3,283 research outputs found

    Kahoot! and socrative in higher education: a comparative study

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    Technology brings new challenges and opportunities to higher education institutions, as it can promote learner-centered activities. Mobile devices such as smartphones are very popular among students and can easily engage them and promote motivation and active learning. In this study, we investigate Tourism undergraduate students’ perceptions on the use of mobile technology in the classroom, specifically two quiz makers in a comparative perspective: Kahoot! and Socrative. The purpose of this two-stage study is to identify and meet students’ preferences, so as to design activities that can truly promote learning. The participants are Mathematics and English students from a Portuguese higher education institution. At the first stage, in a preliminary survey, 33 students have identified their quiz preferences and most of them (87,88%) selected Socrative as their favourite quiz maker. At the second stage, students were also inquired about their general perceptions and preferred features, such as collaborative mode, competition mode, self-paced mode or immediate feedback. Similar studies have shown that these tools can promote engagement, motivation, concentration and learning. Therefore, we hope to contribute to a better understanding of how technology can improve the learning process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Student receptiveness to Kahoot! in higher education

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    The use of technology in higher education has been increasing in the past few years and new online tools have emerged for very different purposes. Kahoot! is an example of a platform that can be used for reviewing content and motivating students for learning. Our research is based on data from a quantitative survey conducted in the previous school year and the participants were 86 undergraduate students from a Portuguese higher education institution. The preliminary results of the survey showed that students are very receptive to this tool and highly recommend it, as it promotes motivation. Other studies have shown that higher education students are usually receptive to web tools and consider technology can positively impact learning. To better understand students’ responses to the platform, in this study we aim at analysing the results according to area of study and investigating new correlations between variables, specifically (i) gender vs receptiveness to Kahoot!, (ii) gender vs recommendation of its use and (iii) technology readiness vs receptiveness to Kahoot!.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing students' engagement levels during lockdown: a survey in tourism degrees

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    In early 2020, the crisis of a new virus and a pandemic context took the world by storm. All sectors of society were affected: health, economics,… and education was no exception, with all levels suspending face-to-face classes, which were replaced by online activities. In view of this situation, several doubts and uncertainties emerged among educators, but one question stood out: how to proceed with teaching activities in the online format without compromising the commitment and engagement of the students? Within this context, the teachers involved in this study sought to adapt the activities and teaching materials to the exclusive use of technology and promoted asynchronous tasks, which could be developed independently by the students. In order to understand how the profound changes in Higher Education were experienced by students, a quantitative survey was conducted. The participants in the study are undergraduate students from a Portuguese Higher Education institution attending the curricular units of Statistical Analysis and English.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Enhancing students’ motivation with Kahoot!: a case study in English and mathematics

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    In the last few decades, technology has advanced in multiple fields, including Education. Some of its benefits include improving student performance and motivation, fostering active learning and tracking student progress. As a "new learning generation" is around, profound changes to the role and function of both teachers and students are particularly vital, so active, cooperative and participative methodologies of learning must be privileged. Given that most higher education students are technology savvy and very receptive to the integration of Web 2.0 tools in class, the teachers involved in this study began using Kahoot! in their classes as an alternative teaching methodology. The participants in the study are undergraduate students from a Portuguese higher education institution and encompassed the curricular units of Statistical Analysis and English. The aim of the study is to investigate students’ perceptions of how Kahoot! can be used as a tool for testing new vocabulary, reviewing class content or designing warm-up activities. A quantitative survey is being conducted to gather information about students’ insights on the use of Kahoot!. Similar studies have shown that students are generally receptive to the use of this tool and find it useful to increase their motivation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Padronização de perfil metabólico em bovinos tratados com ivermectina por meio da urina em ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN).

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    O controle de Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ocorre por meio de antiparasitários e a contaminação dos produtos de origem animal com resíduos é uma grande preocupação para os agentes de saúde pública e controle ambiental. Metabolômica e Metabonômica são duas ferramentas utilizadas no panorama da bioquímica moderna. Enquanto a primeira refere-se ao estudo sistemático dos níveis de metabólitos de um organismo, a última correlaciona as alterações destes níveis a estímulos externos, como doenças e mudanças alimentares. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se a Metabonômica para tentar estabelecer um padrão no perfil metabólico de animais tratados com ivermectina, por meio da RMN de alta resolução na Embrapa Instrumentação Agropecuária. Amostras de urina foram colhidas de 12 bezerras Holandesas da Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, 0, 3 e 6 h pós tratamento com ivermectina 4% subcutânea (Master LP®, Ouro Fino), na dose de 1 mL/50 Kg e congeladas a -40°C para posterior análise

    Estudos metabolômicos em bovinos empregando RMN de alta resolução e quimiometria

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    No panorama atual da pecuária com destino a produção de alimentos, como carnes e leite, uma das principais preocupações por parte das agências responsáveis é a utilização irregular de fármacos para controle de doenças e parasitas. A não-observância dos períodos adequados de carência para abate dos animais tratados, ou ainda para a comercialização do leite obtido pode refletir seriamente na qualidade destes produtos. Metabolômica e Metabonômica são ferramentas de estudo de crescente importância dentro da bioquímica moderna. Neste trabalho, utilizou-se ambas na tentativa de se estabelecer um perfil metabólico nos animais estudados, bem como de se identificar mudanças metabólicas resultantes da administração do fármaco Ivermectina, um anti-parasitário de largo espectro amplamente utilizado em pecuária para controle de verminoses e carrapatos, principalmente. Para isso, amostras de urina e plasma sanguíneo foram colhidas de bezerras Holandesas da Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, imediatamente antes do tratamento, e após intervalos de 3 e 6 h após a administração da Ivermectina 4% subcutânea na dose de 1 mL/50 Kg. Estas amostras foram inicialmente liofilizadas e ressolubilizadas em óxido de deutério, a fim de se minimizar o sinal da água, aumentar a concentração originalmente baixa dos analitos e fornecer o sinal para o . O pH foi estabilizado empregando-se tampão fosfato (100 mM, pH 8,2 para urina e 7,4 para plasma). Empregou-se uma sequência padrão de H com pré-saturação do sinal da água para aquisição de 32 espectros promediados por amostra. As análises de RMN revelaram a existência de inúmeros sinais, referentes aos metabólitos contidos nos biofluidos, permitindo a identificação de vários compostos através do uso de bases de dados disponíveis. A variação dos níveis destes compostos foi avaliada através de Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA). Os espectros foram normalizados matematicamente, possibilitando a comparação entre os picos antes (branco) e pós tratamento (3 e 6h). Observou-se consideráveis mudanças no padrão metabólico das amostras tratadas em relação ao controle, demonstrando a aplicabilidade da técnica de RMN para análise metabonômica. Futuramente, a criação de uma base de dados contendo vários tipos de amostras como urina, leite e sangue, permitirá estabelecer padrões do metabolismo que levará a um modelo preditivo, capaz de indicar possíveis anormalidades metabólicas causada pelo uso irregular de antiparasitários