1,528 research outputs found

    GPS-based CERN-LNGS time link for Borexino

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    We describe the design, the equipment, and the calibration of a new GPS based time link between CERN and the Borexino experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. This system has been installed and operated in Borexino since March 2012, and used for a precise measurement of CNGS muon neutrinos speed in May 2012. The result of the measurement will be reported in a different letter.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Características físicas, químicas e atividade antioxidante de frutos de matrizes de cajazeira no estado do Pará.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar quimicamente a polpa do fruto de 30 matrizes de cajazeira, a fi m de colher subsídios que permitam avançar com o programa de melhoramento genético para características físico-químicas da polpa desse fruto, dando ênfase ao conteúdo de carotenoides totais e atividade antioxidante total da polpa dos frutos. Os materiais genéticos foram caracterizados quanto à dimensão dos frutos e caroços, rendimento em polpa, umidade, pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável, ratio, carotenoides totais e atividade antioxidante total. Os resultados demonstraram haver diferença estatística entre as médias das matrizes para todas as variáveis estudadas. Os valores de pH, acidez titulável e sólidos solúveis encontram- se de acordo com o estabelecido pelo padrão de identidade e qualidade (PIQ) para polpa de cajá. Para a análise de umidade somente as matrizes IA-1, IA-2 e IA-3 apresentaram valores acima do máximo estabelecido na legislação. Os teores de carotenoides totais das matrizes de cajazeira variaram de 10,71 a 37,55μg/g e destacaram-se com os maiores teores as matrizes IA-2, IA-3, NT-3 e CUR-6. Os carotenoides totais apresentaram correlação positiva e signifi cativa com a atividade antioxidante das polpas de cajá. Os teores de carotenoides totais e atividade antioxidante medida por ABTS indicam que o cajá pode contribuir de maneira importante na ingestão de antioxidantes na dieta

    Agroecologia e sistemas de produção orgânica para pequenos ruminantes.

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    Marco referencial em Agroecologia (Embrapa, 2006); Agroecologia para quem?; Como fazer Agroecologia; Pecuária orgânica no Brasil e no mundo; Normas para a produção orgânica; Tabela 1 - Procedimentos técnicos para produção animal em agricultura orgânica; Sistemas silvipastoris para pecuária orgânica; Cuidados sanitários em sistemas orgânicos de produção; Projeto em Rede de produção Orgânica e o Projeto Componente Pecuária; Figura 1. Centros de pesquisa da Embrapa, parceiros no projeto em rede de Agricultura orgânica; Manipulação da caatinga para fins pastoris; Tabela 2 - Efeito da manipulação da caatinga sobre a capacidade de suporte e o desempenho de caprinos e ovinos; Sistemas agrossilvipastoril para a região da caatinga; Figura 4. Fluxo do componente animal no sistema agrossilvipastoril; Tabela 3. Disponibilidade de pasto e composição química do pasto e dos suplementos utilizados; Tabela 4.Consumo de suplemento e desempenho de cordeiros na fase de terminação em sistema orgânico de produção; O Projeto "Cabrito Ecológico da Caatinga";Descrição do modelo experimental; Tabela 5 - Desempenho Zootécnico do Sistema de Produção Orgânica de Caprino de Corte na Estação Experimental da Caatinga, Petrolina, Pernambuco. Em 2003 e 2004; Tabela 6 - Médias do peso vivo aos 103 dias (PV103), 158 dias (PV158) e 249 dias (PV252) para machos e fêmeas nos dois anos de avaliação no Modelo Experimental e do Sistema de Produção de um produtor do sertão de Pernambuco no ano de 2004; De unidades de validação a espaços de desenvolvimento participativo de tecnologias; Inclusão do componente animal em sistemas orgânicos de produção vegetal; Tabela 7. Médias do peso vivo, ganho médio diário (GMD) e produçãoo em kg de cordeiros/ha de ovinos SRD terminados em área de coqueiral, em sistema orgânico de produção; Manejo agroecológico de pastagens cultivadas

    Diversity of herbaceous forage species as sustainability indicator in Kenyan Rangeland.

