19 research outputs found
Freshwater bivalves rearing: a brief overview
Freshwater bivalves farming is principally focused on freshwater pearl production in Asia and conservation aquaculture in USA while in Europe is almost completely unknown. High larval mortality is considered the bottleneck in freshwater bivalve larval rearing and methods currently used in marine bivalve larval rearing can be transferred in freshwater mussels. It is likely that probiotics and aquatic microbiology will play a key role also in freshwater bivalves larval rearing. Alternative applications of freshwater mussel rearing should be studied in deep in the future as integrated productions, bioindication projects and utilization of freshwater mussel meal as potential source for fish feeds. The aim of this review is to give a description of potential applications for freshwater bivalve rearing and possible future perspectives
Host responses to Renibacterium salmoninarum and specific components of the pathogen reveal the mechanisms of immune suppression and activation
During infection, Renibacterium salmoninarum survives within the pronephric macrophages of salmonid fish. Therefore, to study the initial phases of the interaction we infected macrophages with live bacteria and analysed the responses of host and pathogen. It was found that the expression of msa encoding the p57 antigen of R. salmoninarum, was constitutive, while the expression of hly and rsh, encoding haemolysins, and lysB and grp was reduced after infection. Macrophages showed a rapid inflammatory response in which the expression of interleukin-1ÎČ (IL-1ÎČ), major histocompatibility complex class II (MHC II), inducible cyclo-oxygenase (Cox-2), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) was enhanced, but tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) expression was greatly reduced initially and then increased. After 5 days, except for TNF-α and MHC II, expression returned to levels approaching those of uninfected macrophages. We propose that R. salmoninarum survives initial contact with macrophages by avoiding and/or interfering with TNF-α-dependent killing pathways. The effects of specific R. salmoninarum components were studied in vivo by injecting fish with DNA vaccine constructs expressing msa, hly, rsh, lysB, or grp. We found that msa reduced the expression of IL-1ÎČ, Cox-2, and MHC II but stimulated TNF-α while hly, rsh and grp stimulated MHC II but down-regulated TNF-α. Constructs expressing hly or lysB stimulated iNOS expression and additionally, lysB stimulated TNF-α. The results show how p57 suppresses the host immune system and suggest that the immune mechanisms for the containment of R. salmoninarum infections rely on MHC II- and TNF-α-dependent pathways. Moreover, prolonged stimulation of TNF-α may contribute to the chronic inflammatory pathology of bacterial kidney disease