4,251 research outputs found

    Levantamento da composição da matovegetação e florística nativa em quintais diversificados.

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    O solo é componente chave no processo de produção de alimentos e fibras. A produtividade de quintais agroflorestais está diretamente relacionada com a manutenção e/ou construção da fertilidade do solo

    Demanda de informação em sistemas agroflorestais para agricultura familiar sustentável no Nordeste paraense.

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    Práticas alternativas começam a ser vistas como uma garantia de preservação dos sistemas produtivos da agricultura familiar. O uso de sistemas alternativos para recuperação de áreas degradadas e/ou abandonadas é fundamental para alcançar sustentabilidade de unidades de produção familiar rurais, com propostas tecnológicas e baseadas no conhecimento e uso racional dos recursos naturais. Disponibilizar alternativas sustentáveis à recuperação de áreas degradadas com agricultura e pastagens com vistas ao uso sustentado da terra e melhoria de vida dos agricultores da Amazônia foi objetivo do projeto "Desenvolvimento e Validação de Estratégias Participativas de Recuperação de Áreas Agrícolas e Pastagens Degradadas na Amazônia", componente da Sub-Rede RECUPERAMAZ. Para viabilizar o processo de divulgação científica dos resultados de pesquisa, foi realizada uma ação de identificação de demanda por informação, aplicando-se metodologia apropriada e adaptada, para 81 agricultores familiares, representantes de 16 associações comunitárias rurais, distribuídos entre os municípios de Igarapé-Açu, Mãe do Rio e Concórdia do Pará, região Nordeste Paraense. Os resultados indicam que os agricultores apresentam um perfil que facilita o processo de divulgação dos resultados de pesquisas, com maior ou menor habilidade para uso de diferentes mídias e fontes. Demonstram interesse em "novos" conhecimentos, i.e. através das informações fornecidas por técnicos, pelas instituições governamentais e não-governamentais entre outros e demandam informações relacionadas às suas práticas agrícolas cotidianas para soluções de diferentes problemas

    Seleção de híbridos de bananeira ornamental para uso como flor de corte.

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    A bananeira ornamental constitui-se numa alternativa promissora para o segmento das fruteiras ornamentais. No Brasil, alguns genótipos já são comercializados, como a M. coccinea, M. ornata e M. velutina, no entanto, seu uso ainda é discreto e pouco explorado. A geração de novas variedades torna-se relevante nesse aspecto, haja vista que o mercado de flores e plantas ornamentais demanda por materiais inovadores (SOUZA, 2010)

    Magnetically Driven Outflows in a Starburst Environment

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    We here investigate the possibility that the observed collimated outflows in luminous infrared galaxies (LIGs) and some Seyfert galaxies can be produced in a starburst (SB) environment. A nuclear disk can be quickly produced by gas infall during star formation in a rotating, stellar cluster. We find that massive nuclear SBs with core disk masses M_d \sim 10^8 - 10^9 M_{\odot}, and supernova rates \nu_{SN} \simeq 5 \times 10^{-3} - 2 yr^{-1} (which are consistent with the \nu_{SN} values inferred from the observed non-thermal radio power in source candidates) may inject kinetic energies which are high enough to blow out directed flows from the accreting disk surface, within the SB lifetimes. In our models, the acceleration and collimation of the nuclear outflow are provided by magnetic fields anchored into the rotating SB-disk. The emerging outflow carries a kinetic power that is only a small fraction (a few percent) of the supernovae energy rate produced in the SB. Based on conditions determined from observed outflows and disks, we find that moderate disk magnetic fields (\gtrsim 8 \times 10^{-4} G) are able to accelerate the outflows up to the observed terminal velocities (\lesssim few 100 km s^{-1} in the case of the Seyfert galaxies, and \sim 400 - 950 km s^{-1} in the case of the LIGs). The outflow is produced within a wind zone in the disk of radius \lesssim 100 pc in the LIGs, and \lesssim 10 pc in the Seyferts, with wind mass loss to disk accretion rate ratios \dot M_w /\dot M_d \gtrsim 0.1 (where \dot M_d \sim 100 M_{\odot} yr^{-1}). The observation of rotating nuclear disks of gas within few 100 pc scales in source candidates like the LIG Arp 220, and magnetized outflows provide observational support for the picture drawn here.Comment: 31 pages, Latex file, 1 Figure, accepted for publication in the Astrophys. Journa

    Stromal vascular fraction from adipose tissue and cell sheet engineering to build vascularization units for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine

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    Vascularization holds the gold key for the effective survival and engraftment of complex engineered tissues and organs for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. The lack of adequate vascularization post-transplantation often results in cell necrosis and ultimate failure and rejection of the engineered construct. Herein, we propose a strategy capable of surpassing this obstacle. Harnessing easy accessible adipose tissue stromal vascular fraction (SVF) as a source for cells with intrinsic angiogenic potential, and cell sheet technology we were able to engineer cell sheets with high angiogenic potential. SVF was isolated from the adipose tissue of healthy human subjects after enzymatic digestion and 2x105 nucleated cells/well were seeded on 24 well plates for cell sheet formation. To further boost cells’ angiogenic potential, hypoxic conditions of 5% of oxygen were provided to some of the cells while the rest was cultured in typical normoxia, for up to 8 days of culture, in basal medium. Flow cytometry analysis demonstrated the presence of a heterogeneous population of mesenchymal progenitors, endothelial and hematopoietic cells. Furthermore, the proliferation of SVF cells was evaluated through dsDNA quantification, which showed higher numbers for cells in hypoxic conditions, at earlier time points. Immunocytochemistry against CD31 and CD146 revealed the presence of an interconnected and highly branched network of vessel-like structures, more prominent for cells in hypoxia after 5 days of culture and quite similar for both conditions after 8 days, in the absence of any specific media supplementation. In vivo testing using the cell sheets detached from the wells and HIF expression analysis are currently underway. Taken together, the great potentiality of cell sheet technology with SVF cells cultured in hypoxia opens new exciting perspectives and may represent tremendously valuable vascularization units for tissue engineering strategies

    Utilização de coberturas vegetais como alternativa sustentável na supressão da matovegetação e melhoria de atributos do solo.

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    O controle do mato nos cultivos agrícolas é fundamental para melhor aproveitamento dos recursos naturais, sobretudo da água, embora represente uma atividade que frequentemente onera os custos de produção

    Chitosan/clay films' properties as affected by biopolymer and clay micro/nanoparticles' concentrations

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    Blends of chitosan (from Cuban lobster) and clay micro/nanoparticles were prepared by dispersion of the clay particles in the film matrix and the films obtained were characterized in terms of water solubility, water vapor, oxygen and carbon dioxide permeability, optical, mechanical and thermal properties using an Instron universal testing machine, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetric analyses and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The water vapor barrier properties of the films were significantly improved by incorporation of clay in their composition, while the water solubility decreased as the clay concentration increased (for a constant chitosan concentration). The tensile strength of chitosan/clay films increased significantly with increasing chitosan and clay concentrations, while the values of elongation decreased slightly for high values of chitosan concentration. Tm increased with the increase of chitosan concentration, but the changes in Tm with the addition of clay were not significant. Polynomial models were fitted to the experimental data in order to facilitate future design of chitosan/clay film systems.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Brazil)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)αLFA VALNATURA Project of Europe Aid Cooperation Offic