8 research outputs found

    Lead Isotopic Characteristics and Metal Sources for the Jewelry in the Medieval Rural Settlements from the Suzdal Region (Kievan Rus’)

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    The article considers the results of the study of lead isotope composition of 38 non-ferrous artifacts discovered at medieval rural sites of the Suzdal Region (Kievan Rus’). The copper-alloy, silver and pewter artifacts were compared with reference data from geographically and temporally diverse medieval artifacts and ore deposits and revealed differing source regions and supply networks within and between metal types. The identification in some cases was difficult due to the conformity of the lead isotopic composition of deposits of some regions. The copper-alloys, represented mostly by crosses made of high-tin bronze, show close isotopic parallels to contemporary copper alloys from Southern Scandinavia, Westphalia and Lower Saxony. Since the copper alloys contain significant quantities of lead, this lead may have entered the metal by alloying with lead-tin alloys, by smelting mixed copper-lead ore, or through haphazard alloying with lead. The lead isotope ratios for nearly all copper alloys are consistent with deposits in Cornwall and Devon and remobilized ore from the Rhenish Massif. For silver and lead-tin alloy objects, lead isotope analyses point to wide ranging sources. Most silver objects are consistent with mid-to-late 10th century silver stocks circulating in the Baltic area and 10th century Volga-Bulgar silver dirham imitations probably representing mixtures of 9th-10th century Islamic silver. The silver shows a heavy reliance on 10th century mixed stocks and there are little indications of Central and Western European silver, which was common in the 11th century Baltic region. The pewter and lead, however, indicate other sources. Lead isotope ratios are consistent with sources connected to Mediterranean and Baltic networks, some being consistent with sources in England, but it is possible that the lead found in some pewter objects could come from the Olkusz lead district in southern Poland.

    Magmatic evolution of the Early Pliocene Etrusk stratovolcano, Eastern Anatolian Collision Zone, Turkey

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    The Pliocene Etrusk stratovolcano, located in the northeast of Lake Van (Eastern Anatolia; Turkey), is one of the important volcanic centres in the Eastern Anatolian collision zone. Mt. Etrusk overlies a widespread volcanic plateau, consisting of basaltic and hawaiitic lavas formed by fissure eruptions between 4.9-4.5 Ma. These basic lavas contain a phenocryst phase consisting of olivine, plagioclase and clinopyroxene. Trace element ratio diagrams imply that these basic magmas were generated from a mantle that contained a clear subduction component that is related to the subducted sediments rather than fluids or altered oceanic crust. Results of the melting models on the basaltic plateau lavas indicate that there was a marked variation both in the mantle source mineralogy (i.e. the ratio of garnet peridotite to spinel peridotite in the source varies between 60/40% and 40/60%) and the degree of melting (i.e. F between 0.8-4%). This can be explained by a model in which magmas were generated by partial melting of both metasomatised lithospheric and deeper asthenospheric mantle sources in an extensional setting in response to the partial delamination of the lithospheric mantle of Eastern Anatolia and then mixed with each other during Pliocene times

    Petrology and Geochemistry of the Quaternary Mafic Volcanism to the NE of Lake Van, Eastern Anatolian Collision Zone, Turkey

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    Collision-related Quaternary mafic volcanism to the north of Lake Van (Eastern Anatolia, Turkey) occurred by eruptions from both volcanic centres and extensional fissures trending approximately north-south. We report new major, trace and rare earth element abundances, Sr-Nd-Pb isotope ratios and K-Ar ages for basaltic and more evolved hawaiitic and mugearitic lava flows. The new K-Ar ages indicate that magmatic activity occurred between 1.0 and 0.4 Ma. The volcanic products consist of mildly alkaline lavas, ranging in composition from basalt to hawaiite and mugearite. Energy-constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization (EC-AFC) model calculations suggest that the least evolved basaltic samples were unaffected by the combined effects of fractional crystallization and crustal contamination processes, in contrast to the more evolved hawaiitic and mugearitic lavas, which have experienced up to 2-3% crustal assimilation. Calculations based on crustal temperatures and Curie point depths indicate that the magma chamber, from which the basic to evolved lavas were derived, might be located at a depth of around 6-8 km, within the upper crust. Enrichment of large ion lithophile elements and light rare earth elements relative to high strength field elements, and higher Sr-87/Sr-86 and Pb isotopic ratios and lower Nd-144/Nd-143 of the least evolved basaltic samples indicate that the mantle source region of the Quaternary mafic magmas might have been enriched by melts that were derived from subducted sediments with a partial melting degree of around 10% rather than from Altered Oceanic Crust melts and fluids. Our model melting calculations show that the basaltic melts might have been produced by melting of a mantle source containing both amphibole and garnet with a partial melting degree of similar to 3%. Results of our petrological models indicate that a metasomatized mantle source, which was infiltrated by a mixture of 93% mantle melt and 7% sediment melt plus 0.01% residual rutile, added to mantle melt, could have been the source composition of the basaltic melts that produced the Quaternary mafic volcanism

