394 research outputs found

    The effects of recombination rate on the distribution and abundance of transposable elements

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    Transposable elements (TEs) often accumulate in regions of the genome with suppressed recombination. But it is unclear whether this pattern reflects a reduction in the efficacy of selection against deleterious insertions or a relaxation of ectopic recombination. Discriminating between these two hypotheses has been difficult, because no formal model has investigated the effects of recombination under the deleterious insertion model. Here we take a simulation-based approach to analyze this scenario and determine the conditions under which element accumulation is expected in low recombination regions. We show that TEs become fixed as a result of Hill–Robertson effects in the form of Muller's ratchet, but only in regions of extremely low recombination when excision is effectively absent and synergism between elements is weak. These results have important implications for differentiating between the leading models of how selection acts on TEs and should help to interpret emerging population genetic and genomic data

    The effects of weak selection on neutral diversity at linked sites

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    The effects of selection on variability at linked sites have an important influence on levels and patterns of within-population variation across the genome. Most theoretical models of these effects have assumed that selection is sufficiently strong that allele frequency changes at the loci concerned are largely deterministic. These models have led to the conclusion that directional selection for selectively favorable mutations, or against recurrent deleterious mutations, reduces nucleotide site diversity at linked neutral sites. Recent work has shown, however, that fixations of weakly selected mutations, accompanied by significant stochastic changes in allele frequencies, can sometimes cause higher diversity at linked sites when compared with the effects of fixations of neutral mutations. This study extends this work by deriving approximate expressions for the mean conditional times to fixation and loss of mutations subject to selection, and analyzing the conditions under which selection increases rather than reduces these times. Simulations are used to examine the relations between diversity at a neutral site and the fixation and loss times of mutations at a linked site that is subject to selection. It is shown that the long-term level of neutral diversity can be increased over the purely neutral value by recurrent fixations and losses of linked, weakly selected dominant or partially dominant favorable mutations, or linked recessive or partially recessive deleterious mutations. The results are used to examine the conditions under which associative overdominance, as opposed to background selection, is likely to operate

    Sex Determination: A Worm Does It by Elimination

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    SummaryParasitic nematode worms of the genus Strongyloides have an alternation of many asexual, all-female generations with a sexual generation composed of males and females. Males of S. papillosus have now been shown to be produced by elimination of chromosomal material that constitutes the X chromosome in its close relatives

    The Evolutionary Biology of Sex

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    In 1861, Charles Darwin wrote “We do not even in the least know the final cause of sexuality; why new beings should be produced by the union of the two sexual elements, instead of by a process of parthenogenesis”. It was hardly possible to begin to answer this question at that time, in view of the contemporary lack of knowledge of genetics and cell biology. Since then, research into the cellular basis of reproduction has shown that sexual reproduction is the norm for the majority of eukaryotes, with huge consequences for their biology. The evolution of sex and some of its consequences are the subject of the series of reviews, and a Primer, in this special issue of Current Biology

    Fisher’s historic 1922 paper On the dominance ratio

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    R.A. Fisher’s 1922 paper On the dominance ratio has a strong claim to be the foundation paper for modern population genetics. It greatly influenced subsequent work by Haldane and Wright, and contributed 3 major innovations to the study of evolution at the genetic level. First, the introduction of a general model of selection at a single locus, which showed how variability could be maintained by heterozygote advantage. Second, the use of the branching process approach to show that a beneficial mutation has a substantial chance of loss from the population, even when the population size is extremely large. Third, the invention of the concept of a probability distribution of allele frequency, caused by random sampling of allele frequencies due to finite population size, and the first use of a diffusion equation to investigate the properties of such a distribution. Although Fisher was motivated by an inference that later turned out to lack strong empirical support (a substantial contribution of dominance to quantitative trait variability), and his use of a diffusion equation was marred by a technical mistake, the paper introduced concepts and methods that pervade much subsequent work in population genetics

    Estimating Selection Intensity on Synonymous Codon Usage in a Nonequilibrium Population

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    Codon usage bias is the nonrandom use of synonymous codons for the same amino acid. Most population genetic models of codon usage evolution assume that the population is at mutation–selection–drift equilibrium. Natural populations, however, frequently deviate from equilibrium, often because of recent demographic changes. Here, we construct a matrix model that includes the effects of a recent change in population size on estimates of selection on preferred vs. unpreferred codons. Our results suggest that patterns of synonymous polymorphisms affecting codon usage can be quite erratic after such a change; statistical methods that fail to take demographic effects into account can then give incorrect estimates of important parameters. We propose a new method that can accurately estimate both demographic and codon usage parameters. The method also provides a simple way of testing for the effects of covariates such as gene length and level of gene expression on the intensity of selection, which we apply to a large Drosophila melanogaster polymorphism data set. Our analyses of twofold degenerate codons reveal that (i) selection acts in favor of preferred codons, (ii) there is mutational bias in favor of unpreferred codons, (iii) shorter genes and genes with higher expression levels are under stronger selection, and (iv) there is little evidence for a recent change in population size in the Zimbabwe population of D. melanogaster
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