13 research outputs found

    Effect of eye lateralization on contralateral suppression of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions

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    Several studies have previously demonstrated that postural changes modify evoked otoacoustic emission. In order to evaluate a possible interaction between eye muscles and ciliated cells in the inner ear, we studied the effects of eye lateralization on the contralateral suppression of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs). Thirty-eight normal hearing subjects with TEOAEs were recruited. Their TEAOEs at threshold level were recorded with contralateral suppression (white noise) via straight ahead fixation and right or left lateral fixation. Eye lateralization in the same direction of the white noise significantly decreased the suppression at 4 kHz (p = 0.003). The signal-to-noise ratio in the suppression condition with straight ahead was 1.54 (± 4.610) dB, while the ratio was 3.48 (± 4.631) dB in the suppression condition with gaze toward the white noise. Eye lateralization seems to reduce the contralateral suppression effect of TEOAEs at 4 kHz. However, further studies are necessary to investigate the possible mechanisms of this phenomenon

    Cochlear active mechanisms in young normal-hearing subjects affected by Williams syndrome : time-frequency analysis of otoacoustic emissions

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the functionality of cochlear active mechanisms in normal-hearing subjects affected by Williams syndrome (WS). Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) were recorded in a group of young WS subjects and a group of typically developing control subjects, all having normal-hearing thresholds and normal middle-ear functionality. We also analysed the narrow-band frequency components of TEOAEs, extracted from the broad-band TEOAE recordings by using a time-frequency analysis algorithm based on the Wavelet transform. We observed that TEOAEs and the frequency components extracted from TEOAEs measured in WS subjects had significantly lower energy compared to the controls. Also, the narrow-band frequency components of TEOAEs measured in WS subjects had slightly increased latency compared to the controls. Overall, results would suggest a subtle (i.e., sub-clinical) dysfunction of the cochlear active mechanisms in WS subjects with otherwise normal hearing. Also, results point out the relevance of using otoacoustic emissions in the audiological evaluation and monitoring of WS subjects to early identify possible subtle auditory dysfunctions, before the onset of mild or moderate hearing loss that could exacerbate language or cognitive impairments associated with WS

    Effetti della lateralizzazione dello sguardo sulla soppressione controlaterale delle otoemissioni evocate transienti : risultati preliminari

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    Diversi studi hanno precedentemente valutato la correlazione tra modifiche nella postura e il sistema uditivo dimostrando che cambiamenti posturali variano le otoemissioni acustiche. Scopo di questo studio \ue8 valutare l\u2019interazione tra i muscoli oculari e le cellule ciliate dell\u2019orecchio interno. Si recluteranno soggetti normoacusici che presentino otoemissioni evocate transienti (TEOAEs) e in cui sia possibile registrare un effetto inibitorio controlaterale. Le TEOAEs verranno registrate chiedendo ai soggetti di mantenere lo sguardo fisso davanti a s\ue9, fisso verso destra e, fisso verso sinistra. I primi risultati sembrano indicare un aumento dell\u2019effetto inibitore a 1 KHz quando lo sguardo \ue8 fisso nella stessa direzione del rumore bianco. Questo suggerisce l\u2019esistenza di una connessione indiretta tra i muscoli oculari e l\u2019attivit\ue0 del sistema olivo cocleare

    L'iperacusia nella sindrome di Williams: una disfunzione della via efferente olivo-cocleare può esserne la causa?