    Heat and Mass Transfer in an Adsorbed Natural Gas Storage System Filled with Monolithic Carbon Adsorbent during Circulating Gas Charging

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    Adsorbed natural gas (ANG) technology is a promising alternative to traditional compressed (CNG) and liquefied (LNG) natural gas systems. Nevertheless, the energy efficiency and storage capacity of an ANG system strongly depends on the thermal management of its inner volume because of significant heat effects occurring during adsorption/desorption processes. In the present work, a prototype of a circulating charging system for an ANG storage tank filled with a monolithic nanoporous carbon adsorbent was studied experimentally under isobaric conditions (0.5–3.5 MPa) at a constant volumetric flow rate (8–18 m3/h) or flow mode (Reynolds number at the adsorber inlet from 100,000 to 220,000). The study of the thermal state of the monolithic adsorbent layer and internal heat exchange processes during the circulating charging of an adsorbed natural gas storage system was carried out. The correlation between the gas flow mode, the dynamic gas flow temperature, and the heat transfer coefficient between the gas and adsorbent was determined. A one-dimensional mathematical model of the circulating low-temperature charging process was developed, the results of which correspond to the experimental measurements

    Natural Gas Storage Filled with Peat-Derived Carbon Adsorbent: Influence of Nonisothermal Effects and Ethane Impurities on the Storage Cycle

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    Adsorbed natural gas (ANG) is a promising solution for improving the safety and storage capacity of low-pressure gas storage systems. The structural–energetic and adsorption properties of active carbon ACPK, synthesized from cheap peat raw materials, are presented. Calculations of the methane–ethane mixture adsorption on ACPK were performed using the experimental adsorption isotherms of pure components. It is shown that the accumulation of ethane can significantly increase the energy capacity of the ANG storage. Numerical molecular modeling of the methane–ethane mixture adsorption in slit-like model micropores has been carried out. The molecular effects associated with the displacement of ethane by methane molecules and the formation of a molecule layered structure are shown. The integral molecular adsorption isotherm of the mixture according to the molecular modeling adequately corresponds to the ideal adsorbed solution theory (IAST). The cyclic processes of gas charging and discharging from the ANG storage based on the ACPK are simulated in three modes: adiabatic, isothermal, and thermocontrolled. The adiabatic mode leads to a loss of 27–33% of energy capacity at 3.5 MPa compared to the isothermal mode, which has a 9.4–19.5% lower energy capacity compared to the thermocontrolled mode, with more efficient desorption of both methane and ethane

    Advances in modern osteotomies around the knee

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    Abstract Corrective lower limb osteotomies are innovative and efficient therapeutic procedures for restoring axial alignment and managing unicompartmental knee osteoarthritis. This review presents critical insights into the up-dated clinical knowledge on osteotomies for complex posttraumatic or congenital lower limb deformities with a focus on high tibial osteotomies, including a comprehensive overview of basic principles of osteotomy planning, biomechanical considerations of different implants for osteotomies and insights in specific bone deformity correction techniques. Emphasis is placed on complex cases of lower limb osteotomies associated with ligament and multiaxial instability including pediatric cases, computer-assisted navigation, external fixation for long bone deformity correction and return to sport after such osteotomies. Altogether, these advances in the experimental and clinical knowledge of complex lower limb osteotomies allow generating improved, adapted therapeutic regimens to treat congenital and acquired lower limb deformities