5 research outputs found

    The Construct Validity of an Instrument for Measuring Type 2 Diabetes Self-Care Knowledge in Nigeria

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    Purpose: To develop an instrument (DSCKQ-30) for measuring type 2 diabetic patients’ knowledge of self-care practices.Methods: A 30-item questionnaire (DSCKQ-30) consisting of close ended questions was developed for this study. DSCKQ-30 was self administered to a cross-section of randomly selected 400 ambulatory adult diabetic patients (≥ 18 years), who were attending endocrinology clinics at the hospitals included in this study. The sex distribution for female and male was 56.7 and 43.3% respectively. Factor analysis and item analysis were performed to test the construct validity and reliability of the instrument. Item performance was measured by item discrimination (item-to-total correlation) and percent correctness (%C).Results: The response rate was 78.5%. Factor analysis identified three scales of knowledge of self-care management. Chronbach’s alpha of the 30 questionnaire items was found to be 0.89. The item-to-total correlation coefficients and ranges for component 1 - 3 were 0.36 (0.25 - 0.48), 0.28 (0.23 - 0.35), and 0.34 (0.23 - 0.41), respectively, with overall average of 0.33 (0.23 - 0.48). Items percent correctness (% C) ranged from 16.7 to 86.7 % with an overall average of 55.6 %. Item factor loadings averaged 0.62 for the total items; averages of the three scales ranged from 0.59 to 0.68.Conclusion: The DSCKQ-30 provided a quantitative measure of patient's knowledge of self-care practices.Keywords: Diabetes self-care knowledge, DSCKQ-30, Knowledge instrument, Nigeria

    Influence of Chronic Administration of Chloroquine on Leydig Cell Integrity and Testosterone Profile of Albino Wistar Rats

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    The effect of chronic administration of chloroquine on leydig cells and plasma testosterone level was examined. Twenty-five albino Wistar rats were divided into five groups –– A, B, C, D and E. Group A animals received a normal dose of 0.57mg per kg body weight of chloroquine for 3 days. Groups B, C and D received chronic doses of 0.57 mg per kg body weight of chloroquine for 4, 5 and 6 days respectively. Group E animals, which served as control, were administered normal saline. Historical examination of the process sections of groups B, C and D indicated numerical reduction of the leydig cells when compared with the control group. Group A appeared normal. The basement membrane of the seminiferous epithelium in groups C, C and D were disrupted, leading to the detachment of many spermatocytes. Groups B, C and D recorded reduced level of plasma testosterone when compared with the control group. However, the concentration of plasma testosterone in group A (2.15 1.63g/ml) and control (2.40 ± 1.48g/ml) were similar. Chromic administration of chloroquine reduced the number of leydig cells with concomitant reduction of testosterone production. It also disrupted seminiferous epithelium, leading to the detachment of spermotocytes. (Afr J Reprod Health 1999; 3 [2]: 97-101) Key Words: Chloroquine, leydig cells, testosterone, seminiferous epitheliu