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    Scopo dello studio: la sindrome di Williams \ue8 un disordine multisistemico caratterizzato da ritardo mentale, stenosi aortica sopravalvolare, bassa statura e facies caratteristica. I pazienti affetti frequentemente lamentano una iperacusia; in genere il fastidio intenso \ue8 indotto da suoni che vengono normalmente ben tollerati da tutti. Ad oggi poco \ue8 noto riguardo i meccanismi che sottendono questa ipersensibilit\ue0 uditiva. Scopo di questo studio \ue8 verificare l'efficienza del sistema uditivo efferente ed in particolare del fascio olivo-cocleare mediale, la cui disfunzione \ue8 correlata ad una minor protezione dai suoni pi\uf9 intensi. Metodi: sono stati studiati 10 soggetti affetti da s. di Williams (8-24 anni; media: 15) e 10 soggetti normali (9-24; media 15) secondo il seguente protocollo: audiometria tonale e vocale, impedenzometria, registrazione delle TEOAE basali (stimolo 80 dB SPL), test di inibizione controlaterale delle TEOAE (click lineare, intensit\ue0 65 dB SPL, inibizione controlaterale ottenuta con rumore bianco di 30 dB SPL) ripetuto 3 volte. Risultati: tutti i soggetti erano normoacusici (PTA pazienti: 11.06 sB HL, norali: 10.81 dB HL); i timpanogrammi erano tutti di tipo A ed i riflessi stapediali sempre presenti; le TEOAE basali sono state sempre evocate con risposta media di 13.34 dB a destra e 12.94 dB a sinistra nei pazienti e 17.01 dB a destra e 15.34 dB a sinistra nei normali. Un deficit di inibizione delle otoemissioni \ue8 emerso in 3 pazienti (1 au destro e 2 au sinistri) ed in nessun soggetto normale. Discussione e Conclusioni. La positivit\ue0 del test di inibizione delle otoemissioni acustiche evocate solo nei pazienti \ue8 indicativa di una possibile disfunzione del fascio olivo-cocleare mediale in soggetti affetti da sindrome di Williams. Il numero limitato di casi positivi (3 orecchi di 3 soggetti) tuttavia non permette di affermare che il deficit del sistema efferente uditivo sia la causa dell'iperacusia. Dal momento che il fastidio \ue8 indotto da suoni di norma ben tollerati a tutti, pi\uf9 correttamente si dovrebbe parlare di "allodinia uditiva" e non di "iperacusia"; si potrebbe allora ipotizzare che alla base vi sia una "iperattivit\ue0" della via uditiva centrale che solo occasionalmente determina una disfunzione del fascio olivo-cocleare

    L'iperacusia nella sindrome di Williams: una disfunzione della via efferente olivo-cocleare può esserne la causa?

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    La Sindrome di Williams \ue8 un disordine multisistemico caratterizzato da ritardo mentale, stenosi aortica sopravalvolare, bassa statura e facies caratteristica. I pazienti affetti frequentemente lamentano una \u201ciperacusia\u201d; in genere il fastidio intenso \ue8 indotto da suoni che vengono normalmente ben tollerati da tutti. Ad oggi poco \ue8 noto riguardo i meccanismi che sottendono questa ipersensibilit\ue0 uditiva. Scopo di questo studio \ue8 verificare l\u2019efficienza del sistema uditivo efferente ed in particolare del fascio olivo-cocleare mediale, la cui disfunzione \ue8 correlata ad una minor protezione dai suoni pi\uf9 intensi. Metodi. Sono stati studiati 10 soggetti affetti da S. di Williams (8- 24 anni; media:15) e 10 soggetti normali (9-24; media 15) secondo il seguente protocollo: Audiometria tonale e vocale, Impedenzometria, registrazione delle TEOAE basali (stimolo 80 dBSPL), test di inibizione controlaterale delle TEOAE (click lineare, intensit\ue0 65 dBSPL; inibizione controlaterale ottenuta con rumore bianco di 30 dBSL) ripetuto 3 volte. Risultati. Tutti i soggetti erano normoacusici (PTA pazienti: 11.06 dBHL, normali: 10.81 dBHL); i timpanogrammi erano tutti di tipo A ed i riflessi stapediali sempre presenti; le TEOAE basali sono state sempre evocate con risposta media di 13.34 dB a destra e 12.94 dB a sinistra nei pazienti e 17.01 dB a destra e 15.34 dB a sinistra nei normali. Un deficit di inibizione delle otoemissioni \ue8 emerso in 3 pazienti (1 au destro e 2 au sinistri) ed in nessun soggetto normale. Discussione e Conclusioni. La positivit\ue0 del test di inibizione delle otoemissioni acustiche evocate solo nei pazienti \ue8 indicativa di una possibile disfunzione del fascio olivo-cocleare mediale in soggetti affetti dalla Sindrome di Williams. Il numero limitato di casi positivi (3 orecchie di 3 soggetti) tuttavia non permette di affermare che il deficit del sistema efferente uditivo sia la causa della iperacusia. Dal momento che il fastidio \ue8 indotto da suoni di norma ben tollerati da tutti, pi\uf9 correttamente si dovrebbe parlare di \u201callodinia uditiva\u201d e non di \u201ciperacusia\u201d; si potrebbe allora ipotizzare che alla base vi sia una \u201ciperattivit\ue0\u201d della via uditiva centrale che solo occasionalmente determina una disfunzione del fascio olivo-cocleare

