1,051 research outputs found

    Images de l'Europe dans l'enseignement de la géographie

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    L'iconographie des livres solaires de géographie participe fortement à la construction des représentations et à l'élaboration d'une conception de l'Europe

    Le terrain, les programmes scolaires et les figures du géographe

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    Fieldwork and practice are at the joining point of pedagogical concern and geographical thought. But, in despite of many pedagogical injunctions from the 1880thies to the 1980thies, fieldworks stay scares at school. This may be related to the different figures of the Geographer: office geographer, open-air geographer and workshop geographer. These three figures of the Geographer can be associated, from the Enlightment to the beginning of the XXIth century, with three modalities for scholar geography: as memory branch of learning, as experimental and general science and as a teaching method based upon documents.Le terrain et les pratiques de terrain sont Ă  la jonction des prĂ©occupations des pĂ©dagogues et des gĂ©ographes. Mais, contrairement Ă  ce qu'il Ă©tait souvent demandĂ© des annĂ©es 1880 aux annĂ©es 1980, les pratiques du terrain sont loin de s'ĂȘtre gĂ©nĂ©ralisĂ©es dans le cadre de la gĂ©ographie scolaire. Ceci peut ĂȘtre mis en regard avec les diffĂ©rentes figures du gĂ©ographe qui apparaissent sur une pĂ©riode plus ample : le gĂ©ographe de cabinet, le gĂ©ographe de plein-vent et le gĂ©ographe d'atelier. Ces trois figures du gĂ©ographe correspondent Ă  trois rĂ©gimes de la gĂ©ographie scolaire : la discipline de mĂ©moire, la gĂ©ographie leçon de choses et la pĂ©dagogie par le document

    Enseigner de la géographie aux jeunes écoliers du primaire en France: quelques repÚres chronologiques

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    History of the teaching of géography in primary in Francechronologie de l'enseignement de la géographie à l'école primaire en Franc

    Enseigner la France en géographie aux jeunes écoliers (1788-2008)

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    For the last two centuries, the ways of teaching geography of France to the young French pupils from 9 to 11 years old have known many transformations. The objectives and the finality have changed. These transformations result from the general changes in pedagogical methods at school, but also from the particular changes of how the French conceive their own territory and national identity.Since the beginning of the 19th century Geography taught in primary schools differs from the geography made for colleges and high schools, which has remained for a long time within the tradition of historical geography from the Ancient time to the modern period. At the end of the 19th century the 3rd French Republic put France and its colonies as the centre and the horizon of the geography studies. Geography at school was a main way to build up a national identity.In the 20th century, and more particularly during the sixties, thanks to the development of new media, space as perceived by young children became wider and more various. New curricula have been opened to new spatial dimensions: Europe and the world. The building of a national identity blends with regional, European and world wide scalar levels. Even if the latest curriculum is more focused on France.L'Ă©volution de la façon dont la gĂ©ographie de la France est prĂ©sentĂ©e aux petits Français ĂągĂ©s de 9 Ă  11 ans montre les transformations des mĂ©thodes pĂ©dagogiques, en particulier celles en usage dans la leçon de gĂ©ographie ; elle tĂ©moigne des transformations des finalitĂ©s de l'enseignement de la gĂ©ographie Ă  l'Ă©cole Ă©lĂ©mentaire et reflĂšte autant l'Ă©volution de l'espace français que la façon dont les Français pensent leur territoire.La gĂ©ographie destinĂ©e aux Ă©lĂšves des Ă©coles communales se diffĂ©rencie d'emblĂ©e des savoirs gĂ©ographiques enseignĂ©s dans l'enseignement secondaire en rompant d'emblĂ©e avec la tradition de la gĂ©ographie historique. La IIIe RĂ©publique fait ensuite de la France et de ses colonies l'horizon de la gĂ©ographie de l'Ă©cole primaire et le cadre identitaire des jeunes français. Depuis les annĂ©es soixante l'espace perçu par les jeunes enfants via les diffĂ©rents mĂ©dias s'est considĂ©rablement Ă©largi et diversifiĂ© et les programmes scolaires se sont ouverts sur l'Europe et le monde, associant la construction de l'identitĂ© nationale avec d'autres niveaux scalaires de rĂ©fĂ©rence : la rĂ©gion, l'Europe, le monde ; mĂȘme si le dernier programme est plus centrĂ© sur la France

