378 research outputs found

    Tetravariate point-process model for the continuous characterization of cardiovascular-respiratory dynamics during passive postural changes

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    In this study, we present a new methodology for time-varying characterization of cardiovascular (CV) control, which includes RR interval (RRI), systolic arterial pressure (SAP), respiration (RSP) and pulse transit time (PTT). Within a multivariate model, CV dynamics are represented as stochastic point processes whose means has a tetravariate autoregressive structure. Such framework provides the simultaneous time-frequency assessment of: (i) both arms of the SAP-RRI loop, along baroreflex and mechanical feedforward pathways; (ii) Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), through the direct evaluation of the interactions between RSP and the RRI; (iii) the coupling between cardio-respiratory activity and vascular tone through quantification of the interactions between PTT and the other CV variables. We validated the model by characterizing CV control in 16 healthy subjects during a tilt table test, and we were able to confirm a satisfactory model's goodness-of-ft. We further estimated transfer function gains, instantaneous powers and directed coherences, and observed that RSP strongly drove respiratory-related oscillations in all the other CV variables, and that PTT depended on RRI dynamics rather than blood pressure variations. During head-up tilt, baroreflex sensitivity and RSA decreased, while the gain from RRI to SAP increased, thus confirming previous physiological characterizations. © 2012 CCAL

    Characterization of autonomic states by complex sympathetic and parasympathetic dynamics*

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    Assessment of heartbeat dynamics provides a promising framework for non-invasive monitoring of cardiovascular and autonomic states. Nevertheless, the non-specificity of such measurements among clinical populations and healthy conditions associated with different autonomic states severely limits their applicability and exploitation in naturalistic conditions. This limitation arises especially when pathological or postural change-related sympathetic hyperactivity is compared to autonomic changes across age and experimental conditions. In this frame, we investigate the intrinsic irregularity and complexity of cardiac sympathetic and vagal activity series in different populations, which are associated with different cardiac autonomic dynamics. Sample entropy, fuzzy entropy, and distribution entropy are calculated on the recently proposed sympathetic and parasympathetic activity indices (SAI and PAI) series, which are derived from publicly available heartbeat series of congestive heart failure patients, elderly and young subjects watching a movie in the supine position, and healthy subjects undergoing slow postural changes. Results show statistically significant differences between pathological/old subjects and young subjects in the resting state and during slow tilt, with interesting trends in SAI- and PAI-related entropy values. Moreover, while CHF patients and healthy subjects in upright position show the higher cardiac sympathetic activity, elderly and young subjects in resting state showed higher vagal activity. We conclude that quantification of intrinsic cardiac complexity from sympathetic and vagal dynamics may provide new physiology insights and improve on the non-specificity of heartbeat-derived biomarkers

    Instantaneous Transfer Entropy for the Study of Cardiovascular and Cardio-Respiratory Nonstationary Dynamics

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    Objective: Measures of Transfer Entropy (TE) quantify the direction and strength of coupling between two complex systems. Standard approaches assume stationarity of the observations, and therefore are unable to track time-varying changes in nonlinear information transfer with high temporal resolution. In this study, we aim to define and validate novel instantaneous measures of transfer entropy to provide an im- proved assessment of complex non-stationary cardio-respiratory interactions

    Relationship between systolic time intervals and arterial blood pressure.

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    It has been suggested that systolic time intervals (STI) can be used to monitor the cardiac effects of antihypertensive treatments and also to evaluate hypertensive patients. STI changes observed in hypertensives have been ascribed to myocardial disease, although they could be due to the existence of a relationship between STI and blood pressure. A group of 37 subjects (18 normotensives and 19 hypertensives) with no signs of heart failure and left ventricular dysfunction were studied to examine the relationship of STI to blood pressure. Pacing with an external battery pulse generator was performed at the rate of 95 beats/min in order to eliminate differences in heart rate. STI were measured from good quality high speed (100 mm/s) recordings and the average value of 10 consecutive cardiac cycles was used for statistical analysis. Normal subjects showed significantly lower values of pre-ejection period (PEP), electromechanical systole (QS2), and pre-ejection period/left ventricular ejection time ratio (PEP/LVET). Moreover, a significant inverse relationship between diastolic pressure and LVET and significant direct relationships between diastolic pressure and PEP, systolic pressure and PEP, diastolic pressure and PEP/LVET, and between systolic pressure and PEP/LVET were demonstrated. We suggest to consider the relation of STI to blood pressure to provide regression equations to best appreciate and use STI

