51 research outputs found

    Banca dati idrogeologica TANGRAM©: strumento per elaborazioni quantitative di dati per la valutazione delle acque sotterranee - The hydrogeological well database TANGRAM©: a tool for data processing to support groundwater assessment

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    At the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Milano-Bicocca (DISAT-UNIMIB), a hydrogeological well database, called TANGRAM©, has been developed and published on line at www.TANGRAM.samit.unimib.it, developing an earlier 1989 DOS version. This package can be used to store, display, and process all data related to water wells, including administrative information, well characteristics, stratigraphic logs, water levels, pumping rates, and other hydrogeological information. Currently, the database contains more than 39.200 wells located in the Italian region of Lombardy (90%), Piedmont (9%) and Valle d'Aosta (1%). TANGRAM© has been created both as a tool for researches and for public administration's administrators who have projects in common with DISAT-UNIMIB. Indeed, transferring wells data from paper into TANGRAM© offers both an easier and more robust way to correlate hydrogeological data and a more organized management of the administrative information. Some Administrations use TANGRAM© regularly as a tool for wells data management (Brescia Province, ARPA Valle Aosta). An innovative aspect of the database is the quantitative extraction of stratigraphic data. In the part of the software intended for research purposes, all well logs are translated into 8-digit alphanumeric codes and the user composes the code interpreting the description at each stratigraphic level. So the stratigraphic well data can be coded, then quantified and processed. This is made possible by attributing a weight to the digits of the code for textures. The program calculates the weighted percentage of the chosen lithology, as related to each individual layer. These extractions are the starting point for subsequent hydrogeological studies: well head protection area, reconstruction of the dynamics of flow, realization of the quarry plans and flux and transport hydrogeological models. The results of a two-dimensional distribution of coarse, medium and fine sized material in the first 80 meters of depth are presented here for a study area located within the Province of Brescia (Italy)

    Torsion Vibrations and Dynamic Stability of a Marine Driveline With Hydraulically Actuated Multi-Disk Clutch

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    The driveline of many crafts during mooring maneuvers operates in the \u201ctrolling\u201d mode, which is characterized by large slippages of the clutch. Sometimes the properties of clutch material and oil lead to the onset of self-excited torsion vibrations and wide fluctuations in torque. To analyze this phenomenon a numerical model of a typical marine driveline is developed, friction characteristics of the clutch are simulated by means of a LuGre model. A parametric stability analysis is carried out to highlight the effect of the parameters of the LuGre friction model on the stability of torsion vibrations. A series of experimental tests is performed on a specific test bench to identify the parameters of the driveline and to validate the numerical model. Results shows that the updated numerical model is able to replicate experimental results

    The hydrogeological well database TANGRAM©: a tool for data processing to support groundwater assessment

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    At the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of Milano-Bicocca (DISAT-UNIMIB), a hydrogeological well database, called TANGRAM©, has been developed and published on line at www.TANGRAM.samit.unimib.it, developing an earlier 1989 DOS version. This package can be used to store, display, and process all data related to water wells, including administrative information, well characteristics, stratigraphic logs, water levels, pumping rates, and other hydrogeological information. Currently, the database contains more than 39.200 wells located in the Italian region of Lombardy (90%), Piedmont (9%) and Valle d’Aosta (1%). TANGRAM© has been created both as a tool for researches and for public administration’s administrators who have projects in common with DISAT-UNIMIB. Indeed, transferring wells data from paper into TANGRAM© offers both an easier and more robust way to correlate hydrogeological data and a more organized management of the administrative information. Some Administrations use TANGRAM© regularly as a tool for wells data management (Brescia Province, ARPA Valle Aosta). An innovative aspect of the database is the quantitative extraction of stratigraphic data. In the part of the software intended for research purposes, all well logs are translated into 8-digit alphanumeric codes and the user composes the code interpreting the description at each stratigraphic level. So the stratigraphic well data can be coded, then quantified and processed. This is made possible by attributing a weight to the digits of the code for textures. The program calculates the weighted percentage of the chosen lithology, as related to each individual layer. These extractions are the starting point for subsequent hydrogeological studies: well head protection area, reconstruction of the dynamics of flow, realization of the quarry plans and flux and transport hydrogeological models. The results of a two-dimensional distribution of coarse, medium and fine sized material in the first 80 meters of depth are presented here for a study area located within the Province of Brescia (Italy)

    Ricerche ambientali per l'individuazione e la valutazione dei beni geomorfologici - Metodi ed esempi

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    E' presentata la metodologia per la realizzazione di carte geomorfologiche in base alle valenze ed al grado di interesse che un bene pu\uf2 avere.Vengono descritte le tecniche (manuale e mediante l'uso di SIT) utilizzabili per la redazione delle carte dei beni geomorfologici. Tale metodologia \ue8 stata applicata ad aree campione delle Alpi, degli Appennini e della Pianura padana e ne viene presentato un esempio

    Geomorphology of the Central Southern Alps

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    The geomorphology of the centraI sector of the Italian Alps has many interesting aspects. Some of these are: the relationship between the morphology of the territory and the geological structure; the morphology modelled by glaciers; the morphological evidences of neo-tectonics and the great landslides, which are typical of an alpine environment. The itinerary of this field trip will allow us to observe several of these aspects, travelling by coach, ferry, chair-lift and walking. During the first day we will be travelling from Milano to Como and will cross the end-moraine system of Lake Como; then we will be travelling by ferry on Lake Como from Como to Colico. After this we will follow the Valtellina, one of the main valleys of the Italian Alps. During the second day, travelling by jeep and walking, we will visit some of the glaciers of the Ortles-Cevedale Group and their Late Glacial and Holocenic moraine systems. During the third and fourth days, moving from Valtellina to Valcamonica, we will examine the glacial geomorphology of the tonalitic massif of the Adamello. The (I) Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Ambiente e del Territorio, Universit\ue0 di Milano. (2) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit\ue0 di Pisa & Cnr., Centro di Studio per la Geologia Strutturale e Dinamica dell'Appennino, Pisa. (3) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit\ue0 di Milano. (4) Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Universit\ue0 di Torino. e) Dipartimento di Scienze della- Terra, Universit\ue0 di Modena. fifth day will be devoted to the great rock-avalanches of the Sarca and Adige valleys in the Trentino region. On the sixth day, travelling by boat, we will observe the raised beaches and the lake levels of Lake Garda. Finally, during the seventh day we will cross the end-moraine system of Lake Garda and the Po plain and, passing through Mantova, we will arrive in Bologna for the Conferenc
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