41 research outputs found

    Modelling Imprecise Arguments in Description Logic

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    Real arguments are a mixture of fuzzy linguistic variables and ontological knowledge. This paper focuses on modelling imprecise arguments in order to obtain a better interleaving of human and software agents argumentation, which might be proved useful for extending the number of real life argumentative-based applications. We propose Fuzzy Description Logic as the adequate technical instrumentation for filling the gap between human arguments and software agents arguments. A proof of concept scenario has been tested with the fuzzyDL reasoner

    Computing Dialectical Trees Efficiently in Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming

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    Possibilistic Defeasible Logic Programming (P-DeLP) is a logic programming language which combines features from argumentation theory and logic programming, incorporating as well the treatment of possibilistic uncertainty and fuzzy knowledge at object-language level. Solving a P-DeLP query..

    A novel approach for classifying customer complaints through graphs similarities in argumentative dialogues

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    Automating customer complaints processing is a major issue in the context of knowledge management technologies for most companies nowadays. Automated decision-support systems are important for complaint processing, integrating human experience in understanding complaints and the application of machine learning techniques. In this context, a major challenge in complaint processing involves assessing the validity of a customer complaint on the basis of the emerging dialogue between a customer and a company representative. This paper presents a novel approach for modelling and classifying complaint scenarios associated with customer-company dialogues. Such dialogues are formalized as labelled graphs, in which both company and customer interact through communicative actions, providing arguments that support their points. We show that such argumentation provides a complement to perform machine learning reasoning on communicative actions, improving the resulting classification accuracy

    Deliberate Soccer Agents Powered by Resource-Bounded Argumentation

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    Towards Computational Models of Natural Argument Using Labelled Deductive Systems

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    During the last decade computational models of argument have emerged as a successful approach to the formalization of commonsense reasoning, encompassing many other alternative formalisms