27 research outputs found

    Koilocytes indicate a role for human papilloma virus in breast cancer

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    Background: High-risk human papilloma viruses (HPVs) are candidates as causal viruses in breast cancer. The scientific challenge is to determine whether HPVs are causal and not merely passengers or parasites. Studies of HPV-related koilocytes in breast cancer offer an opportunity to address this crucial issue. Koilocytes are epithelial cells characterised by perinuclear haloes surrounding condensed nuclei and are commonly present in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. Koilocytosis is accepted as pathognomonic (characteristic of a particular disease) of HPV infection. The aim of this investigation is to determine whether putative koilocytes in normal and malignant breast tissues are because of HPV infection. Methods: Archival formalin-fixed normal and malignant breast specimens were investigated by histology, in situ PCR with confirmation of the findings by standard PCR and sequencing of the products, plus immunohistochemistry to identify HPV E6 oncoproteins. Results: human papilloma virus-associated koilocytes were present in normal breast skin and lobules and in the breast skin and cancer tissue of patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and invasive ductal carcinomas (IDCs). Interpretation: As koilocytes are known to be the precursors of some HPV-associated cervical cancer, it follows that HPVs may be causally associated with breast cancer.6 page(s

    Value of morphological criteria in diagnosing cervical HPV lesions confirmed by in situ hybridization and hybrid capture assay

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    The present study evaluated the value of morphological criteria (binucleation, multinucleation, koilocytosis, spindle koilocytes, abnormal mitosis and dyskeratosis) in the diagnosis of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) lesions confirmed by in sitit hybridization (ISH) and hybrid capture (HC) assay. Colposcopic punch biopsies from a series of 138 women with abnormal Pap smears were examined on light microscopy and in situ hybridization (DAKO widespectrum cocktail probe) for HPV-induced morphological changes and HPV DNA, respectively. Cervical swabs were analyzed for HPV DNA of the oncogenic types using Hybrid Capture. CIN 2 and CIN 3 were found in 44 biopsies, CIN 1 in 62, and no evidence of HPV in 32 cases. HPV was detected by ISH in 51/138 (37%) cases and by HC in 66/138 (48%) lesions. With both tests, HPV DNA detection increased parallel with lesion severity, up to 70% and 59% in CIN 2/3 by HC and ISH, respectively OR 4.6 (1.7-12.1) and 10.1 (3.0-33.8). Among the histological criteria, multinucleation, binucleation and abnormal mitoses were significantly associated with HPV DNA detection. Multinucleation proved to be the strongest predictor of HPV DNA-positivity. Binucleation, abnormal mitosis, koilocytosis and spindle koilocytes were also reliable criteria of HPV lesions. Minor nuclear atypia, and "mild koilocytosis" were of no value in making this diagnosis.1971067768

    Cigarette smoking and high-risk HPV DNA as predisposing factors for high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) in young Brazilian women

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    Background. This cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate the role of cigarette smoking and high-risk HPV types as risk factors of CIN 2 and 3 in young, sexually active Brazilian women. Materials and method. A series of 100 consecutive women with abnormal Pap smears were recruited, subjected to colposcopy, punch biopsy, and questionnaire for their social, sexual and reproductive factors. Of these, 77 women between 20 and 35 years of age (median 26.5 years) with biopsy-confirmed CIN I or CIN 2 and 3, were enrolled in this study. Representative samples from the exocervix and endocervix were obtained for HPV testing with the Hybrid Capture HPV-DNA assay, including the probes for the oncogenic HPV types (16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 45, 51, 52 and 56). Results. The overall rate of CIN 2 and 3 was 23/77 (29.8%). The women with CIN 1, 2 and 3 did not differ from each other with regard to their age, race, schooling, marital status, lifetime number of sexual partners, age at first intercourse, use of oral contraceptives, or parity. However, current cigarette smoking was strongly associated with CIN 2 and 3 (p<0.001), and among smokers, the risk of high-grade CIN increased in parallel with the time of exposure (years of smoking) (p=0.07). HPV-DNA of the oncogenic types was detected in 43 (56%) women, the risk of being HPV DNA-positive was significantly higher in CIN 2 and 3 as compared with CIN 1 (p=0.037). Importantly, the prevalence of high-risk HPV types was significantly higher in cigarette smokers than in non-smokers (p=0.046). Conclusions. The results indicate that the severity of CIN lesions was clearly related to two fundamental risk factors: 1) high-risk HPV types, and 2) current cigarette smoking. These two risk factors were closely interrelated in that the high-risk HPV types were significantly more frequent in current smokers than in non-smokers, suggesting the possibility of a synergistic action between these two risk factors in cervical carcinogenesis.77667868

    Sustained immunogenicity and efficacy of the HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine up to 8.4 years of follow-up

