386 research outputs found

    CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets - Gender Strategy

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    Gender StrategyFarmers and other rural actors are not homogeneous. Particularly in the developing world, their abilities to initiate and expand agricultural activities are frequently shaped by gender roles, responsibilities, and resources. Reducing gender disparities has been widely recognized as a critical issue in agriculture and rural development. [...] Because gender roles affect decisions on both production and consumption, research must clarify how they do so in specific contexts. CRP-PIM supports research that facilitates: Improved policies to accelerate adoption of sustainable technologies by small-scale producers; Better allocation and effectiveness of public and private investment; Improved macroeconomic, trade, and sectoral policies; Governance and collective action to improve access for the rural poor and women to services and property; Better performance of markets to benefit producers and consumers; and Integration of small-scale producers into value chains

    Model to estimate the returns on investment of agricultural research investments

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    The modeling framework was presented at the 30th International Conference of Agricultural Economists in Vancouver

    The Statistics on Public Expenditures for Economic Development (SPEED) tool use by development agencies to improve knowledge on public expenditures

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    The World Bank extensively used the SPEED tool, as well as PIM researchers’ expenditure analysis, to generate insights in a 2017 book (“Reaping Richer Returns”) which informed development policy operations in several African countries, most notably Mali, Malawi, and Zambia. The evidence emanating from the use of SPEED also influenced systematic country diagnostics in Togo, Nigeria, and Burkina Faso. Findings from the book resulted in the Ugandan Ministry of Finance changing allocations to agriculture to address inefficient agricultural spending

    Data Africa

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    "Agroclimatic similarity" variable developed to improve the measurement of the spatial spillover potential of agricultural R&D investments

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    In 2019-2020, this methodology was further applied in Ghana and Nepal and improved to capture multidimensional "agroclimatic similarity"

    Participation of National Agrarian University La Molina (Peru) in research on indigenous tenure security leads to changes in forestry curriculum

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    PIM partnered with the Forestry Department of the National Agrarian University La Molina in Peru to study land and forest tenure security of indigenous communities using multi-method participatory research. The outcomes of this process include increased knowledge and research capacity of university staff on tenure, gender, and indigenous issues, and changes to the Forest Engineer curriculum to include more social science

    Collective action games to strengthen resource governance in India

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    Games have been piloted and show promising results; manuals and videos have been posted online to train others on how to use them, and used by an NGO partner

    New evidence on the aging trend in African farming and the need for an effective strategy to make it more profitable

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    These findings have been published in a book and papers and disseminated through several blogs and videos

    RULAL-commerce: using a board game to simulate the impacts of commercialization on land governance in Laos

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    The Rulal Commerce scenario is the latest addition in the Rulal boardgame series and was developed mid-2021

    Joint Village Land Use Planning methodology secures tenure for pastoralist women in Tanzania

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    The Sustainable Rangelands Management Project Project introduced participatory rangeland resource mapping, based on experiences in Ethiopia, to the Village Land Use Planning (VLUP) in Tanzania. Working with the National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC), the project was able to secure resources across village boundaries and group Certificates of Customary Right of Occupancy that secured rights to shared grazing area of 12,187 ha, benefitting more than 3000 pastoralists/ agro-pastoralists, and incorporation of this approach in the NLUPC Guidelines
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