1,238 research outputs found

    Water vapor and silicon monoxide maser observations in the protoplanetary nebula OH 231.8+4

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    OH 231.8+4.2 is a well studied preplanetary nebula (pPN) around a binary stellar system that shows a remarkable bipolar outflow. To study the structure and kinematics of the inner 10-80 AU nebular regions we performed high-resolution observations of the H2_2O 61,6_{1,6}--52,3_{2,3} and 28^{28}SiO vv=2, JJ=1--0 maser emissions with the Very Long Baseline Array. The absolute position of both emission distributions were recovered using the phase referencing technique, and accurately registered in HST optical images. H2_2O maser clumps are found to be distributed in two areas of 20 mas in size spatially displaced by ∼\sim60 milli-arcseconds along an axis oriented nearly north-south. SiO masers are tentatively found to be placed between the two H2_2O maser emitting regions, probably indicating the position of the Mira component of the system. The SiO maser emission traces an inner equatorial component with a diameter of 12 AU, probably a disk rotating around the M-type star. Outwards, we detect in the H2_2O data a pair of polar caps, separated by 80 AU. We believe that the inner regions of the nebula probably have been altered by the presence of the companion, leading to an equator-to-pole density contrast that may explain the lack of H2_2O masers and strong SiO maser emission in the denser, equatorial regions.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, A&A accepte

    Recent developments in the eikonal description of the breakup of exotic nuclei

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    The study of exotic nuclear structures, such as halo nuclei, is usually performed through nuclear reactions. An accurate reaction model coupled to a realistic description of the projectile is needed to correctly interpret experimental data. In this contribution, we briefly summarise the assumptions made within the modelling of reactions involving halo nuclei. We describe briefly the Continuum-Discretised Coupled Channel method (CDCC) and the Dynamical Eikonal Approximation (DEA) in particular and present a comparison between them for the breakup of 15C on Pb at 68AMeV. We show the problem faced by the models based on the eikonal approximation at low energy and detail a correction that enables their extension down to lower beam energies. A new reaction observable is also presented. It consists of the ratio between angular distributions for two different processes, such as elastic scattering and breakup. This ratio is completely independent of the reaction mechanism and hence is more sensitive to the projectile structure than usual reaction observables, which makes it a very powerful tool to study exotic structures far from stability.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the XXI International School on Nuclear Physics and Applications & the International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei, dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the JINR (Dubna) (Varna, Bulgaria, 6-12 September 2015), 7 pages, 4 figure

    Relative astrometry of the J=1-0, v=1 and v=2 SiO masers towards R Leonis Minoris using VERA

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    Oxygen-rich Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars are intense emitters of SiO and H2_2O maser lines at 43 (J=1-0, v=1 and 2) and 22 GHz, respectively. VLBI observations of the maser emission provides a unique tool to sample the innermost layers of the circumstellar envelopes in AGB stars. Nevertheless, the difficulties in achieving astrometrically aligned v=1 and v=2 SiO maser maps have traditionally prevented a unique interpretation of the observations in terms of physical underlying conditions, which depend on the nature of the SiO pumping mechanism. We have carried out observations of the SiO and H2_2O maser emission towards RLMi, using the astrometric capabilities of VERA. Due to the too-weak emission of the reference calibrator we had to develop a special method to accurately relate the coordinates for both transitions. We present relative astrometrically aligned v=1 and v=2 J=1-0 SiO maser maps, at multiple epochs, and discuss the astrophysical results. The incorporation of astrometric information into the maps of SiO masers challenges the weak points in the current theoretical models, which will need further refinements to address the observations results.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Relationships between fat depots and body condition score or tail fatness in Rasa Aragonesa breed

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    The relationships between body fat depots and body condition score (BCS) were determined in 52 adult Rasa Aragonesa ewes aged 10 (s.d. 2) years and ranging in BCS from 1-5 to 4•5. BCS of each ewe was assessed by three people. the repeatability within individual being 90"/0 and between individuals 80%. The ewes were weighed before slaughter. After slaughter the omental mesenteric kidney and pelvic fat were separated and weighed. The fat of the left side of the carcass was separated into subcutaneous and intermuscular depots. The relationship between live weight and BCS was semilogarithmic and those between fat depots and BCS were logarithmic. Regression analysis was also used to describe the relationships between the various fat depots and BCS or live weight Of the variation in total fat weight. proportionately 0•90 was accounted for by variations in BCS while 0•84 was accounted for by variations in live weight. For individual fat depots proportionately 0•86 to 0•90 of the variation was accounted for by variation in BCS and 0•69 to 0-79 by variation in live weight. BCS was a better predictor than live weight of the weight of both total body fat and the individual fat depots. A curvilinear regression between BCS and live weight showed that the increases in live weight for a unit change in BCS was 7, 10, 12 and 16 kg for each one point increase ill BCS from 1 to 5 respectively. The tail fat depot (tail fatness score) •Was assessed in the same ewes by score on a three-point scale. Of the variation in the weight of individual fat depots proportionately 0•79 to 0•86 was accounted for by variation in tail fatness score. Thus the tail fatness score could be used as an additional method of assessing body condition in the Aragonesa breed

    A note on the use of a lumbar joint as a predictor of body fat depots in Aragonesa ewes with different body confition scores

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    The lumbar joint, which is handled to assess body condition scores, was taken from 52 adult Rasa Aragonesa ewes with body condition scores between 1·5 and 4·5 and dissected into muscle, bone, subcutaneous and intermuscular fat. The subcutaneous fat in the lumbar joint was highly correlated with total fat in the body (r=0·97), confirming the value of this region for assessing body condition in Rasa Aragonesa ewes

    Astrometry of circumstellar masers

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    The circumstellar masers around evolved stars offer an interesting possibility to measure stellar parameters through VLBI astrometry. In this paper the application of this technique is discussed, including the accuracy and the uncertainties of the method. The different maser species (OH, H_2O, SiO) have slightly different characteristics and applications. This paper does not concern astrometry of maser spots to study the kinematics of the envelope, but concentrates on attempting to measure the motion of the underlying star.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, to appear in "Mass-losing Stars and their Circumstellar Matter", eds Y. Nakada & M. Honma, Kluwer ASSL serie
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