9 research outputs found


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    Neglecting the human factor as part of the labor market causes losses for society as any activity that is initiated within it, has as a starting point, and also as a finishing point, the human intervention. The starting point of the article is represented by the projections made by the European    Commission in the Population Ageing Report in 2015 underlying assumptions and projections, and also by the projections of the United Nations report in 2015, and this resulted in many conclusions including the one that for the first time in Romania the average aging in 2015 exceeds the values measured by EU till present day, and this is reflected in the employment level (active aging population). The hypothesis behind the article is that the evolution of the population and migrants has repercussions on employment. Structured in three parts: knowledge status, the analysis of employment indicators and information about the intensity and direction of the link between a number of factors and employment level, this article aims to establish the determinant factors of employment through a research focused on the analysis of secondary sources, and also using the regression model. The most important lesson learned as a result of this research is that the labor market works with a variety of factors with a higher or lower influence, and in turn the labor market influences other factors

    Importance of human values of personnel in the contemporary organization

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    With the theme of importance of human values in contemporary organizations staff this article has two parts: the theoretical and practical part. The first part presented the concept of human values knowledge. In part two of the article we made of an office research based on the analysis of secondary sources. Ananalysis approached from two perspectives: at the European level and at national level. The assumption behind this article is that human values are essential in the workplace.. Data was retrieved and processed in Excel, and SPSS. In order to test research hypotheses correlation was used. To support the argument we used a series of tables and representative images. The conclusions of this analysis show that the Romanian and European respondents consider important the following human values: creativity and freedom of decision

    Workplace for individuals in the context of recession

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    Work has been and remains a topic of interest to specialists in the field, but also for labor market actors (bearers of demand and supply, and intermediates). In the present period of economic and financial crisis, the level of interest of many academics and practitioners increases on the analysis of this concept. The purpose of this article is to present the place occupied by work in people's lives. It includes some stages of knowledge and some applied stages. The first part deals with conceptual work and outlines its role in the opinion of specialists. The second part is a desk research based on the analysis of secondary sources, and it comprises two parts: a comparative analysis of the perception of residents of three states in terms of work (Romania, Australia and Germany) and the second part comprises the Europeans satisfaction on the job.Data was collected from two sites, one European (Eurofaund) and one international (World Values Survey) and processed in its own way with the help of Excel and SPSS. The central conclusion of the scientific endeavor is that regardless of nationality respondent acknowledges the place of work in his lif

    XXI Century Education and its contribution to the employment rate of romanian labour market

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    The reason for choosing this theme is that the employers show a lack of interest in the workforce that has benefited from the educational process, a lack of interest which begun to intensify lately, educational process meaning formal education, namely that obtained in universities. The development in the modern society in terms of information and communication technology makes employers modify their preferences. If up to the intensification of the financial crisis the university graduates were the ones being employed, now less educated people are sought. The central idea of the article is that young people show a skeptical attitude on further education after high school, and the fact that they do not want to surpass themselves and not focus on lifelong learning, poses a threat to society, an education that does not end once the individual no longer has the status of pupil or student. To support the argument over the scientific approach, we’re using linear regression, experiments, and opinion surveys using a questionnaire. The importance of this scientific endeavor is that it is a warning for the entrepreneurs, emphasizing the fact that labor resources with limited knowledge cannot perform tasks at the work place, practically do not perform well, and this is reflected in the company's financial data

    Importance of security and socialization in europeans life

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    The purpose of this research is to examine the importance of safety and socialization in the lives of individuals. The influence of agents of socialization (school, family, friends) are manifested as differences in preferences, feelings and thoughts of people. The article is structured in two parts. The first part presents the knowledge in the field, but in the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs. In the second part is carried out an research among Europeans about some aspect of their lives: how they spend their free time, the feeling of attachment to the community, a sense of security and availability to communicate personal matters to their group of friends. The research method was investigating the secondary sources (database obtained from the survey from a site specializing in the analysis of living conditions of Europeans - European Social Survey). After the reception and processing of results in Excel and SPSS we obtained a general conclusion that people need to socialize, to be part of a group and feel safe


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    The human is the most important factor of the labor market regardless of space-time criteria to which we refer. With the theme of human capital in the labor market of Europe, this article is structured in three parts: the first part-theoretical approach, the second-statistical analysis of labor market indicators in Europe and the third -a survey on the health implications on work, and also identifying the existence of situations of psychological violence in the workplace. The hypothesis of the article assumes that the lack of human capital makes the organizations a set of useless equipment. The added value brought by the present article is - besides a statistical presentation of employment and work in Europe-, also a presentation of the work quality in Europe (seen in the light of the legislation in force, and also of main problems faced by an individual)


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    People need to face the demands resulting induced neurotic styles of their leaders. The result is lower morale, affect behavior, dissatisfaction at work. This paper aims to present the point of view of theoretical and practical implications of failures in the organization on job satisfaction of employees. The practical part of this article is the analysis of statistically labor employment level , and a marketing research field, a survey using questionnaire as the main instrument. The main objectives during the research aims: knowledge labor employment in Romania, identify employee satisfaction on labor relations between managers and subordinates, knowledge of the involvement of the manager in providing a suitable work environment, to determine the extent the problems arising in the workplace creates dissatisfaction which ultimately rebounds on return. The main results drawn as a result of research carried out show that existing pathology in an organization is felt on one side by the employee the aggression and persecution has implications for morale, and on the other hand these disturbances are felt at employment in that workplace, stress employees resign and this leads to higher unemployment

    The Contribution of Education to the Insertion of Vulnerable Groups on the Labour Market

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    Education helps man know the concept of liberty, which triggers not just benefits but also responsibilities. The teacher is the main actor of education, and his role is not just that of informing but also that of forming the pupil. This forming is viewed from several perspectives: personality, skills and aptitudes necessary to secure a position on the labour market. The work hypothesis of this article has started from the premise according to which there is interdependence between educational level and employment. The central problem pursued throughout this article is how to close the insertion gaps on the labour market for vulnerable groups, and the decisive factor is the education received in the organized environment (high schools, colleges and universities). The present article is structured into three parts. The first is dedicated to the state-of-the-art in this domain. In the second part are presented Rroma evolution statistics, Rroma representing the vulnerable group who is the subject of our study, since their slavery but also after they became free. The last part of this article presents the results of a direct questionnaire, an opinion survey, and the instrument used is a questionnaire applied on teachers from two high schools