8 research outputs found

    Regulation of pH During Amelogenesis

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    During amelogenesis, extracellular matrix proteins interact with growing hydroxyapatite crystals to create one of the most architecturally complex biological tissues. The process of enamel formation is a unique biomineralizing system characterized first by an increase in crystallite length during the secretory phase of amelogenesis, followed by a vast increase in crystallite width and thickness in the later maturation phase when organic complexes are enzymatically removed. Crystal growth is modulated by changes in the pH of the enamel microenvironment that is critical for proper enamel biomineralization. Whereas the genetic bases for most abnormal enamel phenotypes (amelogenesis imperfecta) are generally associated with mutations to enamel matrix specific genes, mutations to genes involved in pH regulation may result in severely affected enamel structure, highlighting the importance of pH regulation for normal enamel development. This review summarizes the intra- and extracellular mechanisms employed by the enamel-forming cells, ameloblasts, to maintain pH homeostasis and, also, discusses the enamel phenotypes associated with disruptions to genes involved in pH regulation

    The GPA-dependent, spherostomatocytosis mutant AE1 E758K induces GPA-independent, endogenous cation transport in amphibian oocytes

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    The previously undescribed heterozygous missense mutation E758K was discovered in the human AE1/SLC4A1/band 3 gene in two unrelated patients with well-compensated hereditary spherostomatocytic anemia (HSt). Oocyte surface expression of AE1 E758K, in contrast to that of wild-type AE1, required coexpressed glycophorin A (GPA). The mutant polypeptide exhibited, in parallel, strong GPA dependence of DIDS-sensitive 36Cl− influx, trans-anion-dependent 36Cl− efflux, and Cl−/HCO3− exchange activities at near wild-type levels. AE1 E758K expression was also associated with GPA-dependent increases of DIDS-sensitive pH-independent SO42− uptake and oxalate uptake with altered pH dependence. In marked contrast, the bumetanide- and ouabain-insensitive 86Rb+ influx associated with AE1 E758K expression was largely GPA-independent in Xenopus oocytes and completely GPA-independent in Ambystoma oocytes. AE1 E758K-associated currents in Xenopus oocytes also exhibited little or no GPA dependence. 86Rb+ influx was higher but inward cation current was lower in oocytes expressing AE1 E758K than previously reported in oocytes expressing the AE1 HSt mutants S731P and H734R. The pharmacological inhibition profile of AE1 E758K-associated 36Cl− influx differed from that of AE1 E758K-associated 86Rb+ influx, as well as from that of wild-type AE1-mediated Cl− transport. Thus AE1 E758K-expressing oocytes displayed GPA-dependent surface polypeptide expression and anion transport, accompanied by substantially GPA-independent, pharmacologically distinct Rb+ flux and by small, GPA-independent currents. The data strongly suggest that most of the increased cation transport associated with the novel HSt mutant AE1 E758K reflects activation of endogenous oocyte cation permeability pathways, rather than cation translocation through the mutant polypeptide

    Endostatin and Thrombospondin-1 levels are increased in the sera of patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria

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    Chronic urticaria (CU) is a common disease characterized by recurrent itchy wheals and/or angioedema for more than 6 weeks. Increased levels of the pro-angio genic mediator vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) have been described in skin disorders, such as chronic urticaria (CU), psoriasis and atopic dermatitis. Up to now, no data on the role of VEGF endogenous inhibitors Endostatin (ES) and Thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) in CU are available. The aim of our study is to investigate the potential involvement of ES and TSP-1 in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). The levels of ES and TSP-1 were measured in the sera of 106 adult patients with CSU and 98 healthy subjects by enzyme immunoassays. The serum levels of the anti-angiogenic mediators ES and TSP-1 resulted significantly higher in CSU than in control subjects. Analysis of these mediators in CSU sub-groups, defined by the results of the autologous serum skin test (ASST), identified a significant increase of ES and TSP-1 in both ASST-positive and ASST-negative sub-groups as compared to the controls. Levels of ES and TSP-1 do not parallel the disease severity in CSU. Our study suggests that the extracellular matrix (ECM) fragments ES and TSP-1 with anti-angiogenic activity play a potential role in the pathogenesis of CSU but do not parallel disease activity

    Single-molecule FRET reveals the energy landscape of the full-length SAM-I riboswitch

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    S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM) ligand binding induces major structural changes in SAM-I riboswitches, through which gene expression is regulated via transcription termination. Little is known about the conformations and motions governing the function of the full-length Bacillus subtilis yitJ SAM-I riboswitch. Therefore, we have explored its conformational energy landscape as a function of Mg^2+ and SAM ligand concentrations using single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer (smFRET) microscopy and hidden Markov modeling analysis. We resolved four conformational states both in the presence and the absence of SAM and determined their Mg^2+-dependent fractional populations and conformational dynamics, including state lifetimes, interconversion rate coefficients and equilibration timescales. Riboswitches with terminator and antiterminator folds coexist, and SAM binding only gradually shifts the populations toward terminator states. We observed a pronounced acceleration of conformational transitions upon SAM binding, which may be crucial for off-switching during the brief decision window before expression of the downstream gene

    Tumour-cell invasion and migration: diversity and escape mechanisms

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