    Primary prostatic adenocarcinoma in a domestic short-haired cat

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    An 8-years-old, domestic short-haired cat was presented for constipation and symptoms referable to the lower urinary tract. A solid mass located in the caudal area of the abdomen was palpated. Abdominal ultrasonography, positive-contrast retrograde urethrocystography and total body computed tomography showed the presence of a prostatic neoformation occupying almost completely the pelvic cavity. The neoformation displaced dorsolaterally the descending colon and completely englobed the prostatic urethra, without apparent involvement of the urethral lumen. Histopathologic examination revealed a prostatic carcinoma. Neoplastic cells showed a moderate to intense cytoplasmatic expression of AE1/AE3, while no expression of cytokeratin 7 and Uroplakin III was observed. Topographical, histological and immunohistochemical findings were consistent with a diagnosis of primary adenocarcinoma of the prostate body

    Renal Measures in Healthy Italian Trotter Foals and Correlation Between Renal and Biometric Measures: Preliminary Study

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate ultrasonographic renal measures in healthy foals aged 1–6 weeks and to verify the correlation between biometric measures to ultrasonographic renal ones. A total of nine Italian trotter foals born in the same stud farm and underwent similar management conditions were enrolled. Inclusion criteria were normal gestation time, unassisted delivery, and normal physical examination at all evaluation times. Length and height of both kidneys were measured by ultrasound weekly from 1 to 6 weeks of life, along with the thoracic and the middle third of the metacarpal area circumferences. Data were expressed as mean and standard deviation, and distribution was evaluated. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied to verify differences related to time. The Pearson correlation test was carried out to evaluate the linearity between time versus all the parameters measured. Student's t test was used to verify differences in ultrasound measures between right and left kidney at all recorded times. The Pearson test was applied to a mean-variance matrix to verify the correlation between each biometrical versus all renal measures. Significance level was set at P <.05. One-way ANOVA showed differences in biometric and renal measures related to time. Correlation test revealed a linear growth. Differences in ultrasound renal measures between right and left kidney were obtained. Correlation was found between biometrical parameters versus kidney measures. Renal measures and differences between left and right kidneys were in line with literature. Correlation test revealed a linear growth. Renal growth is correlated with age and biometric measure

    Radiographic parameters of the digit in a cohort population of amiata donkeys

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    Background: The most common musculoskeletal conditions reported in donkeys are related to the foot. Radiographic examinations are clinically important in the diagnosis of foot abnormalities and are commonly used. However, few studies have been conducted to establish the normal radiographic appearance of a donkey’s foot. Aim: To determine the radiographic features of the front digit in healthy Amiata donkeys. Methods: Radiographic examinations were performed on 56 forefeet of 28 Amiata donkeys. Three radiographic views of each front foot were taken: lateromedial, dorsopalmar and dorso-65°proximal/palmarodistal oblique. Seventeen angular and linear radiographic parameters and the crena solearis were evaluated in all forefeet, and 18 morphometric parameters were evaluated in 16 out of 56 forefeet. Statistical analysis was carried out on all the measures assessed. Results: The radiographic appearance of the forefoot was ascertained, and data were reported as median ± standard error, minimum and maximum values. No statistical differences were obtained between the right and left forefeet. Conclusion: The normal baseline parameters of the forefeet of Amiata donkeys were recorded and described and compared with other donkey breeds and horses. The findings highlighted that the donkey breed affects the radiographic parameters of the digit