    Audiological follow-up of 24 patients affected by Williams syndrome

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    Williams syndrome is a neurodevelopmental disorder associated with cardiovascular problems, facial abnormalities and several behavioural and neurological disabilities. It is also characterized by some typical audiological features including abnormal sensitivity to sounds, cochlear impairment related to the outer hair cells of the basal turn of the cochlea, and sensorineural or mixed hearing loss, predominantly in the high frequency range. The aim of this report is to describe a follow-up study of auditory function in a cohort of children affected by this syndrome. 24 patients, aged 5\u201314 years, were tested by means of air/bone conduction pure-tone audiometry, immittance test and transient evoked otoacoustic emissions. They were evaluated again 5 years after the first assessment, and 10 of them underwent a second follow-up examination after a further 5 years. The audiometric results showed hearing loss, defined by a pure tone average >15 dB HL, in 12.5% of the participants. The incidence of hearing loss did not change over the 5-year period and increased to 30% in the patients who underwent the 10-year follow-up. Progressive sensorineural hearing loss was detected in 20% of the patients. A remarkable finding of our study regarded sensorineural hearing impairment in the high frequency range, which increased significantly from 25% to 50% of the participants over the 5-year period. The increase became even more significant in the group of patients who underwent the 10-year follow-up, by which time the majority of them (80%) had developed sensorineural hearing loss. Otoacoustic emissions were found to be absent in a high percentage of patients, thus confirming the cochlear fragility of individuals with Williams syndrome. Our study verified that most of the young Williams syndrome patients had normal hearing sensitivity within the low-middle frequency range, but showed a weakness regarding the high frequencies, the threshold of which worsened significantly over time in most patients

    Audiological findings in Williams syndrome : a study of 69 patients

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    The aim of this study was to investigate, in a clinical setting, the auditory function of a group of individuals affected by Williams syndrome (WS). Sixty-nine patients with WS, aged 2-30, underwent comprehensive audiological testing including air/bone conduction behavioral audiometry, speech audiometry, tympanometry and measurement of the acoustic reflex, transient evoked otoacoustic emissions and brainstem auditory evoked responses. Hearing loss, defined by a pure-tone average above 15\u2009dB HL, affected 22.6% of the patients studied with traditional audiometry and was mostly slight in severity. Hearing loss was conductive in 9.4% of patients, mainly children with otitis media with effusion, and sensorineural in 13.2% of patients. However, 30% of the ears studied had a hearing impairment in the high frequency range (high-frequency pure-tone audiometry above 15\u2009dB HL), higher in participants above 15 years (46.15%) than in the younger ones (23.45%). Contralateral stapedial reflexes were present in all patients with A-type tympanograms. Transient otoacoustic emissions were absent in 44% of the ears of patients with normal hearing. Brainstem auditory evoked responses fell within normal ranges thus confirming the absence of retrocochlear dysfunction. Although hearing loss does not seem to be frequent, a cochlear fragility, especially in the high frequency range, related to outer hair cells is characteristic of WS. Therefore we strongly recommend monitoring patients affected by WS using annual audiometric tests and performing otoacoustic emissions in order to identify a subclinical cochlear dysfunction which might benefit from an audiological follow up before the possible onset of hearing loss