801 research outputs found

    U-duality covariant membranes

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    We outline a formulation of membrane dynamics in D=8 which is fully covariant under the U-duality group SL(2,Z) x SL(3,Z), and encodes all interactions to fields in the eight-dimensional supergravity, which is constructed through Kaluza-Klein reduction on T^3. Among the membrane degrees of freedom is an SL(2,R) doublet of world-volume 2-form potentials, whose quantised electric fluxes determine the membrane charges, and are conjectured to provide an interpretation of the variables occurring in the minimal representation of E_{6(6)} which appears in the context of automorphic membranes. We solve the relevant equations for the action for a restricted class of supergravity backgrounds. Some comments are made on supersymmetry and lower dimensions.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages. v2: Minor changes in text, correction of a sign. v3: some changes in text, a sign convention changed; version to appear in JHE

    Towards a manifestly supersymmetric action for 11-dimensional supergravity

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    We investigate the possibility of writing a manifestly supersymmetric action for 11-dimensional supergravity. The construction involves an explicit relation between the fields in the super-vielbein and the super-3-form, and uses non-minimal pure spinors. A simple cubic interaction term for a single scalar superfield is found.Comment: 22 pp., plain tex. v2: references adde

    Lifetime Measurements of Excited States in Pt 172 and the Variation of Quadrupole Transition Strength with Angular Momentum

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    Lifetimes of the first excited 2+ and 4+ states in the extremely neutron-deficient nuclide Pt172 have been measured for the first time using the recoil-distance Doppler shift and recoil-decay tagging techniques. An unusually low value of the ratio B(E2:41+→21+)/B(E2:21+→0gs+)=0.55(19) was found, similar to a handful of other such anomalous cases observed in the entire SegrĂ© chart. The observation adds to a cluster of a few extremely neutron-deficient nuclides of the heavy transition metals with neutron numbers N≈90-94 featuring the effect. No theoretical model calculations reported to date have been able to explain the anomalously low B(E2:41+→21+)/B(E2:21+→0gs+) ratios observed in these cases. Such low values cannot, e.g., be explained within the framework of the geometrical collective model or by algebraic approaches within the interacting boson model framework. It is proposed that the group of B(E2:41+→21+)/B(E2:21+→0gs+) ratios in the extremely neutron-deficient even-even W, Os, and Pt nuclei around neutron numbers N≈90-94 reveal a quantum phase transition from a seniority-conserving structure to a collective regime as a function of neutron number. Although a system governed by seniority symmetry is the only theoretical framework for which such an effect may naturally occur, the phenomenon is highly unexpected for these nuclei that are not situated near closed shells

    Aspects of higher curvature terms and U-duality

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    We discuss various aspects of dimensional reduction of gravity with the Einstein-Hilbert action supplemented by a lowest order deformation formed as the Riemann tensor raised to powers two, three or four. In the case of R^2 we give an explicit expression, and discuss the possibility of extended coset symmetries, especially SL(n+1,Z) for reduction on an n-torus to three dimensions. Then we start an investigation of the dimensional reduction of R^3 and R^4 by calculating some terms relevant for the coset formulation, aiming in particular towards E_8(8)/(Spin(16)/Z_2) in three dimensions and an investigation of the derivative structure. We emphasise some issues concerning the need for the introduction of non-scalar automorphic forms in order to realise certain expected enhanced symmetries.Comment: 26 pp., 15 figs., plain te

    Supersymmetric Deformations of Maximally Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We study supersymmetric and super Poincar\'e invariant deformations of ten-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory and of its dimensional reductions. We describe all infinitesimal super Poincar\'e invariant deformations of equations of motion of ten-dimensional super Yang-Mills theory and its reduction to a point; we discuss the extension of them to formal deformations. Our methods are based on homological algebra, in particular, on the theory of L-infinity and A-infinity algebras. The exposition of this theory as well as of some basic facts about Lie algebra homology and Hochschild homology is given in appendices.Comment: New results added. 111 page

    Generalised 11-dimensional supergravity

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    The low-energy effective dynamics of M-theory, eleven-dimensional supergravity, is taken off-shell in a manifestly supersymmetric superspace formulation. We show that a previously proposed relaxation of the torsion constraints can indeed accomodate a current supermultiplet. We comment on the relation and application of this completely general formalism to higher-derivative (R^4) corrections. This talk was presented by Bengt EW Nilsson at the Triangle Meeting 2000 ``Non-perturbative Methods in Field and String Theory'', NORDITA, Copenhagen, June 19-22, 2000, and by Martin Cederwall at the International Conference ``Quantization, Gauge Theory and Strings'' in memory of Efim Fradkin, Moscow, June 5-10, 2000

    Covariant Quantization of D-branes

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    We have found that kappa-symmetry allows a covariant quantization provided the ground state of the theory is strictly massive. For D-p-branes a Hamiltonian analysis is performed to explain the existence of a manifestly supersymmetric and Lorentz covariant description of the BPS states of the theory. The covariant quantization of the D-0-brane is presented as an example.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    On possible generalization of the superstring action to eleven dimensions

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    We suggest a D=11 super Poincar\'e invariant action for the superstring which has free dynamics in the physical variables sector. Instead of the standard approach based on the searching for an action with local Îș\kappa-symmetry (or, equivalently, with corresponding first class constraints), we propose a theory with fermionic constraints of second class only. Then the Îș\kappa-symmetry and the well known Γ\Gamma-matrix identities are not necessary for the construction. Thus, at the classical level, the superstring action of the type described can exist in any spacetime dimensions and the known brane-scan can be revisited.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex file, to be published in Phys. Rev.
