10 research outputs found

    Recalage d'images sonar par appariemment de régions (application à la génération d'une mosaïque)

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    Le positionnement en milieu sous marin est un problème récurrent, auquel l'acquisition d'images de sonar latéral, ou la navigation d'un AUV, par exemple, sont confrontées.Le recalage des images sonar est donc primordial afin de compenser les erreurs de navigation. Cependant les artefacts inhérents aux images sonar comme les variations de luminosité, les ombres ou les occlusions rendent délicat le recalage. Ce travail est par conséquent consacré au développement d'une méthode robuste de recalage d'images sonar par appariement de régions. Parmi les relations de dépendance du second ordre, linéaire, fonctionnelle ou de dépendance en loi existantes entre les intensités des pixels des images, nous étudions les relations les mieux adaptées au contexte de l'imagerie sonar et définissons parmi les mesures de similarité associées, les plus appropriées. Il ressort que les critères de dépendance en loi présentent les meilleures performances de recalage. Ainsi l'information mutuelle et le rapport de corrélation sont retenus comme critères de similarité pour notre étude. Dans le cadre d'une approche multi-résolutions, il apparaît que le couplage du rapport de corrélation avec l'information mutuelle, forme un outil robuste de recalage. Ce nouveau critère de similarité opère par appariement de blocs centrés sur des points de saillance ou des points de courbure. La modélisation statistique des données est réalisée par un estimateur de Parzen. Les méthodes de régularisation, quant à elles, reposent sur des critères de cohérence établis à différents niveaux de résolution. L'évaluation des performances des mesures de similarité ainsi que les algorithmes de recalage sont éprouvés sur des jeux de données réelles. Ces algorithmes sont validés sur l'application de la génération d'une mosaïque d'images sonar.Underwater positioning is a recurrent issue, which side-scan sonar imaging or AUV navigation are faced to. Sonar image matching is an essential task to compensate errors of navigation, nevertheless inherent characteristics to sonar image as brightness variations or shadows or occlusions, make this task difficult. This work is consequently devoted to define a robust block matching algorithm. The different relationships between image intensity can be characterized by a stationary relation, a linear, a functional, or a statistic one. We study the best appropriated relation and define the associated similarity measure. Statistic criterions perform better than others, with especially mutual information and correlation ratio. In the frame of a multi-resolution process, coupling both mutual information and correlation ration returns a robust similarity measure. This measure is applied in a block matching approach, where each block is centering on a maximum of saliency point. A Parzen windowing is used to model data. Regularization methods consist in filtering vector fields with a coherence constraint. Real data set are used to validate algorithms and similarity measure results. These algorithms allow to define a georeferenced mosaic.RENNES1-BU Sciences Philo (352382102) / SudocBREST-Télécom Bretagne (290192306) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Etude de différents transistors de puissance SiC 1.2kV des températures cryogéniques aux hautes températures

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    National audienceLe but de cette étude consiste à comparer les effets de la température sur différents transistors de puissance en SiC (MOSFET, JFET, BJT). Leurs caractéristiques ont été mesurées pour des températures de 80K à 525K. Tous les composants sont fonctionnels à haute température et ont des caractéristiques supérieures aux composants conventionnels en Silicium. En haute température, le BJT en SiC se distingue par des pertes en conduction faibles et peu influencées par la température. Le SJT se démarque par des courants de fuite faibles et variant modérément avec la température. Le MOSFET a des pertes en commutation plus faible que les autres composants dans les conditions de test. Enfin les JFETs étudiés se caractérisent par une commande peu affectée par la température et des caractéristiques statiques et dynamiques moyennes, et représentent un bon compromis. A température cryogénique, le BJT se distingue car ses pertes en conduction, son gain et ses courants de fuite sont beaucoup moins affectés que les autres composants

    Characterization and Comparison of 1.2kV SiC Power Devices from Cryogenic to High Temperature

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    International audienceThe aim of this study consists in comparing effects of temperature on various Silicon Carbide power devices. Static and dynamic electrical characteristics have been measured for temperatures from 80K to 525K

    Characterization and comparison of 1.2 kV SiC power devices from cryogenic to high temperature

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    International audienceThe aim of this study consists in comparing effects of temperature on various Silicon Carbide power devices. Static and dynamical electrical characteristics have been measured for temperatures from 80K to 525K

    Characterization and comparison of 1.2 kV SiC power devices from cryogenic to high temperature

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    International audienceThe aim of this study consists in comparing effects of temperature on various Silicon Carbide power devices. Static and dynamical electrical characteristics have been measured for temperatures from 80K to 525K

    SiC Power Devices Operation from Cryogenic to High Temperature: Investigation of Various 1.2kV SiC Power Devices

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    International audienceThe aim of this study consists in comparing the effects of temperature on various SiC power devices. Electrical characteristics have been measured for temperatures from 100K to 525K. All devices are suitable for high temperature. However, SiC MOSFETs are not a good choice for cryogenic temperature, while SiC BJTs are less affected by temperature than other components, especially for cryogenic temperature

    Effect of High Temperature Ageing on Active and Passive Power Devices

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    International audienceThe power devices needed to build a high-temperature converter (inductors, capacitors and active devices) have been stored at 200°C for up to 1000 hrs. Their characteristics have been monitored. Capacitors and magnetic materials from various manufacturers and technologies are tested, as well as silicon-carbide diodes. It is shown that by carefully choosing the components, it is possible to build a reliable power converter operating at high temperature

    Modelling of ambient noise created by a shipping lane to prepare passive inversion, application to Ushant case

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    International audienceThe Ushant thermal front is a seasonal phenomenon which occurs from May to October in a shallow water environment (100m) of the Iroise Sea (off the coast of the northwestern France). It corresponds to the boundary separating a well mixed inner shelf water from an open sea stratified water. To determine the dynamic of the front -or more basically the presence of a stratified or homogeneous water column- the possibility to use a shipping lane as a continuous acoustic source is studied. The originality of this work is to use a single receiver. Simulation results of sounds radiated by a shipping lane in a shallow water environment are presented, both for stratified and homogeneous water column. The corresponding pressure fields show a mean level difference in the frequency band 50-300 Hz. This feature will be used in the future as an observable to differentiate both environments, and thus passively detect the Ushant thermal front. One of the issue to get the mean level offset is to record the shipping lane noise without isolated ship interferences. As a consequence, an optimum mooring position to track the thermal front is suggested from the analysis of real acoustic data, acquired around the Ushant traffic lane during 2010, coupled with AIS (Automatic Identification System) data, and a MARS-3D oceanographic model output. Keywords: Passive acoustic inversio

    Effect of High Temperature Ageing on Active and Passive Power Devices

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    International audienceThe power devices needed to build a high-temperature converter (inductors, capacitors and active devices) have been stored at 200°C for up to 1000 hrs. Their characteristics have been monitored. Capacitors and magnetic materials from various manufacturers and technologies are tested, as well as silicon-carbide diodes. It is shown that by carefully choosing the components, it is possible to build a reliable power converter operating at high temperature