36 research outputs found

    Reminiscences of a Librarian

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    【Abstract】THE Chinese have a proverb, “The melon-peddler always speaks of the sweetness of his melons.”I have been asked to talk about the Harvard-Yenching Library, and you must forgive me if I find my melon sweet. You must also excuse me if I seem immodest and talk about my own part in starting this library, for this is what I know best

    Teaching James Joyce's 'Oxen of the sun' to advanced non-native majors of English

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    [[sponsorship]]中華民國英語文教師學會; 臺灣師範大學英語系[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19921114~19921114[[conferencelocation]]臺北市, 臺

    China's Health System: Determinants

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    Mobilize The Whole Party. Fight a Decisive Battle for Three Years. Strive Hard to Basically Realize Agricultural Méchanization

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    Our conference, following the line of the Eleventh National Party Congress and guided by Chairman Mao's "There will be a Great Leap Forward in China" and "A Letter on the Question of Agricultural Mechanization" and by Chairman Hua's relevant directives, has thoroughly discussed the problem of basically realizing agricultural mechanization in 1980. We have decided on some important policies and measures and have further defined various programs. Under the brilliant leadership of Chairman Hua and the Party's Central Committee and with the joint efforts of the participating comrades, the conference has been a success. Now I would like to talk about a few questions.

    Make a study of GroundWetness

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    本研究之目地在求取地表大氣間之真實潛熱通量與蒸發散潛勢的比 值 ,即所謂的蒸散係數。由於資料取得的限制,研究僅對台北、花 蓮及台 中三個地點作討論。台北和花蓮的案例中,以探空資料之近 地面兩層大 氣的風速、溫濕度、氣壓的觀測值帶入雙層相似理論公 式來求取真實潛 熱通量。在台中案例中,則採用中興大學的 ,土壤熱通量及淨輻射實驗 資料以能量收支平衡方程式來計 算真實潛熱通量。 分析台北及花蓮敗 白年近三年資料的結果顯示蒸散係數與風速、季 節變化、土壤含水量有 很大的關係。其在夏季和降雨過後有 較高的傾向。本研究針對太陽日 及連續晴天日數兩個因子的影響迴 歸出台北與花蓮之蒸散係數的經驗計 算公式,相關係數為0.15及0.2

    Spatial Form and Search Patterns: The Spatio-temporal Interdependence in Virginia Woolf's <u>To the Lighthouse</u>

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      維珍妮亞‧吳爾芙《燈塔行》揉合小說與繪畫,在作者創新的手法、精湛的技巧背後藏有模仿人物情緒、情感最纖細的體味。《燈塔行》不論筆觸、內容或意境在在表現出吳爾芙追尋主題、濃厚的繪畫知性與感性傾向,對吳爾芙而言,生命與藝術的追求便是唯善至美的永久追求。本論文第一章試就作品“空間模式”的技巧運用檢視其分裂斷折的文字敘述,框化的造形藝術,視覺官能的虛擬情境。第二章說明“空間模式”中不可或缺的時間因素,進而將時空互動關係演至“空”這觀念,說明吳爾芙的生命觀與追尋的價值。在作者形象語言中,追尋具有圖案或圖畫,不管是藍姆西先生的線條邏列、藍姆西太太的靜態平面、或第三章中討論的莉莉‧柏斯蔻的畫作,都可以感受到這些人物對世間萬事萬物的企圖和努力。  This study examines Virginia Woolf's innovative form and style in To the Lighthouse designed to imitate the confusion of thoughts, emotions, and views of life and to reveal man's search for life's meaning and his struggle to give shape to his experiences. Chapter One of this thesis investigates the spatial form of the text, particularly the disrupted narrative, the use of frames and the focus on virtual reality. In this chapter, I try to show that the spatial writing in fact produces simultaneity and that simultaneity often makes the thoughts and emotions arise all at once. Chapter Two discusses the notion of the spatio-temporal interdependence with demonstrations of the Ramsays' search patterns, the line and the surface, the facing and the fusing. This chapter explains the idea of man's searching for order through time and the empty space as exemplified by the novel's middle part, "Time Passes." In using the similar plastic language of colors and shapes, Mr and Mrs. Ramsay suggest their common destiny, a quest for order and unity that is extended to the final chapter. Chapter Three follows and develops the search motif in Lily Briscoe's painting process, a process that combines visual actualities and memories

    Spatial Form and Search Patterns: The Spatio-temporal Interdependence in Virginia Woolf's <u>To the Lighthouse</u>

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      維珍妮亞‧吳爾芙《燈塔行》揉合小說與繪畫,在作者創新的手法、精湛的技巧背後藏有模仿人物情緒、情感最纖細的體味。《燈塔行》不論筆觸、內容或意境在在表現出吳爾芙追尋主題、濃厚的繪畫知性與感性傾向,對吳爾芙而言,生命與藝術的追求便是唯善至美的永久追求。本論文第一章試就作品“空間模式”的技巧運用檢視其分裂斷折的文字敘述,框化的造形藝術,視覺官能的虛擬情境。第二章說明“空間模式”中不可或缺的時間因素,進而將時空互動關係演至“空”這觀念,說明吳爾芙的生命觀與追尋的價值。在作者形象語言中,追尋具有圖案或圖畫,不管是藍姆西先生的線條邏列、藍姆西太太的靜態平面、或第三章中討論的莉莉‧柏斯蔻的畫作,都可以感受到這些人物對世間萬事萬物的企圖和努力。  This study examines Virginia Woolf's innovative form and style in To the Lighthouse designed to imitate the confusion of thoughts, emotions, and views of life and to reveal man's search for life's meaning and his struggle to give shape to his experiences. Chapter One of this thesis investigates the spatial form of the text, particularly the disrupted narrative, the use of frames and the focus on virtual reality. In this chapter, I try to show that the spatial writing in fact produces simultaneity and that simultaneity often makes the thoughts and emotions arise all at once. Chapter Two discusses the notion of the spatio-temporal interdependence with demonstrations of the Ramsays' search patterns, the line and the surface, the facing and the fusing. This chapter explains the idea of man's searching for order through time and the empty space as exemplified by the novel's middle part, "Time Passes." In using the similar plastic language of colors and shapes, Mr and Mrs. Ramsay suggest their common destiny, a quest for order and unity that is extended to the final chapter. Chapter Three follows and develops the search motif in Lily Briscoe's painting process, a process that combines visual actualities and memories

    The Natural History of Tuberculosis in the Human Body

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