20 research outputs found

    Pluralitas Agama dalam Keluarga Jawa

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    Dalam masyarakat Jawa terdapat pemahaman dan pemaknaan sendiri terhadap agama yaitu â€agami ageming ajiâ€. Artinya apa pun agama yang dipeluk sama saja karena semua agama mengajarkan keselamatan. Oleh sebab itu menjadi sebuah fenomena menarik di kalangan masyarakat Jawa karena mereka cenderung lebih toleran dalam menyikapi perbedaaan dan keragaman beragama. Salah satu contoh masyarakat yang menghargai pluralitas agama adalah masyarakat Desa Getas Kaloran Temanggung. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan tentang sejumlah keluarga yang dapat menerima pluralitas agama dan toleransi terhadap pluralitas agama dalam keluarga Jawa. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subyek penelitian adalah masyarakat Desa Getas yang memiliki keragaman agama dalam keluarganya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat Desa Getas dapat menerima pluralitas agama karena menurut mereka agama adalah urusan pribadi seseorang jadi tidak ada pihak yang dapat memaksakan suatu keyakinan kepada individu lain. Pluralitas agama tersebut tidak menimbulkan masalah berarti karena masyarakat memiliki derajat toleransi yang tinggi antar anggota keluarga, yang ditunjukkan melalui saling menghargai dan mengormati dan tidak mencampuri urusan keagamaan orang lain, serta saling membantu antar anggota keluarga untuk memperlancar kegiatan ibadah masing – masing. In Javanese community there is a specific principle on the meaning of religion, namely â€agami ageming ajiâ€. This pilosophy means whatever religion people believe, it doesn’t matter because they all teach salvation. This is an interesting phenomenon among the Javanese community because they tend to be tolerant in dealing with differences and diversity of religion that happen in one household. The objective of this article is to discuss the practices of religious tolerance found in a rural community of Getas, Kaloran, Temanggung Central Java. Techniques of data collection is done by interviews and observation. The study subjects were villagers of Getas, which has a diversity of religion in families. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the villagers embrace a tradition of religious pluralism because they think religion is one’s personal affairs so that no party can impose a conviction for another individual. The plurality of religion does not cause significant problems because the public has a high degree of tolerance among family members, which is demonstrated through mutual respect and attitude not to interfere in religious affairs of others, and mutual help among family members to facilitate the worship activities of their relatives

    Tumour reoxygenation ind uring radiotherapy in carcinoma of the cervix

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    Article aims to investigate the relationship between students\u27 attitudes on the use of Facebook and blog as learning tools in writing class. Two groups of students were made as experimental and control group. The experimental group used Facebook and blog in as learning tools for thirteen sessions while the control group only used Binusmaya, local multi channel learning. It was assumed that Facebook and blog would be able to help students in three level of writing mastery: the vocabulary, the accuracy and the fluency in writing. Students\u27 attitudes were gathered through survey and the results compared to their final test scores. The result shows that students\u27 lack of enthusiasm was in line with students\u27 level of achievement in writing and that Facebook and blog did not give significant influence on improving students\u27 writing competence

    Tumour vascularity is a significant prognostic factor for cervix carcinoma treated with radiotherapy: Independence from tumour radiosensitivity

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between intrinsic radiosensitivity and vascularity in carcinoma of the cervix given radiotherapy, and assess whether more refined prognostic information can be gained by combining the two parameters. A retrospective study was carried out on 74 patients with locally advanced carcinoma of the cervix. Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour biopsies were stained with anti-factor VIII using immunohistochemistry. Vascularity was scored using the intra-tumour microvessel density (IMD), or ‘hot-spot’, technique. For the same patients, the measurement of intrinsic radiosensitivity (SF2) had been made previously on the same pretherapy samples. Patients were stratified by the median IMD and SF2 scores. Women with radioresistant and highly vascular tumours had poorer 5-year survival (P = 0.0005, P = 0.035 respectively) and local control (P = 0.012, P = 0.077 respectively) than those with radiosensitive and poorly vascular tumours. No significant correlation was seen between IMD and SF2. Multivariate analysis (including tumour stage and patient age) showed that only SF2 and IMD were significant prognostic factors for survival. Patients with both a radioresistant and highly vascular tumour had a 5-year survival level of 18% compared to 77% for those patients with a radiosensitive and poorly vascularized tumour. Tumour angiogenesis and cellular radiosensitivity are independent prognostic factors for cervix carcinoma treated with radiotherapy. Allowing for tumour radiosensitivity increases the prognostic significance of vascularity measurements in cervix tumours. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig