38 research outputs found

    Lince: uma proposta de padronização para linguagens de acesso a base de dados

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    A falta de padronização nos procedimentos de acesso a bases de dados levam os usuários a capacitarem-se nas características próprias de cada linguagem de acesso existente nos diversos centros hospedeiros dessas bases. Para superar esta dificuldade, o Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) e o Centro de Informações Nucleares da Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CIN/CNEN) vêm trabalhando no projeto da linguagem LINCE, que deverá ser implantada em diferentes computadores. E orientada a comandos e tem sua potencialidade voltada para o tratamento de dados referenciais e bibliográficos, porém incorpora algumas facilidades para a recuperação de dados numéricos. Seus principais comandos permitem realizar buscas, exibir, ordenar ou gravar seus resultados, abrir ou fechar sessões de trabalho, usar diferentes bases e solicitar auxílio ao sistema. Nas expressões de busca são utilizados operadores lógicos, relacionais, de relacionamento em tesauro, de truncamento, mascaramento e de profundidade. Um subconjunto desta linguagem está implantado nos computadores do IBICT e encontra-se em fase de desenvolvimento no CIN/CNEN. Lince: a proposal for standardization of database access languages Abstract The lack of standardized proceedings for accessing database lead users to look for  training on the features of each access language existing in the several host centres of those databases. In order to overcome this difficulty, the Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (IBICT) and the Centro de Informações Nucleares (CIN) of the Comissão Nacional de Energia Nuclear (CNEN) are developing the LINCE language project, which shall be introduced in different computers. It is operated through commands and is mainly destined to the processing of referral and bibliographic data, incorporating, however, some facilities for the numerical data retrieval. Its main commands allow for: searching; displaying, arranging or recording the results of this search; opening or ocsing work sessions; using different bases; and asking for help to the system. Logical, relational, truncation masking and proximity operators and operators of thesaurus relation are used in the search expressions. A subset of this language is implemented in IBICT's computers and is being developed by CIN/CNEN

    Interviews, Questions & Questionnaires

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    Foreign Currency Exposure of Multinational Firms In Taiwan: Accounting Measures and Market Valuation

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    由於台灣資源並不豐富,市場有限,對外進出口(含製造)自然成為維繫台灣經濟的命脈。因此國內總體經濟環境容易受到國際經濟變數的影響,而匯率波動就是對國際貿易一個直接衝擊的因素。企業的匯率風險來源主要有二,一為交易性風險(Transaction Exposure),一為換算性風險(Translation Exposure)。本研究將針對台灣境內多國籍公司的匯率風險進行研究,探討會計衡量與公司價值的關聯性,亦即外幣匯兌損益與外幣換算調整數與公司價值之關係。本研究採「關聯性研究法」針對民國79年至民國86年的多國籍公司進行研究,並分由「年度分析」與「Pooled Analysis」二方面進行實證分析。此外,本研究又考量了股票報酬與外幣匯兌損益及外幣換算調整數間可能具非線性關係,故又採Regressions on Ranks的方式探討此非線性關係是否成立。本研究大部分年度分析並不支持本研究之假說。本研究之部分模式的實證結果支持市場在評價公司時,會將損益表的外幣匯兌損益及股東權益項下的外幣換算調整數納入考量。且亦發現市場對於二者所持態度是無差異的,亦即市場對於二者的考量權重並不具顯著差異。This study examines whether the stock market considers foreign exchange transaction when pricing securities about multinational firms. It primary examines the relations between the foreign exchange gains and losses in the income statement, the foreign translation adjustments in the stock equity, and stock price.Most of the results from the annual analysis do not support the hypotheses of this study. But some of the results from the pooled analysis support the hypotheses of this study. It suggests that the stock market will consider both the foreign exchange gains and losses in the income statement and the foreign translation adjustments in the stock equity when pricing securities. And it also suggest that the weights the stock market gave them show no significant difference

    [[alternative]]A Study On The Verbal Interaction Between Child Care Provider And Infants & Young Children

