31 research outputs found

    Ambient aerosol size distributions and number concentrations measured during the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study (PAQS)

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    Twelve months of aerosol size distributions from 3 to 560nm, measured using scanning mobility particle sizers are presented with an emphasis on average number, surface, and volume distributions, and seasonal and diurnal variation. The measurements were made at the main sampling site of the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study from July 2001 to June 2002. These are supplemented with 5 months of size distribution data from 0.5 to 2.5μm measured with a TSI aerosol particle sizer and 2 months of size distributions measured at an upwind rural sampling site. Measurements at the main site were made continuously under both low and ambient relative humidity. The average Pittsburgh number concentration (3-500nm) is 22,000cm-3 with an average mode size of 40nm. Strong diurnal patterns in number concentrations are evident as a direct effect of the sources of particles (atmospheric nucleation, traffic, and other combustion sources). New particle formation from homogeneous nucleation is significant on 30-50% of study days and over a wide area (at least a hundred kilometers). Rural number concentrations are a factor of 2-3 lower (on average) than the urban values. Average measured distributions are different from model literature urban and rural size distributions. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Nucleation events during the Pittsburgh air quality study: Description and relation to key meteorological, gas phase, and aerosol parameters

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    During the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study (PAQS) aerosol size distributions between 3 nm and 680 nm were measured between July 2001 and June 2002. These distributions have been analyzed to assess the importance of nucleation as a source of ultrafine particles in Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas. The analysis shows nucleation on 50\% of the study days and regional-scale formation of ultrafine particles on 30\% of the days. Nucleation occurred during all seasons, but it was most frequent in fall and spring and least frequent in winter. Regional nucleation was most common on sunny days with below average PM2.5 concentrations. Local nucleation events were usually associated with elevated SO2 concentrations. The observed nucleation events ranged from weak events with only a slight increase in the particle number to relatively intense events with increases of total particle counts between 50,000 cm(-3) up to 150,000 cm(-3). Averaging all days of the study, days with nucleation events had number concentrations peaking at around noon at about 45,000 cm(-3). This is compared to work days without nucleation, when the daily maximum was 8 am at 23,000 cm-3, and to weekends without nucleation, when the daily maximum was at noon at 16,000 cm(-3). Twenty-four-hour average number concentrations were approximately 40\% higher on days with nucleation compared to those without. Nucleation was typically observed starting around 9 am EST, although the start of nucleation events was later in winter and earlier in summer. The nucleation events are fairly well correlated with the product of {[}UV intensity {*} SO2 concentration] and also depend on the effective area available for condensation. This indicates that H2SO4 is a component of the new particles. Published correlations for nucleation by binary H2SO4-H2O cannot explain the observed nucleation frequency and intensity, suggesting that an additional component (perhaps ammonia) is participating in the particle formation

    A method for the in situ measurement of fine aerosol water content of ambient aerosols: The dry-ambient aerosol size spectrometer (DAASS)

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    Hygroscopic growth of atmospheric particles affects a number of environmentally important aerosol properties. Due to the hysteresis exhibited by the aerosol hygroscopic growth, the physical state of particles and the amount of aerosol water are uncertain within a wide range of relative humidities (RHs) found in the troposphere, leading to uncertainties in optical and chemical properties of the aerosol. Here we report the design and tests of an automated system that was built to assess the amount of aerosol water at atmospheric conditions. The system consists of two scanning mobility particle sizers (SMPS) and an aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) that measure the aerosol size distribution between 3 nm and 10 mum in diameter. The inlets of the instruments and their sheath air lines are equipped with computer-controlled valves that direct air through Nation dryers or bypass them. The Nation dryers dehydrate the air streams to below 30\% RH at which point ambient particles are expected to lose most or all water. The switch between the dried and the ambient conditions occurs every 7 min and is synchronized with the scan times of the aerosol spectrometers. In this way the system measures alternatively dried (below 30\% RH) and ambient aerosol size distributions. A comparison of the ambient RH and the dried RH size distributions and the corresponding integrated volume concentrations provides a measure of the physical state of particles and the amount of aerosol water. The aerosol water content can be treated as a growth factor or as an absolute quantity and can be calculated as a time series or as a function of RH (humidigram). When combined with aerosol composition measurements, the DAASS can be used to compare hygroscopic growth models and measurements