7 research outputs found
Free q-Schrodinger Equation from Homogeneous Spaces of the 2-dim Euclidean Quantum Group
After a preliminary review of the definition and the general properties of
the homogeneous spaces of quantum groups, the quantum hyperboloid qH and the
quantum plane qP are determined as homogeneous spaces of Fq(E(2)). The
canonical action of Eq(2) is used to define a natural q-analog of the free
Schro"dinger equation, that is studied in the momentum and angular momentum
bases. In the first case the eigenfunctions are factorized in terms of products
of two q-exponentials. In the second case we determine the eigenstates of the
unitary representation, which, in the qP case, are given in terms of Hahn-Exton
functions. Introducing the universal T-matrix for Eq(2) we prove that the
Hahn-Exton as well as Jackson q-Bessel functions are also obtained as matrix
elements of T, thus giving the correct extension to quantum groups of well
known methods in harmonic analysis.Comment: 19 pages, plain tex, revised version with added materia
Impact of adding different concentrations of IGF-I and insulin to the semen extender on bull sperm quality post-cryopreservation
ABSTRACT This study aimed to evaluate the addition of different concentrations of IGF-I and insulin to egg yolk-based extender to improve bovine semen cryopreservation. Two experiments were developed to evaluate the effects of the additives in two commercial extenders, Botubov® (Experiment 1) and Triladyl® (Experiment 2), both with the same design. Three ejaculates from four bulls (n = 12) were used. Each ejaculate was divided into seven equal fractions for dilution (60x106 spermatozoa/mL) in the following treatments: CON: extender only; IGF100: IGF-I 100ng/mL; IGF200: IGF-I 200ng/mL; INS150: insulin 150µUI/mL; INS200: insulin 200µUI/mL; ASS1: IGF-I 100ng/mL + insulin 150µUI/mL; ASS2: IGF-I 200ng/mL + insulin 200µUI/mL. Semen was cryopreserved by an automated system. Post-thawed sperm were evaluated regarding motility by CASA (Computer-assisted sperm analysis), and membranes by fluorescent probes (H342, PI, FITC-PSA and JC-1). For Botubov® extender, INS150 was more efficient in preserving total and progressive motility, VCL, BCF, plasma and mitochondrial membranes. A similar response was seen when insulin was added to the Triladyl® extender, INS150 was more efficient in preserving sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity and mitochondrial potential. Thus, the addition of insulin 150µUI/mL, regardless of the composition of the extender, contributes to better preserving bovine sperm from the cryopreservation effects
O Laboratório de Cromatografia do IQSC-USP tem desenvolvido pesquisas em conjunto com outros grupos de pesquisa do Brasil e da América Latina, visando a futura implantação da SFE (extração com fluido supercrítico) nestes laboratórios. No presente trabalho, apresenta-se alguns dos resultados obtidos na cooperação com pesquisadores do Chile e da Venezuela, direcionados para a SFE de substâncias de potencial interesse econômico, princípios ativos ou substâncias tóxicas: triglicerídeos, ácidos graxos, flavonóides, alcalóides, etc. Foram estudadas plantas nativas do Chile e da Venezuela, algumas delas nunca estudadas por métodos fitoquímicos convencionais e pertencentes a várias famílias vegetais: Leguminosae, Chrysobalanaceae, Annonnaceae, etc. O uso da SFE em conjunto com CGAR-EM (cromatografia gasosa de alta resolução - espectrometria de massas) ou CLAE-DAD (cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detector" photodiodearray") permitiu a identificação de algumas substâncias presentes em baixa concentração, a partir de pequenas quantidades de material vegetal; estes dados são de grande importância para a caracterização química das espécies estudadas.<br>Further applications of "home made" SFE systems. II. South American plants. The Laboratório de Cromatografia, IQSC-USP, has been developing joint research projects with other research groups from Brazil and Latin America, aiming a future implementation of SFE (supercritical fluid extraction) in these laboratories. In the present work, some of the results obtained in the cooperation with researchers from Chile and Venezuela, focused to SFE of potential economical interest compounds, active compounds or toxic molecules, are presented: triglycerides, fatty acids, flavonoids, alkaloids, etc. Native plants from Chile and Venezuela, belonging to several families (Leguminosae, Chrysobalanaceae, Annonnaceae, etc.) were studied, some of them never studied by conventional phytochemical methods. The utilization of SFE along as HRGC-EM (high resolution gas chromatography - mass spectrometry) or HPLC-DAD (high performance liquid chromatography - diodearray detector) allowed the identification of some compounds, starting from small amounts of plant material; these data are of great significance to the chemical characterization of the studied species