    Mammary cistern size during the dry period in healthy dairy cows: A preliminary study for an ultrasonographic evaluation

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    We evaluated the udder cistern (UC) size during the dry period using ultrasound. Forty healthy quarters were evaluated in both the longitudinal and cross-section of the UC. Quarters were evaluated at the drying-off (T0) and 24 h later (T1), then regularly until the end of the dry period (T7–T58), during the colostrum production phase (TCPP) and at 7 days in milking (T7PP). The Spearman test was applied to find the correlation between the ultrasonographic UC size (UUCS) assessment and time. The Friedman test and Dunn’s test for multiple comparisons as a post-hoc test were performed to compare the forequarter and hindquarter cross-sections (FQCSs and HQCSs, respectively) and the forequarter and hindquarter longitudinal sections (FQLSs and HQLSs, respectively) at T0 vs. T58 vs. TCPP vs. T7PP. A total of 440 images were evaluated. A negative linear correlation between time and FQCS and FQLS (r = −0.95; p < 0.0004) and between time and HQCS and HQLS (r = −0.90; p < 0.002) was found. The UUCS decreased throughout the dry period, starting to increase at the beginning of the next lactation. Measuring the UUCS provides useful information for monitoring the dry period

    Ultrasonographic diagnosis of urachal anomalies in cats and dogs: Retrospective study of 98 cases (2009-2019)

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    This retrospective study investigated the prevalence of different urachal anomalies (UA) in cats (n = 60) and dogs (n = 38) and their association with clinical symptoms and urinalysis alterations. Among UA, the vesicourachal diverticulum was the most prevalent UA diagnosed in both cats (96.7%) and dogs (89.5%): the intramural vesicourachal diverticulum was diagnosed in 76.7% of cats and 71.1% of dogs, followed by extramural vesicourachal diverticulum (20.0% and 18.4% respectively). In both cats and dogs, bladder wall diffuse or regional thickening was the most prevalent alteration. The most common alterations of the urinary bladder content were urolithiasis sediment in cats (33.3%) and in dogs (31.6%). Dogs with UA were more often asymptomatic (p = 0.01). No difference was found in cats. Stranguria, hematuria, and urethral obstruction were the most frequently reported clinical signs, while hematuria and leukocyturia were the most prevalent abnormalities at urinalysis. In conclusion, our study confirmed UA as uncommon, and often incidental findings, with a high prevalence of animals without clinical signs

    Doppler pulsato delle arterie arcuate intrarenali nel cane

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    Nel campo della medicina interna dei piccoli animali le patologie renali costitui- scono una delle principali cause di mortalità. In medicina umana numerosi lavori hanno dimostrato che lo studio del rene attra- verso la metodica doppler ad onda pulsata delle arterie arciformi e la conseguente deter- minazione dell’indice di resistività consente di ottenere delle informazioni utili per la diagnosi precoce di alcune nefropatie. Nonostante non tutti i processi patologici renali causino un’alterazione delle resi- stenze vascolari intrarenali o comunque producano un aumento rilevabile dell’indice di resistività, tale indice può risultare utile in corso di patologie renali acute e sindromi ostruttive. L ’obiettivo di questo studio è di determinare il normale range di variabilità dell’in- dice di resistività in cani sani allo scopo di valutarne, in un secondo momento, le modi- ficazioni in presenza di diverse nefropatie. Abbiamo ottenuto un valore medio di 0,61 (deviazione standard pari a 0,049) per il rene destro e di 0,60 per il rene sinistro (devia- zione standard pari a 0,046). Non sono state riscontrate differenze significative in misu- razioni seriali effettuate nello stesso rene, né tra i due reni di uno stesso soggetto mentre in soggetti diversi, sebbene sani, i valori dell’indice di resistività possono oscillare all’in- terno di un range piuttosto ampio. Inoltre non è stata riscontrata alcuna correlazione significativa tra l’età o il sesso del soggetto in esame ed il suo indice di resistività
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