20 research outputs found

    A transcriptomal analysis of bovine oviductal epithelial cells collected during the follicular phase versus the luteal phase of the estrous cycle

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    BACKGROUND: Reproductive success depends on a functional oviduct for gamete storage, maturation, fertilization, and early embryonic development. The ovarian-derived steroids estrogen and progesterone are key regulators of oviductal function. The objective of this study was to investigate luteal and follicular phase-specific oviductal epithelial cell function by using microarray-based transcriptional profiling, to increase our understanding of mRNAs regulating epithelial cell processes, and to identify novel genes and biochemical pathways that may be found to affect fertility in the future. METHODS: Six normally cycling Angus heifers were assigned to either luteal phase (LP, n = 3) or follicular phase (FP, n = 3) treatment groups. Heifers in the LP group were killed between day 11 and 12 after estrus. Heifers in the FP group were treated with 25 mg PGF(2α) (Lutalyse, Pfizer, NY) at 8 pm on day 6 after estrus and killed 36 h later. Transcriptional profiling by microarray and confirmation of selected mRNAs by real-time RT-PCR analyses was performed using total RNA from epithelial cells isolated from sections of the ampulla and isthmus collected from LP and FP treatment groups. Differentially expressed genes were subjected to gene ontology classification and bioinformatic pathway analyses. RESULTS: Statistical one-way ANOVA using Benjamini-hochberg multiple testing correction for false discovery rate (FDR) and pairwise comparison of epithelial cells in the ampulla of FP versus LP groups revealed 972 and 597 transcripts up- and down-regulated, respectively (P < 0.05). Within epithelial cells of the isthmus in FP versus LP groups, 946 and 817 transcripts were up- and down-regulated, respectively (P < 0.05). Up-regulated genes from both ampulla and isthmus were found to be largely involved in cholesterol biosynthesis and cell cycle pathways, while down-regulated genes were found in numerous inflammatory response pathways. CONCLUSIONS: Microarray-based transcriptional profiling revealed phase of the cycle-dependent changes in the expression of mRNA within the epithelium of the oviducts’ ampulla and isthmus. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12958-015-0077-1) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The VLT-FLAMES Tarantula Survey XIX. B-type supergiants: Atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances to investigate the role of binarity and the width of the main sequence

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    Context. Model atmosphere analyses have been previously undertaken for both Galactic and extragalactic B-type supergiants. By contrast, little attention has been given to a comparison of the properties of single supergiants and those that are members of multiple systems. Aims: Atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances have been estimated for all the B-type supergiants identified in the VLT-FLAMES Tarantula survey. These include both single targets and binary candidates. The results have been analysed to investigate the role of binarity in the evolutionary history of supergiants. Methods: tlusty non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) model atmosphere calculations have been used to determine atmospheric parameters and nitrogen abundances for 34 single and 18 binary supergiants. Effective temperatures were deduced using the silicon balance technique, complemented by the helium ionisation in the hotter spectra. Surface gravities were estimated using Balmer line profiles and microturbulent velocities deduced using the silicon spectrum. Nitrogen abundances or upper limits were estimated from the N ii spectrum. The effects of a flux contribution from an unseen secondary were considered for the binary sample. Results: We present the first systematic study of the incidence of binarity for a sample of B-type supergiants across the theoretical terminal age main sequence (TAMS). To account for the distribution of effective temperatures of the B-type supergiants it may be necessary to extend the TAMS to lower temperatures. This is also consistent with the derived distribution of mass discrepancies, projected rotational velocities and nitrogen abundances, provided that stars cooler than this temperature are post-red supergiant objects. For all the supergiants in the Tarantula and in a previous FLAMES survey, the majority have small projected rotational velocities. The distribution peaks at about 50 km s-1 with 65% in the range 30 km s-1 ≤ vesini ≤ 60 km s-1. About ten per cent have larger vesini (≥100 km s-1), but surprisingly these show little or no nitrogen enhancement. All the cooler supergiants have low projected rotational velocities of ≤70 km s-1and high nitrogen abundance estimates, implying that either bi-stability braking or evolution on a blue loop may be important. Additionally, there is a lack of cooler binaries, possibly reflecting the small sample sizes. Single-star evolutionary models, which include rotation, can account for all of the nitrogen enhancement in both the single and binary samples. The detailed distribution of nitrogen abundances in the single and binary samples may be different, possibly reflecting differences in their evolutionary history. Conclusions: The first comparative study of single and binary B-type supergiants has revealed that the main sequence may be significantly wider than previously assumed, extending to Teff = 20 000 K. Some marginal differences in single and binary atmospheric parameters and abundances have been identified, possibly implying non-standard evolution for some of the sample. This sample as a whole has implications for several aspects of our understanding of the evolutionary status of blue supergiants.21 pages, 15 figures, 11 tablesstatus: publishe