1,435 research outputs found

    Penilaian keberkesanan sistem kawalan pembangunan : pengalaman Jabatan Perancang Bandar, Dewan bandaraya Kuala Lumpur

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    The good planning and management process involves many stages of decision-making and expertise from various fields comprise with information that can be analyst specifically in qualitative or quantitative form and support strategy and action for improving information and to facilitate the adaptability of the planning system. In increasing effectiveness of development control system, town planners are require with update planning data to conduct their decision making in approving planning application. Based on this situation, integrated computerized Development Control System has been developed to assist Planning Department staff which involve with planning application process. This study will discuss an evaluation on the effectiveness of the computerized development control system being developed for the Planning and Development Control Department, City Hall of Kuala Lumpur, with emphasize on the Planning Authorization Subsystem The evaluation involves the comparison between manual practice and system application in planning permission process using Triangulation method which is a combination of 3 analyses technique to achieve the validation in the process. Based on the comparison, computerized system have been identified contain an ability to decrease time and reduce a number of staff involvement in every stage of planning process. With absorption of good urban governance concept, the systems are able to give better services to department staff and public. Generally from the study, the computerized system provide additional assistance in processing planning application compare to the manual method that currently be practice by most local authority in Malaysi

    Preparation and characterization of Styrene-Methyl Methacrylate in Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex (SMMA-DPNR)

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    The graft polymerization of Styrene and Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) onto deproteinized natural rubber latex (SMMA-DPNR) was carried out using ammonium peroxy disulfate (N2H8O8S2) as an initiator. The suitable reaction conditions based on the higher monomer conversion was determined. The SMMA-DPNR at 6 hours reaction time was successfully prepared with degree of conversion more than 99 %. The copolymers composition of the resultant SMMA-DPNR was obtained using 1H-NMR Spectroscopy. As expected, composition of styrene in DPNR was higher than that of MMA due to the higher reactivity ratio of styrene monomer as compared to MMA monomer and the structure of the NR backbone

    Wacana Wawancara Formal Bahasa Melayu: Satu Kajian Etnografi Komunikasi

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    Kajian ini memberikan tumpuan pada analisis wacana wawancara formal bahasa Melayu dengan mengaplikasikan teori etnografi komunikasi. Sesuatu unit komunikasi dapat dijelaskan dari sudut konteks dengan bantuan sistem penggolongan grid "speaking" yang membahagikan sesuatu ujaran kepada komponen-komponen tertentu. Dalam kajian ini sepuluh teks wawancara formal telah dipilih melibatkan sepuluh tokoh tempatan dalam pelbagai bidang seperti politik, akademik, ketenteraan, pentadbiran, psikiatri, menteri dan menteri besar. Setiap teks wawancara dianalisis dengan aplikasi model grid "speaking" yang dipelopori oleh Hymes (1972) dan diaplikasikan oleh tokoh-tokoh bahasa lain selepas beliau seperti Saville-Troike (1 989), Fasold (1 990), Schiffrin (1 994) dan yang akhir sekali Asmah (1 997). Kajian mendapati komponen-komponen grid "speaking" yang terdiri daripada latar (S), peserta (P), tujuan (E), urutan lakuan (A), ragam (K), alat atau saluran (I), norma-norma interaksi dan penafsiran (N) mempunyai kesan ke atas penggunaan bahasa yang digunakan oleh peserta-peserta yang terlibat dalam peristiwa bahasa wawancara. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan teori etnografi komukiasi mampu membina satu sistem keteraturan dalam pertuturan dengan mengkombinasikan sistern linguistik dan sosiolinguistik. Dalam ha1 ini, etnografi komunikasi telah berjaya memperjelaskan fungsi dan hakikat bahasa sebagai sebahagian daripada falsafah dan pemikiran bahasa. Dalam kajian ini juga didapati ciri-ciri penutur atau peserta yang mengambil bahagian dalam setiap wawancara dan ciri-ciri konteksnya memainkan peranan p enting d alam penganalisisan setiap ujaran. Oleh yang demikian, kajian ini mendapati cara-cara ujaran dapat ditakrifkan untuk menepati konteks sosial yang saling berinteraksi dalam komunikasi, menjangkau pengetahuan tentang rumus-rumus penggunaan bahasa dan menekankan aspek makna dan fungsi bahasa dalam penggunaan menurut situasi dan konteks

    Styrene-Methyl Methacrylatemodified Natural Rubber From Deproteinized Natural Rubber Latex.

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    Kajian ini adalah mengenai pempolimeran in situ stirena (S) dan metil metakrilat (MMA) getah asli terubahsuai stirena-metil metakrilat di dalam lateks getah asli ternyahprotein menggunakan ammonium persulfat (N2H8O8S2) untuk menghasilkan getah asli terubahsuai S-MMA (S-MMA-NR) pada darjah ubahsuai yang berbeza, 10, 20 dan 30 % berat dengan berat monomer stirena dan MMA yang digunakan adalah sama (50/50 berat/berat). The study reported here is concerned with the in situ polymerization of styrene (S) and methyl methacrylate (MMA) in deproteinized natural rubber latex using ammonium persulfate (N2H8O8S2) as initiator to obtain S-MMA-modified natural rubber (S-MMA-NR) at different degree of modification, 10, 20 and 30 wt% of equal amount of styrene and MMA monomer (50/50 w/w)