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    Prophylactic human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines are now available and vaccination programs are being widely implemented, targeting adolescent girls prior to sexual debut. Since the risk of HPV exposure persists throughout a woman's sexual life, the duration of protection provided by vaccination is critical to the overall vaccine effectiveness. We report the long-term efficacy and immunogenicity of the HPV-16/18 AS04-adjuvanted vaccine (Cervarix (R)) up to 8.4 y after the first vaccine dose. In an initial placebo-controlled study performed in US, Canada and Brazil, women aged 15-25 y with normal cervical cytology, HPV-16/18 seronegative by ELISA, DNA-negative for 14 oncogenic HPV types by PCR, received either the HPV16/18 vaccine or placebo (n = 1,113). Subjects were followed up to 6.4 y after the first dose (n = 776). We report an additional 2-y follow-up for women enrolled from the Brazilian centers from the initial study (n = 436). During the current follow-up study (HPV-023, NCT00518336), no new infection or lesions associated with HPV-16/18 occurred in the vaccine group. Vaccine efficacy over the entire follow-up (up to 8.4 y) was 95.1% (84.6, 99.0) for incident infection, 100% (79.8, 100) for 6-mo persistent infection, 100% (56.1, 100) for 12-mo persistent infection and 100% (< 0, 100) for CIN2+ associated with HPV-16/18. All women in the vaccine group remained seropositive to both HPV-16/18, with antibody titers for total and neutralizing antibodies remaining several-folds above natural infection levels. The safety profile was clinically acceptable for both vaccine and control groups. This is, to date, the longest follow-up study for a licensed cervical cancer vaccine.83GlaxoSmithKline Biological

    Efficacy of a bivalent L1 virus-like particle vaccine in prevention of infection with human papillomavirus types 16 and 18 in young women: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background Vaccination against the most common oncogenic human papillomavirus (HPV) types, HPV-16 and HPV-18, could prevent development of up to 70% of cervical cancers worldwide. We did a randomised, double-blind, controlled trial to assess the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of a bivalent HPV-16/18 L1 virus-like particle vaccine for the prevention of incident and persistent infection with these two virus types, associated cervical cytological abnormalities, and precancerous lesions. Methods We randomised 1113 women between 15-25 years of age to receive three doses of either the vaccine formulated with AS04 adjuvant or placebo on a 0 month, 1 month, and 6 month schedule in North America and Brazil. Women were assessed for HPV infection by cervical cytology and self-obtained cervicovaginal samples for up to 27 months, and for vaccine safety and immunogenicity. Findings In the according-to-protocol analyses, vaccine efficacy was 91.6% (95% CI 64.5-98.0) against incident infection and 100% against persistent infection (47.0-100) with HPV-16/18. In the intention-to-treat analyses, vaccine efficacy was 95.1% (63.5-99.3) against persistent cervical infection with HPV-16/18 and 92.9% (70.0-98.3) against cytological abnormalities associated with HPV-16/18 infection. The vaccine was generally safe, well tolerated, and highly immunogenic. Interpretation The bivalent HPV vaccine was efficacious in prevention of incident and persistent cervical infections with HPV-16 and HPV-18, and associated cytological abnormalities and lesions. Vaccination against such infections could substantially reduce incidence of cervical cancer.36494471757176

    Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus Infection and Associated Risk Factors in Young Women in Brazil, Canada, and the United States: A Multicenter Cross-sectional Study

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    To determine the prevalence of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and risk factors in young women from Brazil, Canada, and the USA. Cross-sectional study in 3204 healthy women, aged 15 to 25 years. Cervical samples were collected for cytology and for HPV DNA detection (SPF(10)-LiPA(25) system). Serum samples were collected for the measurement of HPV-16 and HPV-18 antibodies by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Risk factors were obtained through a questionnaire. Overall, 26.6% of women had DNA detected for at least 1 HPV type. The prevalence for oncogenic HPV types was 21.7% (25% in Brazil, 16.9% in Canada, and 19.1% in the USA). HPV-16 was the most prevalent oncogenic type (5.2%). The next most common oncogenic HPV types were 51 (3.3%), 52 (3.3%), 31 (2.9%), 66 (2.3%), and 39 (2.0%). Multiple oncogenic types were detected in one-third of the infections. The prevalence of HPV-16 and/or HPV-18 infections detected by DNA and/or enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was 24.8%. The majority of women (85%) had a normal cervical cytology. Sexual behavior was the main determinant for HPV-16/18 infections and squamous intraepithelial lesions. The prevalence of HPV oncogenic infections was high and linked to sexual behavior. Strategies to reduce the burden of oncogenic HPV infection, such as prophylactic vaccination programs, are likely to impact the burden of disease due to cervical precancer and cancer.302173184GlaxoSmithKline Biological