9 research outputs found

    Grass utilization and grazing distribution within intensively managed fields in central Alberta

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    Grazing distribution and grass utilization was evaluated in intensively managed fields in the southern Aspen Parkland near Kirriemuir, Alberta. Three fields, 130 ha in size(with dimensions .4 x 3.2 km) were grazed by 1,000 cow/calf pairs for S days each. Stock water was accessible only from one end of each field. Grazing distribution was evaluated by monitoring grass utiliza- tion daily during grazing and after grazing at 0.1, 0.8, 1.6, 2.4, and 3.1 km from water. Final utilization did not differ within fields, escept for a decline at the maximum distance from water (3.1 km). Temporal utilization patterns existedand could best be described as a wave, with defoliation beginning near the water source on day 1 of grazing and proceeding outward from water until the ends of the fields were grazed on day 5. Final utilization was uniform; selective grazing of areas close to water was not removed by intensive management, but was masked by a rapid rate of defoliation

    Intervalo hídrico ótimo na avaliação de sistemas de pastejo contínuo e rotacionado Least limiting water range in the evaluation of continuous and short-duration grazing systems

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    A qualidade física do solo sob sistemas de pastejo contínuo e rotacionado foi avaliada pelo Intervalo Hídrico Ótimo (IHO). A amostragem foi realizada na área experimental da Embrapa Gado de Corte. Foi estudado um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Foram avaliados quatro piquetes, sendo dois no sistema de pastejo contínuo e dois no sistema de pastejo rotacionado. No sistema de pastejo contínuo, implementado com a espécie Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk, foram retiradas 30 amostras por piquete, não tendo um dos piquetes recebido adubação de manutenção (Cs), enquanto o outro havia recebido adubação bianual de manutenção (Cc). No sistema de pastejo rotacionado, implementado com a espécie Panicum maximum cv. Tanzânia, foram retiradas 30 amostras por piquete; em um dos piquetes, o resíduo pós-pastejo era mantido entre 2,0 e 2,5 t ha-1 de matéria seca total (MST) (R1), enquanto no outro era mantido entre 3,0 e 3,5 t ha-1 MST (R2). As amostras foram submetidas a um gradiente de tensão de água e, posteriormente, utilizadas nas determinações da densidade do solo (Ds), resistência do solo à penetração (RP), umidade volumétrica (tetav) e do IHO. O sistema de pastejo rotacionado apresentou piores condições físicas do solo para o crescimento vegetal, avaliadas pelo critério do IHO. Os maiores valores de Ds e menor IHO foram observados no R1, o que foi atribuído às taxas de lotação mais elevadas aplicadas neste piquete.<br>Soil physical quality in continuous and short-duration rotational cattle grazing systems was evaluated using the Least Limiting Water Range (LLWR) approach. Soil samples were collected on an experimental site at the Embrapa - Beef Cattle Research Center (Campo Grande, MS, Brazil). The studied soil was a Typic Acrudox. Four sampling sites were selected: two under a short-duration continuous grazing system and two under intensive short-duration rotational grazing system. Thirty soil cores were collected in each site under the continuous grazing system, planted with Brachiaria decumbens cv. Basilisk grass. One of the continuous grazing sites had received biannual fertilization (Cc) while the other had not been fertilized (Cs). Thirty soil cores were also collected in each site under the intensive rotational grazing system, planted with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania grass. In the intensive rotational grazing system the two sites differed in relation to the post-graze residue level left. In one site (R1) it varied from 2.0 to 2.5 t total dry matter (TDM) ha-1 and in the other R2 it varied from 3.0 to 3.5 t TDM ha-1. The cores were subjected to a soil water suction gradient, and then used for soil bulk density (Db), soil resistance to penetration (SR), volumetric water content (thetav), and LLWR determinations. The intensive short-duration rotational grazing system presented the worse physical soil conditions for plant growth, as evaluated by the LLWR. The highest Db and the lowest LLWR were found in R1, which could be a consequence of the heavier stocking rates used on this site

    Aplicações da curva de resistência no controle da qualidade física de um solo sob pastagem Applications of the resistance curve in the control of the physical quality of soils under grass

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    A degradação da qualidade física do solo pode estar associada com a compactação causada pelo pisoteio dos animais. A resistência do solo à penetração (RP) é um parâmetro físico utilizado para estabelecer o grau de compactação do solo. Contudo, esta varia com a umidade (teta) e densidade do solo (Ds). O objetivo deste trabalho foi obter a curva de resistência do solo e utilizá-la na avaliação da qualidade física do solo num sistema de pastejo intensivo rotacionado de capim-elefante. A curva de resistência do solo foi determinada por meio de 48 amostras indeformadas, obtidas na profundidade de 0-10 cm numa Terra Roxa Estruturada utilizada com pastagem em sistema intensivo de exploração. Os resultados demonstraram correlação negativa entre a RP e teta, e correlação positiva entre RP e Ds. Estimativas indicaram que no potencial de -0,01 MPa a RP não atinge valores considerados restritivos ao crescimento radicular. Entretanto, no potencial de -0,3 MPa, a RP atinge níveis limitantes em toda a área. Quanto ao sistema de manejo e a espécie estudada, os resultados sugerem que a curva de resistência do solo pode ser utilizada para orientar as práticas de manejo visando à manutenção de uma qualidade física do solo adequada para o crescimento das plantas.<br>The degradation of the physical quality of soils has been associated with the soil compaction caused by animal trampling. The soil resistance to penetration (SRP) is a soil physical parameter used to assess the soil compaction degree. However, SRP varies with soil moisture (theta) and bulk density (Db). The objective of this research was to quantify the soil resistance curve and use it to evaluate the physical quality of a soil under short duration grazing system of elephant grass. The soil resistance curve was measured using forty-eight undisturbed cores taken at the 0-10 cm depth of a Kandiudalfic Eutrudox used with elephant grass in intensive system of exploration. The results indicated a negative correlation among SRP and theta as well as a positive correlation between SRP and Db. Predictions indicated that at soil matric potential equal to -0.01 MPa the SRP did not reach critical values to root growth. Nevertheless, at the soil matric potential equal to -0.3 MPa, the SRP reached limiting values in the whole area. For the management system and the studied species, the results suggest that soil resistance curve may be used to guide soil management practices for maintaining a good soil physical quality for grass growth