    A tight bound on the throughput of queueing networks with blocking

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    In this paper, we present a bounding methodology that allows to compute a tight lower bound on the cycle time of fork--join queueing networks with blocking and with general service time distributions. The methodology relies on two ideas. First, probability masses fitting (PMF) discretizes the service time distributions so that the evolution of the modified network can be modelled by a Markov chain. The PMF discretization is simple: the probability masses on regular intervals are computed and aggregated on a single value in the orresponding interval. Second, we take advantage of the concept of critical path, i.e. the sequence of jobs that covers a sample run. We show that the critical path can be computed with the discretized distributions and that the same sequence of jobs offers a lower bound on the original cycle time. The tightness of the bound is shown on computational experiments. Finally, we discuss the extension to split--and--merge networks and approximate estimations of the cycle time.queueing networks, blocking, throughput, bound, probability masses fitting, critical path.

    Probability masses fitting in the analysis of manufacturing flow lines

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    A new alternative in the analysis of manufacturing systems with finite buffers is presented. We propose and study a new approach in order to build tractable phase-type distributions, which are required by state-of-the-art analytical models. Called "probability masses fitting" (PMF), the approach is quite simple: the probability masses on regular intervals are computed and aggregated on a single value in the corresponding interval, leading to a discrete distribution. PMF shows some interesting properties: it is bounding, monotonic and it conserves the shape of the distribution. After PMF, from the discrete phase-type distributions, state-of-the-art analytical models can be applied. Here, we choose the exactly model the evolution of the system by a Markov chain, and we focus on flow lines. The properties of the global modelling method can be discovered by extending the PMF properties, mainly leading to bounds on the throughput. Finally, the method is shown, by numerical experiments, to compute accurate estimations of the throughput and of various performance measures, reaching accuracy levels of a few tenths of percent.stochastic modelling, flow lines, probability masses fitting, discretization, bounds, performance measures, distributions.

    Moins d’antibiotiques, moins de rĂ©sistances

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    peer reviewedAnalyse de Butler CC, Dunstan F, Heginbothom M, et al. Containing antibiotic resistance: decreased antibiotic-resistant coliform urinary tract infections with reduction in antibiotic prescribing by general practices. Brit J Gen Pract 2007;57:785-92

    On the sensitivity of third-order Volterra MVDR beamformers to interference-pulse shaping filter

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    International audienceLinear beamformers are optimal, in a mean square (MS) sense, when the signal of interest (SOI) and observations are jointly Gaussian and circular. Otherwise, optimal beamformers become non-linear with a structure depending on the unknown joint probability distribution of the SOI and observations. In this context, third-order Volterra minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) beamformers have been proposed recently to improve the performance of linear beamformers in the presence of non-Gaussian and potentially non-circular interference, omnipresent in practical situations. High performance gains have been obtained for binary phase shift keying (BPSK) and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) interference having a square pulse shaping filter in particular. However in practice, for spectral efficiency reasons, most of signals use non-square pulse shaping filters, such as square root raised cosine filter. It is then important to analyze the sensitivity of third-order MVDR beamformers to interference pulse shaping filter, which is the purpose of this paper

    ROBIC (Marie-Claire) (coord.), GOSME (Cyril), MENDIBIL (Didier), ORAIN (Olivier), TISSIER (Jean-Louis). – Couvrir le monde. Un grand XXe siĂšcle de gĂ©ographie française

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    Ce livre offre quatre Ă©clairages successifs sur la gĂ©ographie française de 1890 Ă  2002, ce « grand XXe siĂšcle » qui a vu la gĂ©ographie française renouveler ses fondements Ă©pistĂ©mologiques et se construire comme discipline universitaire. La gĂ©ographie qu’utilisent ou produisent d’autres institutions (ministĂšre des Colonies, École supĂ©rieure de Guerre, amĂ©nageurs
) est aussi Ă©voquĂ©e, dans la mesure oĂč les gĂ©ographes universitaires y participent. L’étude commence vers 1890, moment de rupture Ă©pi..