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    Rangelands in Kenya make up for 70% of the land and hosts 60% of its livestock population. This ecosystem is largely inhabited by nomadic pastoralists whose livelihood depents on livestock. Land subdivision, population growth, climate change, devastating droughts, land degradation and unsustainable land use practices threaten the future of pastoralist and wildlife conservation in the rangelands. Knowledge about diversity of species is an important indicator of degraded land in the rangelands. Monitoring forage species can be a way to help livestock owning communities and farmers to recover degraded land and improve the natural environment. This study aimed to identify main herbaceous species present in nomadic pastoralist and farm rangelands in Kenya. This trial was conducted during the wet season in 2012. Two different environments were visited during a research expedition. Ol Maisor a commercial ranch that has been utilizing Holistic Management for the past years is located in Laikipia County. The second one being in Merti, Isiolo County composed of four sites: Bisan Biliquo, Bulesa, Korbesa and Malkagalla and being managed by the Merti Grazing Committee, a nomadic pastoralist community. Five randomly selected sites were visited in Ol Maisor and twelve sites in Merti. All sites were identified by GPS and their coordinates recorded. In each site, plants were collected to make exsiccates using traditional techniques (by press). Botanic characterization was done by identification of family, genus and species at the Herbarium of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) in Kiboko. At Ol Maisor Ranch the dominant family found was Poaceae (grasses). This family represents the most important species for grazing lands in Kenya indicating good and healthy rangelands. It was possible to identify 51 different grass species at Ol Maisor Ranch. At least, 13 genera were identified at least seven to eight times in this location: Aristida, Bothrichloa, Cenchrus, Cynodon, Digitaria, Eragrostis, Harpchne, Panicum, Paspalum, Pennisetum, Setaria, Themeda, Trachypogon. Eragrostis tenuiflora was the most abundant species. This grass is a poor constituent of pasture once livestock prefers other more palatable species when it is available. In Merti, forb were identified as more than 50% of the botanic pasture composition. The total number of species found were 67. At least ten different botanic families were present in this region: Acanthaceae, Amaranthaceae, Combretaceae, Fabaceae, Labiatae, Liliaceae, Malvaceae, Onagraceae, Poaceae, Polygonaceae and Sollanaceae. It was possible to identify 11 genera of grasses: Aristida, Cenchrus, Chloris, Cyprus, Digitaria, Eleusine, Eragrostis, Hyperenia, Panicum, Sehima, Tetrapogon. The most frequent genus was Eragrostis. Among the forb only three genera were important: Sida, Barelia and Ocimum. Two of these can be used as indicator of degraded lands and they were present in large areas. In Merti the observed biodiversity shows a potential for various livestock species other than cattle such as sheep, goats and other ruminants to use the land for grazing, Ol Maisor?s rangeland is more appropriate for cattle grazing, but it is necessary to monitor some of the less palatable species found in large density and the possibility to substitute it with better grass species. In both places a good biodiversity could be identified, however, it is necessary to carry out annual monitoring in order to keep weeds under control in the Kenyan rangelands

    Evaluation degree of degraded rangeland on grazing communities in Kenya.

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    Most of 80% of Kenya´s land is categorized as arid and semi-arid. Agropastoralism and pastoralism based on livestock production serve as the bedrock of site livelihoods and culture. Pastoralists? livelihoods are affected by frequent and severe droughts, growing demographic pressure and conflicts over natural resource utilization. Vulnerability worsened by accessible grazing lands is often mismanaged and either overgrazed or underutilized leading to land degradation. This work aimed to develop a score index to classify degraded land degree to help technician and pastoralist in adequate use of tools to recovery degraded lands. This trial was conducted using participatory research with four grazing communities (Bisan Biliquo, Bulesa, Korbesa and Malkagalla) in Kenyan dry land from May 2011 to November 2012. There were characterized three sites in each community. First of all, a general characterization was made. In this first characterization were collected information about soil, plant, land use, water source distance and wildlife. Based on this information was chosen spots to make monitoring rangeland on each site. Transect method was used to collect information about bare ground (%), plant cover(%), plant height(cm), number of species(unit), biomass(kg) and litter (kg) production. A practical sheet from Mpala Institute was used to collect data on field. These five parameters were chosen because it was easier to collect by technician and pastoralist. Each parameter was classified in categories according type of measure (%, kg or cm) and could be analyzed and received a grade between 0 and 5. From summing the grades a score index was created to classify stage of degraded land. Five categories were made: 1-6 grades meant high degraded land; 7-12 degraded rangeland; 13-18 recovery rangeland; 19-24 good rangeland and 25-30 healthy rangeland. None of the sites got good or healthy rangeland. In fact all these areas are included in a program to recovering degraded land. The best situation was found in Bulesa where most of areas were classified as recovery land. In this case was recommended to reduce grazing pressure in order to improve litter production. Korbesa place second and was classified as recovery land. It was recommended basically management adjustment for improve biomass production. Bisan Biliquo areas were classified as high or degraded and needed some interventions on management level. In one spot and reseeding was recommended in the two others. Malkagalla was the worse scored site and presented the worse condition rangeland. All spots monitored were classified as high degraded land. Management intervention in this place should be directed to recover biodiversity by reseeding native species and improve biomass production Based on this was highly recommended exclude animal grazing during a period of time. Tools to monitoring rangeland and support diagnostic for degraded lands can be useful to identify problems and propose solutions to recovery degraded lands in dry rangelands

    Monitoramento da disseminação genética do rebanho leiteiro no estado do Acre no período de 2009 a 2010 .

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é conhecer o perfil genético do rebanho de leite de cada município, para que a Embrapa possa criar estratégias voltadas à aplicação de tecnologias que venham desenvolver o setor produtivo da região.bitstream/item/56658/1/24133.PD

    Efeito do dia de pastejo sobre a produção de leite de cabras anglo nubianas em pasto manejado intensivamente.

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    Não houve efeito do dia de pastejo sobre a produção de leite de cabras Anglo Nubianas em pastagem de capim-tanzânia manejadas em sistema semi-confinado, utilizando pastos manejados intensivamente

    Acompanhamento do estado corporal de caprinos leiteiros em pasto de capim-tanzânia durante a época chuvosa.

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    Os animais apresentaram peso adequado para sua categoria. No entanto o escore ficou abaixo do esperado para atender às exigências fisiológicas dos animais, reflexo do pouco tempo de pastejo, característico desta época do ano, mostrando a necessidade de suplementação extra para caprinos leiteiros mantidos em pastagem durante a época chuvosa