    Development and evaluation of deep-fried, frozen sweet potato rounds

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    Objectives of this study were twofold: (a) development of a new form of sweet potato product referred to as sweet potato rounds? and (b) evaluation of samples for quality attributes including sensory, chemical, physical, and caloric content. Sensory panels consisting of 15 university staff and students of food-oriented departments showed some preference for samples prepared in each of the three methods of final preparation: microwave heating, conventional heating and deep-frying. However, samples finished by deep frying were most preferred and samples finished in a microwave oven were least preferred. Proximate composition showed that deep-fried samples had the highest amount of absorbed oil; consequently, these samples contained the highest caloric content when compared to the samples finished in a microwave or conventional oven and deep-fried commercially prepared white potato rounds. Hunter color measurements showed that deep-fried samples were lightest and retained most of their characteristic orange-yellow color. Conventionally-heated and microwave-heated samples were darker and lost some of their natural orange-yellow color. However, small differences existed between samples finished in the two types of ovens. Instron firmness values showed that conventionally-heated samples were firmer than the microwave-heated samples. No comparison was made between samples that were deep-fried or finished by heating in the ovens. However, absolute values showed that deep-fried samples had comparable firmness values as those of conventionally-heated samples. This study shows that acceptable sweet potato rounds can be prepared either by conventional methods using a conventional oven and a deep fryer or by a more convenient but least preferred method using a microwave oven

    Simultaneous quantitative analysis of two functional food oils, extra virgin olive oil and virgin coconut oil using FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration

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    Two functional food oils, namely extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and virgin coconut oil (VCO) have been analyzed simultaneously using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The performance of multivariate calibration of principle component regression (PCR) and partial least square regression (PLSR) was evaluated in order to give the best prediction model for such determination. FTIR spectra were treated with several treatments including mean centering (MC), derivatization, and standard normal variate (SNV) at the combined frequency regions of 3050 – 3000, 1660 – 1650, and 1200 – 900 cm-1. Based on its capability to give the highest values of coefficient of correlation (R) for the relationship between actual value of EVOO/VCO and FTIR predicted value together with the lowest values of root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC), PLSR with mean centered-first derivative spectra was chosen for simultaneous determination of EVOO and VCO. It can be concluded that FTIR spectroscopy combined with multivariate calibration of PLSR was successfully applied to simultaneously quantify EVOO and VCO with acceptable parameters

    The optimization of FTIR spectroscopy combined with partial least square for analysis of animal fats in quartenary mixtures.

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    Four types of animal fats, namely lard (LD) and body fats of lamb (LBF), cow (Cow-BF) and chicken (Ch-BF), in quaternary mixtures were quantitatively analyzed using FTIR spectroscopy in combination with multivariate calibration of partial least square (PLS). The animal fats, either individual or in quaternary mixtures, were subjected to horizontal total attenuated total reflectance (HATR) as sample handling technique and scanned at mid-infrared region (4000-650 cm-1) with resolution of 4 cm-1 and with 32 interferograms. PLS calibration revealed that the first derivative FTIR spectrum was well suited for the correlation between actual value of LD and FTIR calculated value. The other animal fats (LBF, Cow-BF and Ch-BF) were better determined using normal FTIR spectra. The coefficient of determination (R 2) obtained using the optimized spectral treatments was higher than 0.99. The root mean standard error of calibration (RMSEC) values obtained were in the range of 0.773-1.55. Analysis of animal fats using FTIR spectroscopy allows rapid, no excessive sample preparation, and can be regarded as "green analytical technique" due to the absence of solvent and chemical reagent used during the analysis

    A rapid method for determination of commercial β-carotene in RBD palm olein by fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

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    A rapid method for the determination of commercial β-carotene in refined bleached and deodorized (RBD) palm olein using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy was developed. The fifty RBD palm olein samples spiked by a known amount of commercial (30%)β-carotene to produce a wide range of concentrations up to 2000 ppm were used. Samples were separated into two groups for the calibration and validation models. The partial least squares (PLS) calibration models for predicting β-carotene was developed by using the FTIR spectral region at 980-915 cm-1 which is associated with trans double bond CH absorption. The accuracy of the method was comparable to that of the HPLC method with a coefficient of determination (R2) and standard error of calibration (SEC) for commercial β-carotene 0.9934 and 52.29, respectively. The FTIR method developed was shown to be efficient, accurate and suitable for routine quality control analysis for the food industry with results obtainable in about 2.5 min

    Determination of extra virgin olive oil in quaternary mixture using FTIR spectroscopy and multivariate calibration.

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    The purpose of this study was to optimize Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy in combination with multivariate calibrations (partial least square and principle component regression) for determination of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) in quaternary mixture systems with grape seed oil (GSO), rice bran oil (RBO) and walnut oil (WO). FTIR spectra of EVOO in quaternary mixtures were subjected to several treatments including mean centering (MC), standard normal variate, and spectra derivatives. The combined frequency regions of 1200–900 and 2949–2885 cm–1 were used for determination of EVOO. Using partial least square calibration, FTIR normal spectra treated with MC model give the highest values of coefficient of determination (R2) and the lowest values of root mean square error of calibration (RMSEC). The R2 value obtained for the relationship between actual and FTIR predicted value of EVOO was >0.99 with RMSEC value of 1.55% (v/v). The developed PLS model was further used to calculate EVOO in prediction samples, and the root mean square error of prediction obtained was 3.65% (v/v)

    Detection of lard in vegetable oils

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    The presence of animal fats, in particular lard (pig fat), in any product is of real concern to some communities, especially Muslims and Jews, due to the religious prohibition of these commodities. This is especially so when lard is used as substitute for vegetable oils in foods or other consumer goods such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Manufactures and producers alike should be sensitive towards the issues of unlawful material in these products as halal and kosher markets are expected to proliferate in the coming years. This article highlights some analytical techniques proposed to detect and to quantify lard in vegetable oils such as Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), chromatographic-based techniques, and electronic nose (EN)