    Éducation gĂ©ographique et RĂ©volution nationale. La gĂ©ographie scolaire au temps de Vichy

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    Entre 1940 et 1945, la gĂ©ographie scolaire française connaĂźt des bouleverse­ments remarquables. Ils sont pour partie issus des rĂ©flexions pĂ©dagogiques d’avant-guerre et pour partie le fruit des circonstances politiques. DĂšs 1940, le rĂ©gime de Vichy mobilise l’enseignement de la gĂ©ographie au service de son idĂ©ologie : les programmes scolaires de gĂ©ographie sont revus pour diffuser les idĂ©es de la « RĂ©volution nationale » et les horaires d’enseignement sont augmentĂ©s. C’est dans ce contexte qu’Emmanuel de Martonne obtient la crĂ©ation d’une agrĂ©gation de gĂ©ographie, distincte de l’agrĂ©gation d’histoire ; le premier concours a lieu Ă  la LibĂ©ration. Si les programmes scolaires de Vichy sont ensuite rapidement abrogĂ©s, l’enseignement de la gĂ©ographie conserve aprĂšs 1945 un horaire officiel Ă©gal Ă  celui de l’histoire. L’enseignement apparaĂźt renforcĂ© au sortir de ces annĂ©es dramatiques.Between 1940 and 1945, French school geography underwent remarkable upheavals. These were partially rooted in pre-war didactic reflections and partially the result of political circumstances. As early as 1940, the Vichy regime mobilized the teaching of geography to serve its ideology : the school geography curriculum was revised in order to spread the ideas of the “National Revolution” and the number of hours taught increased. It was under these circumstances that Emmanuel de Martonne obtained the creation of an “agrĂ©gation” of geography distinct from the “agrĂ©gation” of history; the first session was organized at the Liberation. While the Vichy curriculum was then rapidly repealed, after 1945 geography retained the official number of hours equal to those of history. The teaching of this subject appeared to come through these dramatic years stronger than before.Zwischen 1940 und 1945 verĂ€ndert sich das Schulfach Erdkunde in Frankreich in einschneidender Weise. Diese VerĂ€nderungen ergaben sich zum Teil aus pĂ€dagogischen Überlegungen der Vorkriegszeit; zum Teil waren sie der Ausfluss der politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Ab 1940 instrumentalisierte das Vichy-Regime den Geografieunterricht fĂŒr seine Ideologie : die Curricula des Schulfachs Erdkunde wurden umgeschrieben, um das Gedankengut der “nationalen Revolution” zu verbreiten, und die Stundenzahl wurde erhöht. Vor diesem Hintergrund erreichte Emmanuel de Martonne die Einrichtung eines eigenen Lehrerexamens, das die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen fĂŒr Erdkundelehrer von denen fĂŒr Geschichtslehrer abkoppeln sollte. Die erste entsprechende LehrerprĂŒfung fand gleichzeitig mit der Befreiung Frankreichs statt. Wenngleich die Curricula des Vichy-Regimes nach dem Krieg schnell aufgegeben wurden, behielt der Erdkundeunterricht auch nach 1945 offiziell so viele Schulstunden wie der Geschichtsunterricht. Dieses Schulfach ging also gestĂ€rkt aus diesen dramatischen Jahren hervor.Entre 1940 y 1945, la geografĂ­a escolar francesa sufre una serie de transformaciones importantes. Son en buena parte, el fruto de las reflexiones pedagĂłgicas del perĂ­odo anterior a la guerra y de las circunstancias polĂ­ticas. Desde 1940 el rĂ©gimen de Vichy mobiliza la enseñanza de la geografĂ­a al servicio de su ideologĂ­a : los programas escolares de geografĂ­a son reexaminados para difundir las ideas de la “RevoluciĂłn nacional” y los horarios de enseñanza aumentan. Es en este contexto que Emmanuel de Martonne consigue la creaciĂłn de una oposicion a la cĂĄtedra de geografĂ­a, distinta a la de historia; el primer concurso tiene lugar durante el periodo de la LiberaciĂłn. Si los programas escolares de Vichy son rapidamente abrogados, la enseñanza de la geografĂ­a conserva despuĂ©s de 1945 el mismo horario oficial que el de historia. La enseñanza parece reforzarse al final de estos años dramĂĄticos
