26 research outputs found

    Combinatorial experimental protocols for Erbicin-derived immunoagents and Herceptin

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    Erbicin is a human anti-ErbB2 single-chain antibody fragment with high affinity and selectivity for ErbB2-positive cancer cells. Two anti-ErbB2 immunoconjugates, called Erb-hRNase and Erb-hcAb, have been prepared and found to be selectively cytotoxic on ErbB2-positive cancer cells in vitro and vivo. In Erb-hRNase, Erbicin is linked to a human RNase and in Erb-hcAb it is linked to the key structural and functional regions of a human IgG. Herceptin is an anti-ErbB2 humanised antibody successfully used in the immunotherapy of breast cancer. We report here that the Erbicin-derived immunoagents target on breast cancer cells an ErbB2 epitope different than that of Herceptin. This finding led us to verify the effects of Herceptin on breast cancer cells when it was used in combination with the Erbicin-derived immunoagents. The results indicated that in combination experiments the antitumour action of Herceptin and that of the novel agents were significantly increased in an additive fashion. An inspection of the mechanism of action of Erb-hRNase or Erb-hcAb combined with Herceptin provided evidence that the antibody combinations engendered an increased downregulation of the ErbB2 receptor, and led to an enhanced apoptotic cell death

    C-Terminus Glycans with Critical Functional Role in the Maturation of Secretory Glycoproteins

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    The N-glycans of membrane glycoproteins are mainly exposed to the extracellular space. Human tyrosinase is a transmembrane glycoprotein with six or seven bulky N-glycans exposed towards the lumen of subcellular organelles. The central active site region of human tyrosinase is modeled here within less than 2.5 Å accuracy starting from Streptomyces castaneoglobisporus tyrosinase. The model accounts for the last five C-terminus glycosylation sites of which four are occupied and indicates that these cluster in two pairs - one in close vicinity to the active site and the other on the opposite side. We have analyzed and compared the roles of all tyrosinase N-glycans during tyrosinase processing with a special focus on the proximal to the active site N-glycans, s6:N337 and s7:N371, versus s3:N161 and s4:N230 which decorate the opposite side of the domain. To this end, we have constructed mutants of human tyrosinase in which its seven N-glycosylation sites were deleted. Ablation of the s6:N337 and s7:N371 sites arrests the post-translational productive folding process resulting in terminally misfolded mutants subjected to degradation through the mannosidase driven ERAD pathway. In contrast, single mutants of the other five N-glycans located either opposite to the active site or into the N-terminus Cys1 extension of tyrosinase are temperature-sensitive mutants and recover enzymatic activity at the permissive temperature of 31°C. Sites s3 and s4 display selective calreticulin binding properties. The C-terminus sites s7 and s6 are critical for the endoplasmic reticulum retention and intracellular disposal. Results herein suggest that individual N-glycan location is critical for the stability, regional folding control and secretion of human tyrosinase and explains some tyrosinase gene missense mutations associated with oculocutaneous albinism type I

    The state of the art: immune-mediated mechanisms of monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy

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    A number of antibody products have now become accepted as effective anti-cancer therapies. Despite being mainly designed to act by inhibiting functional tumour antigens, there is increasing evidence that Fc-mediated engagement of the immune system is an important contributor to the efficacy of several of these therapies. The optimisation of this engagement offers the potential not only to augment efficacy against existing targets, but also to exploit non-functional tumour antigens. Antibodies that achieve efficacy wholly or predominantly through Fc-mediated mechanisms, represent rich opportunities for future therapeutics in oncology. This mini review summarises some of the key challenges, which need to be addressed to select the most effective molecules. These include the identification of optimal antibody characteristics and improvement of the drug discovery process, in particular, the relevance and predictive power of existing in vitro and in vivo screening methods. Advances in our understanding of tumour immunobiology and successful application of technologies designed to enhance immune system engagement will further aid this process

    Recombinant humanised anti-HER2/neu antibody (Herceptin®) induces cellular death of glioblastomas

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    Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) remains the most devastating primary tumour in neuro-oncology. Targeting of the human epithelial receptor type 2 (HER2)-neu receptor by specific antibodies is a recent well-established therapy for breast tumours. Human epithelial receptor type 2/neu is a transmembrane tyrosine/kinase receptor that appears to be important for the regulation of cancer growth. Human epithelial receptor type 2/neu is not expressed in the adult central nervous system, but its expression increases with the degree of astrocytoma anaplasia. The specificity of HER2/neu for tumoral astrocytomas leads us to study in vitro treatment of GBM with anti-HER2/neu antibody. We used human GBM cell lines expressing HER2/neu (A172 express HER2/neu more than U251MG) or not (U87MG) and monoclonal humanised antibody against HER2/neu (Herceptin®). Human epithelial receptor type 2/neu expression was measured by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. Direct antibody effect, complement-dependent cytotoxicity and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity were evaluated by different cytometric assays. We have shown, for the first time, the ability of anti-HER2/neu antibodies to induce apoptosis and cellular-dependent cytotoxicity of HER2/neu-expressing GBM cell lines. The results decreased from A172 to U251 and were negative for U87MG, in accordance with the decreasing density of HER2/neu receptors

    The Invariance Hypothesis Implies Domain-Specific Regions in Visual Cortex

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    Is visual cortex made up of general-purpose information processing machinery, or does it consist of a collection of specialized modules? If prior knowledge, acquired from learning a set of objects is only transferable to new objects that share properties with the old, then the recognition system’s optimal organization must be one containing specialized modules for different object classes. Our analysis starts from a premise we call the invariance hypothesis: that the computational goal of the ventral stream is to compute an invariant-to-transformations and discriminative signature for recognition. The key condition enabling approximate transfer of invariance without sacrificing discriminability turns out to be that the learned and novel objects transform similarly. This implies that the optimal recognition system must contain subsystems trained only with data from similarly-transforming objects and suggests a novel interpretation of domain-specific regions like the fusiform face area (FFA). Furthermore, we can define an index of transformation-compatibility, computable from videos, that can be combined with information about the statistics of natural vision to yield predictions for which object categories ought to have domain-specific regions in agreement with the available data. The result is a unifying account linking the large literature on view-based recognition with the wealth of experimental evidence concerning domain-specific regions.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Science and Technology Center (Award CCF-1231216)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant NSF-0640097)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant NSF-0827427)United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Grant FA8650-05-C-7262)Eugene McDermott Foundatio