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    [[abstract]]中文摘要 本研究之目的在了解托育人員於遊戲、進食、清潔及睡眠等不同情境與嬰幼兒口語互動的狀況,以及那些因素可能影響托育人員與嬰幼兒口語互動。採用觀察法,以三位托嬰中心的托育人員為研究對象,記錄其與嬰幼兒互動時口語應用的狀況。研究結果如下:一、在不同情境的口語互動過程中,托育人員與嬰幼兒口語互動內涵多是符合該情境的,在師生比例失衡或難以同時兼顧的狀況下,較常出現不符合情境的對話。也因孩子月齡、語言發展及語言理解能力不同,中寶班與大寶班運用的口語互動內涵較相似。與小寶班相較,兩者在互動過程中比較會提出問題引發幼兒回應、結合生活經驗對話、建立生活常規、禮儀及培養生活自理能力等。 二、在遊戲情境中,自由探索及大團體兩種活動型態相較,前者托育人員與嬰幼兒有較多個別的口語互動,營造出溫馨和緩的互動氛圍。三、進食、清潔及睡眠情境中,1至18個月以下依嬰幼兒個別需求進行照顧,18個月以上的幼兒大多採取團體照顧。相較之下,團體照顧的方式托育人員與幼兒個別口語互動較少、較常出現負向口語與非口語的互動。四、團體人數多、師生比例失衡、環境中的視覺死角、照顧型態,以及托育人員的工作經驗、特質、同事間的分工方式及合作默契,都可能影響托育人員與嬰幼兒口語互動的頻率及品質。最後,依據研究結果對托育人員、機構經營管理者,以及政府相關單位提出建[[abstract]]Abstract The purpose of this study is to understand how a child care provider interact with infants and young children under different contexts such as playing games, eating, cleaning and sleeping and other factors that may affect verbal interaction between them. The study takes three child care providers as the subject by using observation method, and to record their verbal interaction between child care providers and the infants. The results are as follows: Firstly, during the process of verbal interaction in different contexts, the content of verbal interaction between child care provider and infants is in line with the situation. Often, conversation does not fit in the context will be happened when care-taker and infants are imbalanced. It could be different by the children’s age, language development and different level of language understanding. The content of verbal interaction between middle age group (16-26 months) and senior age group (22-36 months) children is quite similar. When compared with Junior age group (1-16 months), older classes will be more likely to ask questions to raise children response, create dialogue from life experience, establish of good life habits and manners, and cultivate self-care ability.Secondly, during the game activities, the child care provider has much more verbal interaction with infants and builds a warm and gentle interaction atmosphere in an individual free exploration activity than a group activity.Thirdly, 18 months old infants and under will be taken care of according to their individual needs during the context of eating, cleaning and sleeping. 18 months old infants and older will be taken care in groups. In contrast, verbal interaction will be less, often have negative verbal expression and non-spoken interaction to be appeared in the care in group form.Finally, the numbers of infant group, ratio of infant and child care provider, visually blind spot in the environment, type of Child care, work experiences and characteristics of child care providers, cooperation and work tacit understanding between coworkers, all might affect the frequency and the quality of the child care provider and infant verbal interaction. The advices and recommendations will be given to the child care providers, institutional managers, and government-related units according to the result of this study

    Capture of CO2 from flue gas via multiwalled carbon nanotubes

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    Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were modified by 3-aminopropyl-triethoxysilane (APTS) solution and were tested for its CO2 adsorption potential at multiple temperatures (20-100 degrees C). The physicochemical properties of CNTs were changed after the modification, which makes CNTs adsorb more CO2 gases. The adsorption capacities Of CO2 via CNTs and CNTs(APTS) decreased with temperature indicating the exothermic nature of adsorption process and increased with water content in air at 0-7%. The mechanism of CO2 adsorption on CNTs and CNTs(APTS) appears mainly attributable to physical force regardless of temperature change, which makes regeneration of spent CNTs at a relatively low temperature become feasible. The CNTs(APTS) have good adsorption performance Of CO2 at 20 degrees C as compared to many types of modified carbon or silica adsorbents documented in the literature. This suggests that the CNTs(APTS) are promising low-temperature adsorbents for CO2 capture from flue gas. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved