15 research outputs found

    GAE-ISumm: Unsupervised Graph-Based Summarization of Indian Languages

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    Document summarization aims to create a precise and coherent summary of a text document. Many deep learning summarization models are developed mainly for English, often requiring a large training corpus and efficient pre-trained language models and tools. However, English summarization models for low-resource Indian languages are often limited by rich morphological variation, syntax, and semantic differences. In this paper, we propose GAE-ISumm, an unsupervised Indic summarization model that extracts summaries from text documents. In particular, our proposed model, GAE-ISumm uses Graph Autoencoder (GAE) to learn text representations and a document summary jointly. We also provide a manually-annotated Telugu summarization dataset TELSUM, to experiment with our model GAE-ISumm. Further, we experiment with the most publicly available Indian language summarization datasets to investigate the effectiveness of GAE-ISumm on other Indian languages. Our experiments of GAE-ISumm in seven languages make the following observations: (i) it is competitive or better than state-of-the-art results on all datasets, (ii) it reports benchmark results on TELSUM, and (iii) the inclusion of positional and cluster information in the proposed model improved the performance of summaries.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure


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    In this venture the control structure of the proposed framework comprises of MPPT, a present circle, and a voltage circle to enhance framework execution amid typical and changing climate conditions. Since the framework comprises of a solitary stage, the PV force is conveyed to the lattice with high effectiveness, minimal effort, and little foot shaped impression. All in all expanding the vitality emergency and ecological issues in force quality because of that issue renewable vitality sources are utilized. The photovoltaic (PV) framework is thought to be a most encouraging innovation, due to its suitability in disseminated era. In conveyed era applications, the PV framework works in two unique modes: network associated mode and island mode. In the network associated mode, most extreme force is removed from the PV framework to supply greatest accessible force into the lattice. Along these lines, in this venture a solitary stage, single-stage current source inverter based photovoltaic framework for matrix association is utilized. The most extreme force point is kept up with a fluffy rationale controller. A corresponding full controller is utilized to control the current infused into the lattice. To enhance the force quality and framework effectiveness, a twofold tuned parallel resounding circuit is proposed to constrict the second-and fourth request sounds at the inverter dc sid


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    Objective: The main objective is to study the prevalence of acute cardiac and renal complications in poorly controlled diabetics and role of clinical pharmacist in modifying disease outcome by patient counselling in patients attending general medicine department.Methods: It is a non-experimental prospective observational study done for 6 months. Patients admitted with acute cardiac and renal complications are included in the study. Patient's knowledge on the disease was assessed at baseline using a structured KAP questionnaire and then counselled. At baseline and follow-up FBG and RBG levels were recorded.Results: A total of 511 patients were observed. Prevalence of acute renal complications was found to be 9.7% (n=50) and acute cardiac complications were found to be 2.9% (n=15). The prevalence of both acute cardiac and renal complications was found to be 0.97% (n=5). The knowledge of the patients on disease, complications, diet and lifestyle modifications was found to be increased which lead to significant improvement in FBG at baseline and follow-up with a mean of differences of-20.72 and with SD of differences 11.22; p value<0.0001 and for RBG at baseline and follow-up with mean of differences-25.86 and with SD of differences 20.19; p value<0.0001.Conclusion: Uncontrolled diabetes for the first few years can cause acute cardiac and renal complications which are life threatening. Comparison of blood glucose at presenting and follow-up in association with education and counselling led to betterment of disease, outcome.Â

    Image Blur Detection Using Local Power Spectrum

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    In this paper work, blur detection of images is carried with local power spectrum. De blurring of image plays a important role in image processing and computer vision techniques. In deblurring of image, the first step is considered the input image as a motion blurred image. Our blur detection is based on block by block local mean calculation. After that find out the global mean for the blurred image, then comparison of local mean with global mean takes place. The experimental result shows that the robustness of proposed algorithm. The proposed method performing operations on image for detecting blurred regions. After that detected blurred content converted in to an un blurred region that shows the final output of this method

    Formulación y Optimización del Sistema Flotante de Amoxicilina para el tratamiento efectivo de la infección por Helicobacter pylori

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    The authors thank DST-FIST Lab (RERDS-CPR), R&D Director, for providing necessary facilities and assistance to perform this research work.Introducción: El objetivo del presente estudio fue formular y caracterizar el Sistema Flotante (FRS, siglas en Inglés) de Amoxicilina para prolongar el tiempo de residencia gástrica y liberación del fármaco para el enfoque efectivo del Helicobacter pylori. Método: Para el presente estudio se seleccionaron como factores goma guar, Monoestearato de glicerilo (GMS), carbonato de calcio. Como reacciones, se seleccionaros el período de congelación (h), el lapso de flotación (min), y el porcentaje acumulado de liberación del fármaco (CDR). Para la experimentación se seleccionaron el diseño factorial 23 con réplicas. Resultados: Se observó que la goma guar y el GMS fueron los factores principales que afectaron el período de congelación y mostraron un efecto sinérgico (positivo). Mientras que la goma guar y el carbonato de calcio mostraron un efecto positivo y el GMS mostró un efecto antagónico (negativo) en el lapso de flotación. El porcentaje CDR mostró un efecto antagónico en todos los factores. Se emplearon curvas de nivel para identificar el diseño del espacio, análisis numéricos posteriores produjeron 12 soluciones óptimas en base a la deseabilidad. El FRS mostró un mayor AUCo-t, Cmax, tmaxy t1/2 cuando se comparó con la formulación comercial, aproximadamente 2.30 cambios múltiplos y prolongación con liberación sostenida por más de 24 h que pudo deberse a una mejor congelación. Conclusiones: Se puede concluir que el sistema flotante se desarrolló satisfactoriamente por la aplicación del Diseño de Experimentos (DoE) con menores ensayos y utilizando fácilmente los excipientes disponibles para una mejor flotación, congelación y suministro constante del fármaco.Introduction: The aim of the present study was to develop and to characterize the floating raft system (FRS) of Amoxicillin to enhance gastric residence time and drug release to target Helicobacter pylori effectively. Method: In the present study, guar gum, glyceryl monostearate (GMS), calcium carbonate were selected as factors. Gelation duration (h), floating lag time (min), and % Cumulative drug release (CDR) were selected as responses. 23 factorial design with replicates was selected for experimentation. Results: It was observed that guar gum and GMS were the major factors affecting gelation duration, increase in the quantity of both guar gum and GMS increased gelation duration i.e., sustained gelation period (24 h). Floating time increased with an increase in the amount of guar gum and calcium carbonate, whereas an increase in the quantity of GMS decreased floating time. Guar gum, calcium carbonate, and GMS exhibited an antagonistic effect on % CDR. Contour plots were used to identify design space; further numerical analysis yielded 12 best solutions based on desirability. FRS exhibited greater AUCo-t, Cmax, tmax, and t1/2 when compared to marketed formulation approximately 2.30 folds enhancement and prolongation with a sustained release for greater than 24 h that might be due to better gelation. Conclusions: It can be concluded that the floating raft system was successfully developed by the Design of experiment (DoE) application with fewer trails and by utilizing easily available excipients for better floating, gelation, and sustained delivery of the drug

    Efficient Allocation of Power Resource in OFDMA Systems with Diverse Modulation Techniques

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    ABSTRACT: Of late there is an utmost need for providing higher data rate and better Quality of Service(QoS) for ever increasing number of users in wireless communication systems. The Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is one of the leading candidates for future wireless communication systems. This paper gives a brief introduction about OFDMA and discusses in depth about allocation of power resource to all the active users present in a cellular network in an optimum way using the Load Matrix approach. Load Matrix approach is used to calculate the average interference within the cells based on RoT (Rise over Thermal noise) and distribute minimum required SINR to each user thereby enhancing the Quality of Service (QoS) of the network. The approach is first experimented on a single carrier communication system and then it is extended to multi-carrier systems. This paper also deals with the performance of a communication link in terms of BER for various digital modulation techniques. From simulations it is observed that performance of QAM is better than QPSK in systems implementing OFDMA

    Incidence and risk factors for Retinopathy of pre maturity

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    Introduction: Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) or retrolental fibroplasia as it was originally named,has had a most curious life span as a twentieth century disease.These out breaks of the disease occurred approximately 25 years apart in the mid 1950s and late 1970s. Retinopathy of prematurity is becoming a major cause of potentially preventable blindness among children in middle income countries that have introduced neonatal intensive care units for preterm and low birth weight babies. Aims and Objective :So the present study helps to determine the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity in neonates and to determine its association with certain risk factors. Materials and Methods :It is a clinical study of all neonates with a gestational age less than 36 weeks and /or a birth weight of less than 2000gms at Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,Karimnagar for a period 2years. Neonates were evaluated through detailed clinical history, detailed anterior segment examination and indirect ophthalmoscopy after full dilatation of pupils. Results :Of the 100 neonates screened, 53 were males (53 %) and 47 were females (47%). Among the neonates who developed ROP, 23 were males (51.11%) and 22 were females (48.88%). Incidence of ROP among male and female babies is nearly equal and no statistically significant correlation could be found.Of the 45 neonates who were found to have ROP, 13 neonates were in stage 1 (28.88%), 16 in stage 2 (35.55%), 13 in stage 3 (28.88%), 2 in stage 4 (4.44%) and 1 in APROP stage of the disease. 12 infants had plus 42.05%. Conclusion : The incidence of ROP in the present study was 42.05% for any stage of which 62.22% were in stage 1 or 2 of the disease. The incidence of ROP showed a significant statistical correalation with prematurity, low birth weight, RDS, supplemental oxygen, blood transfusion, and injection betamethasone to mother. Injection betamethasone to the mother has a significant protective effect on the development of ROP

    Design and Implementation of High speed and Energy Efficient MAC using Adaptive Logic

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    Every digital circuit objective is to achieve MEP system i.e., minimum energy, minimum power, minimum voltage. Theseconstraints can be achieved through adaptive logic. Adaptive logic is one of the fastest and innovative logic that has been implemented in digital circuit . Adaptive logic is implemented using the combination of both Nano magnetic technology and CMOS technology . Adaptive technique works very effectively in both threshold and sub � threshold regions. Internet - of - Things (IoT) is on the threshold of a massive breakthrough. Timing-error-detection (TED)-based systems have been shown to reduce power consumption or increase yield due to reduced margins. Reducing voltage in the circuit results in slow operation that incurs more delay. Canary circuit have been designed for error detection and error correction approach. Canary circuit results in large delay. Adaptive logic have been designed with dual latch phase in each stage. A combination of XNOR gate and flip-flop around each stage is added for the verification of correct operation. The entire architecture was modelled using Verilog code with the help of XILINX ISE tool


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    Single-stage to three-stage power transformation utilizing power hardware converters is a surely understood innovation, when the setups and control procedures effectively refined in the specialized study are considered. This paper presents single-stage to three-stage with dc-join converters with parallel rectifier and arrangement inverter for lessening in the information current and diminishment of the yield voltage handled by the rectifier circuit and inverter circuit separately. In this paper we proposed better answer for single stage to three stage drive framework by utilizing 2 parallel single stage rectifier arranges, a 3-stage inverter stage. Parallel converters can be utilized to enhance the force ability, unwavering quality, proficiency and repetition. A separation transformer is not utilized for the decrease of flowing streams among various converter stages. It is a vital goal in the framework outline. The complete correlation between the exhaustive model of proposed converter and standard designs will be exhibited in this work. Reenactment of this model will be done by utilizing MATLAB/Simulink