963 research outputs found

    The Quinquennial Review Process

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    TAC Secretariat note examining experience to date in conducting quinquennial reviews, and on the basis of feedback from the five centers so far reviewed and from chairmen of review panels, recommending changes to the terms of reference and procedures of quinquennial reviews. Annex1 - The original terms of reference for quinquennial reviews. Annex II - Recommendations from the CGIAR Review Committee relevant to quinquennial reviews. Annex III - Draft of revised terms of reference for quinquennial reviews. Annex IV - Draft guidelines for future quinquennial reviews. Agenda document, TAC Eighteenth Meeting, February 1978

    Towards a Review of CGIAR Priorities and Strategies: Progress Report

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    Overview of TAC's approach to assessing CGIAR priorities and strategies, and progress report on the assessment to be presented at International Centers Week 1991. Agenda document, CGIAR meeting October-November, 1990

    Training at the International Agricultural Research Centers

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    TAC Secretariat working paper on the objectives and scope of training at IARCs, including its role in strengthening national agricultural research systems. Agenda document, TAC Eighteenth Meeting, February 1978

    Report of the TAC Fact Finding Mission to the International Trypanotolerance Centre (ITC)

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    Report of the TAC fact finding mission in April 1989 to the International Trypanotolerance Center (ITC) chaired by C. T. de Wit. ITC was one of ten nonassociated centers being considered for sponsorship by the CGIAR. Missions to these centers were to provide TAC with information needed for recommending whether the Group should incorporate the center.The report described ITC's history and the implementation of its strategy. It examined the work of ITC's animal diseases, animal nutrition, animal production, entomology, and genetics programs. Results and impacts of the center's research and training were considered. An overview of ITC's governance and management structure included descriptions of its methods of operations and its relations with other institutions, including national programs in Africa and IARCs. A profile of the Center's physical, human, and financial resources followed. The report concluded by relaying issues and concerns expressed by ITC regarding the need for bridging funds until the CGIAR's decision on the Center's incorporation is known; its relationship to and independence from ILCA and ILRAD in the event it did become a CGIAR Center; and a variety of scientific issues. There were no recommendations included.One of nine such reports considered in closed session at TAC 49

    Factor Oriented Research Under the CGIAR

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    TAC Secretariat overview of the role of factor- as opposed to commodity-oriented research in the CGIAR System. It notes that three centers, IBPGR, IFPRI, and ILRAD are factor rather than commodity oriented, and commodity centers also study factors. The issue is not whether to do factor research, but which factors to chose and how best to do it. TAC had identified water management, plant and pest diseases, and plant nutrition as priority areas for consideration. Agenda document, TAC 23rd Meeting, February 1980

    Development of New CGIAR Initiatives: Alternative Organizational Models for New Initiatives

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    TAC Secretariat paper identifying six organizational structures as models for possible new CGIAR initiatives. It was written with particular reference to the consideration of initiatives in vegetables and aquaculture.Agenda document at TAC 45, March 1988

    Promoting Collaboration between CGIAR Centers and Other Research Institutions

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    TAC paper prepared by the Continuing Sub-Committee on the Role of CGIAR Centers in the Global Context. It deals with IARC collaboration with outside research institutions as a means of accommodating changing systemwide priorities and capitalizing on the comparative advantage of specialized research organizations. TAC offers principles to guide IARCs in their relations with external counterparts, including international centers not supported by the CGIAR, and touches upon funding arrangements. Agenda document, CGIAR midterm meeting, May 1987 and TAC 4

    Tropical Vegetable Research: TAC Secretariat Note

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    TAC Secretariat note regarding the proposal for a new IARC devoted to tropical vegetable research that TAC had submitted to the CGIAR in March 1979. Donor member response to the proposal revealed insufficient consensus to assume responsibility for such an initiative on behalf of the system, and TAC here sets out to refine the proposal by addressing some of the reservations raised by the Group. Among these are assigning priority to six tropical vegetables, specifying the place of farming systems research in the proposed center's research program, and the resource requirements and appropriate size and work program of the center. Agenda document, TAC Twenty-second Meeting, July 1979, also TAC Forty-second Meeting, March 1987. To be read in connection with "Proposal for the Creation of an International Centre for Vegetable Research within the CGIAR System" of March 197

    Sub-contracting of Research to National Institutions, Particularly Those of Developing Countries: TAC Secretariat Note

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    TAC Secretariat note summarizing views already expressed in the CGIAR and in TAC on the possibility of subcontracting parts of IARC research to national institutions. The Secretariat suggests the topic be treated within the review on off campus activities, or as follow up to it. Agenda document, TAC Twenty-second Meeting, July 1979

    A Review of CGIAR Priorities Part II: Essence Paper

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    A compact review of the TAC draft paper on CGIAR Priorities, presenting a summary and synthesis of TAC's ongoing analysis of the Group's priorities, goals, and mission. The longer draft (not included in the data base) and this summary were made available at International Centers Week 1991 to exhibit the status of the priorities exercise which had been delayed. Publication of these documents was intended to make TAC's process interactive and transparent. TAC would finalize its recommendations only after getting further inputs from donors, center directors and board chairs, and national research systems
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