8 research outputs found

    Divergent Roles of Clock Genes in Retinal and Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Circadian Oscillators

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    The retina is both a sensory organ and a self-sustained circadian clock. Gene targeting studies have revealed that mammalian circadian clocks generate molecular circadian rhythms through coupled transcription/translation feedback loops which involve 6 core clock genes, namely Period (Per) 1 and 2, Cryptochrome (Cry) 1 and 2, Clock, and Bmal1 and that the roles of individual clock genes in rhythms generation are tissue-specific. However, the mechanisms of molecular circadian rhythms in the mammalian retina are incompletely understood and the extent to which retinal neural clocks share mechanisms with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), the central neural clock, is unclear. In the present study, we examined the rhythmic amplitude and period of real-time bioluminescence rhythms in explants of retina from Per1-, Per2-, Per3-, Cry1-, Cry2-, and Clock-deficient mice that carried transgenic PERIOD2::LUCIFERASE (PER2::LUC) or Period1::luciferase (Per1::luc) circadian reporters. Per1-, Cry1- and Clock-deficient retinal and SCN explants showed weakened or disrupted rhythms, with stronger effects in retina compared to SCN. Per2, Per3, and Cry2 were individually dispensable for sustained rhythms in both tissues. Retinal and SCN explants from double knockouts of Cry1 and Cry2 were arrhythmic. Gene effects on period were divergent with reduction in the number of Per1 alleles shortening circadian period in retina, but lengthening it in SCN, and knockout of Per3 substantially shortening retinal clock period, but leaving SCN unaffected. Thus, the retinal neural clock has a unique pattern of clock gene dependence at the tissue level that it is similar in pattern, but more severe in degree, than the SCN neural clock, with divergent clock gene regulation of rhythmic period

    Spatial Distribution of the Pathways of Cholesterol Homeostasis in Human Retina

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    The retina is a light-sensitive tissue lining the inner surface of the eye and one of the few human organs whose cholesterol maintenance is still poorly understood. Challenges in studies of the retina include its complex multicellular and multilayered structure; unique cell types and functions; and specific physico-chemical environment.We isolated specimens of the neural retina (NR) and underlying retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/choroid from six deceased human donors and evaluated them for expression of genes and proteins representing the major pathways of cholesterol input, output and regulation. Eighty-four genes were studied by PCR array, 16 genes were assessed by quantitative real time PCR, and 13 proteins were characterized by immunohistochemistry. Cholesterol distribution among different retinal layers was analyzed as well by histochemical staining with filipin. Our major findings pertain to two adjacent retinal layers: the photoreceptor outer segments of NR and the RPE. We demonstrate that in the photoreceptor outer segments, cholesterol biosynthesis, catabolism and regulation via LXR and SREBP are weak or absent and cholesterol content is the lowest of all retinal layers. Cholesterol maintenance in the RPE is different, yet the gene expression also does not appear to be regulated by the SREBPs and varies significantly among different individuals.This comprehensive investigation provides important insights into the relationship and spatial distribution of different pathways of cholesterol input, output and regulation in the NR-RPE region. The data obtained are important for deciphering the putative link between cholesterol and age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of irreversible vision loss in the elderly