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    Date List X contains an annotated listing of 213 radiocarbon dates determined on samples from marine and terrestrial environments. The marine samples were collected from the East Greenland, Iceland, Spitzbergen, and Norwegian margins, Baffin Bay, and Labrador Sea. The terrestrial samples were collected from Vestfirdir, Iceland and Baffin Island. The samples were submitted by INSTAAR and researchers affiliated with INSTAAR\u27s Micropaleontology Laboratory under the direction of Dr.’s John T. Andrews and Anne E. Jennings. All of the dates from marine sediment cores were determined from either shells or foraminifera (both benthic and planktic). All dates were obtained by the Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) method. Regions of concentrated marine research include: Baffin Bay, Baffin Island, Labrador Sea, East Greenland fjords, shelf and slope, Denmark Strait, the southwestern and northwestern Iceland shelves, and Vestfirdir, Iceland. The non-marine radiocarbon dates are from peat, wood, plant microfossils, and mollusc. The radiocarbon dates have been used to address a variety of research objectives such as: 1. determining the timing of northern hemisphere high latitude environmental changes including glacier advance and retreat, and 2. assessing the accuracy of a fluctuating reservoir correction. Thus, most of the dates constrain the timing, rate, and interaction of late Quaternary paleoenvironmental fluctuations in sea level, glacier extent, sediment input, and changes in ocean circulation patterns. Where significant, stratigraphic and sample contexts are presented for each core to document the basis for interpretations

    Mineral exploration in the Cockermouth area, Cumbria. Part 2: follow-up surveys

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    This report describes the results of geochemical, geological and geophysical surveys across three small areas of Carboniferous and Lower Palaeozoic rocks along the northern margin of the English Lake District. The areas were chosen from the appraisal of regional-scale survey data described by Cooper et al. (1991). In two of the areas, Ruthwaite and Tallentire, the objective was to provide more information on the extent and magnitude of fracture-controlled epigenetic baryte and base metal mineralisation. In the third area, at Whitrigg, brief surveys were carried out to aid the interpretation of unexplained geochemical and geophysical anomalies found during two projects carried out under the Mineral Exploration and Investment Grants Act (MEIGA). At Ruthwaite, where a mine formerly worked baryte from a fault separating Lower Palaeozoic and Carboniferous rocks, surface indications of further baryte mineralisation were found. Soil analyses indicated that mineralisation may be present along the continuation of the faultline worked at Ruthwaite and in the Eycott Volcanic Group rocks to the south of it. In this area relatively small, but in some circumstances perhaps economically attractive, deposits of baryte may be present under drift cover. In the Tallentire Hill area, geological mapping followed by traverse-based soil sampling showed that fracture-controlled mineralisation is widespread in the Carboniferous (Dinantian and Namurian) rocks. The fracture fillings consist dominantly of baryte, often accompanied by carbonate, with traces of copper and mercury. Where seen at surface the fracture fillings are too small, patchy and low-grade to be of any economic importance. Baryte mineralisation also occurs locally as patchy impregnations in sandstones. These are considered to be epigenetic deposits related to the fracture-controlled mineralisation. Trial geophysical surveys suggested that electrical methods may be useful in determining the extent of the mineralised sandstone. There is a possibility that more extensive baryte deposits may be present in the limestone succession underlying the mineralised sandstones. In the Whitrigg area, Carboniferous rocks are separated from Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Eycott Volcanic Group by the easterly-trending Boundary Fault and north-westerly-trending Bothel Fault. Evidence from an old mineral working and the results of a soil survey indicate that patchy, epigenetic, fracture-controlled baryte and base metal mineralisation occurs along the Bothel Fault and, locally, in the adjacent rocks. A feature of this mineralisation is the presence of mercury, which is most abundant in a sample of brecciated and altered rock from the Eycott Volcanic Group. Prominent base metal in soil anomalies discovered by MEIGA-funded projects near Stangerhill are not associated with barium anomalies. It was concluded that these soil anomalies are most likely to be caused by secondary concentration in overburden, and that the source of metals may be a sub-cropping metalliferous horizon within the Carboniferous succession or, more probably, fracture-controlled mineralisation. Trial geophysical surveys carried out in all three areas indicated that in ground free of artificial sources the VLF(EM) and conductivity mapping methods could be useful for tracing faults beneath drift and providing information on drift thickness. Closely-spaced soil sampling proved effective for detecting mineralisation in areas where the drift cover is thin, and a trial soil-gas survey showed that this technique could also be useful for tracing faults beneath drift

    Disordered Hubbard Model with Attraction: Coupling Energy of Cooper Pairs in Small Clusters

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    We generalize the Cooper problem to the case of many interacting particles in the vicinity of the Fermi level in the presence of disorder. On the basis of this approach we study numerically the variation of the pair coupling energy in small clusters as a function of disorder. We show that the Cooper pair energy is strongly enhanced by disorder, which at the same time leads to the localization of pairs.Comment: revtex, 5 pages, 6 figure

    The Point of Origin of the Radio Radiation from the Unresolved Cores of Radio-Loud Quasars

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    Locating the exact point of origin of the core radiation in active galactic nuclei (AGN) would represent important progress in our understanding of physical processes in the central engine of these objects. However, due to our inability to resolve the region containing both the central compact object and the jet base, this has so far been difficult. Here, using an analysis in which the lack of resolution does not play a significant role, we demonstrate that it may be impossible even in most radio loud sources for more than a small percentage of the core radiation at radio wavelengths to come from the jet base. We find for 3C279 that ∼85\sim85 percent of the core flux at 15 GHz must come from a separate, reasonably stable, region that is not part of the jet base, and that then likely radiates at least quasi-isotropically and is centered on the black hole. The long-term stability of this component also suggests that it may originate in a region that extends over many Schwarzschild radii.Comment: 7 pages with 3 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc
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