108 research outputs found

    Immunopresence and functional activity of prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthases and nitric oxide synthases in bovine corpora lutea during diestrus.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the occurrence and the activity of prostaglandin- endoperoxide synthase 1 (PTGS1), PTGS2, and endothelial, neuronal, and inducible nitric oxide synthase (e-, n-, and iNOS) in early, mid, late, and regressive corpora lutea (CL) of bovines during diestrus. PTGS1 immunoreactivity was localised mainly in the cytoplasm of small luteal cells, whereas PTGS2 was detected in the cytoplasm of large luteal cells during early, mid, and late stages. The immunoexpression of all NOS isoforms was observed in the nuclei of luteal cells in the CL stages examined. PTGS1 enzyme activity was higher in late CL and lower in regressive ones; PTGS2 increased from early to late CL and lowered in regressive ones. Constitutive NOS enzymatic activity (eNOS plus nNOS) was higher in late CL and lower in regressive ones; iNOS was lower in regressive CL. These results support the idea that PTGSs and NOSs regulate the bovine CL life span mainly during the transition from the luteotrophic to the luteolytic phase

    Clinicopathological features of an equine ovarian teratoma.

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    The present study describes the clinicopathological features of a mature cystic ovarian teratoma occurred in a 4 year old, cyclic, nulliparous Andalusian mare. The mass was discovered in the left ovary during a breeding soundness examination, and was hard in consistency and variously echogenic. Laparoscopy was performed to confirm the neoplastic change, followed by a unilateral laparotomic ovariectomy in the standing animal. On the cut surface the teratomatous ovary showed a large cyst filled with hair and sebaceous material and three small cysts containing mucous fluid, surrounded by solid areas where bone and cartilage could be recognized. Exceptionally, functional remnants of the ovary, including small follicles and a diestral corpus luteum were found near the tubal extremity. Histology revealed mature tissues foreign to the ovary including stratified squamous and respiratory epithelia, mucous, sebaceous and sweat glands, muscle fibres, fat and nervous tissue. The appearance of tracheal and lung architecture was occasionally observed

    Prisutnost imunoreaktivnih ciklooksigenaza u sjemenskim kanalićima i nuzjajima u alpaka prije spolne zrelosti i odraslih alpaka (Lama pacos).

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    In this study, we report the cell specific expression of cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, COX1 and COX2, in the ductuli efferentes and epididymis of prepubertal and adult alpaca. COX1 weakly stained the cytoplasm of epithelial cells lining the ductuli efferentes and the epididymal corpus, whereas these cells were immunonegative in the epididymal caput and cauda. In adults, we observed an increase in the immunsignals for COX1 in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells lining the ductuli efferentes and all the epididymal regions. In prepubertal alpaca, immunoreactivity for COX2 was not revealed in the epithelial cells lining the ductuli efferentes and epididymal regions, whereas it was evidenced in adult animals. The apical rich mithocondria cells immunoreacted only with COX1 in the epididymis of prepubertal animals, whereas they expressed both COX1 and -2 in the adult alpaca. Our results suggest that COXs may play a role in the pubertal development of the excurrent duct system of the alpaca.Istražena je stanično specifična ekspresija enzima ciklooksigenaza COX1 i COX2 u sjemenim kanalićima i nuzjaju u alpaka prije spolne zrelosti i odraslih alpaka. Slaba aktivnost COX1 dokazana je u citoplazmi epitelnih stanica sjemenih kanalića i tijela nuzjaja dok su iste stanice bile imunološki negativne u glavi i repu nuzjaja. U odraslih je opaženo povećanje imunosnog signala za COX1 u citoplazmi bazalnih epitelnih stanica sjemenih kanalića i cijelog područja nuzjaja. U alpaka prije spolne zrelosti, imunoreaktivnost za COX2 se nije vidjela u epitelnim stanicama sjemenih kanalića i nuzjajima kao što je to bilo kod odraslih životinja. Apikalne stanice bogate mitohondrijima reagirale su samo na COX1 u nuzjajima životinja prije spolne zrelosti dok je ekspresija i COX1 i COX2 opažene u odraslih alpaka. Rezultati ukazuju na moguću ulogu ciklooksigenaza u razvoju razgranatog sustava kanalića prije spolne zrelosti u alpaka


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    A lectin histochemical investigation of the seminiferous epithelium and acrosomes of spermatozoa present in the efferent ductules and epididymal regions was carried out in the alpaca. The histochemical characterization was performed using a battery of different lectins: Con-A, UEA-I, LTA, WGA, GSA-IB4, SBA, PNA, ECA, DBA, MAL-II and SNA. Sialidase digestion and deglycosilation pre-treatments were also employed. The cytoplasm of the Sertoli cells contained N-linked oligosaccharides with alpha-D-Man/alpha-D-Glc and GlcNAc and O-linked glycans with alpha-L-Fuc, beta-GalNAc, beta-D-Gal-(1-4)-D-GlcNAc, alpha-Gal and Neu5Acalpha2,6alpha-GalNAc moieties whereas beta-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc residues were included in both O- and N-glycoproteins. Spermatogonia expressed alpha-D-Man/alpha-D-Glc residues included in N-glycoproteins and alpha-Fuc in O-glycoproteins. Spermatocytes contained the N-glycoproteins residues alpha-D-Man/alpha-D-Glc and GlcNAc and the O-glycoproteins residues alpha-L-Fuc, beta-D-Gal-(1-4)-D-GlcNAc, alpha-Gal, beta-GalNAc, Neu5Acalpha2,6alpha-GalNAc and Neu5Acalpha2,6beta-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc. The results of the present study show differences in the presence and distribution of lectin reactive sites throughout the acrosomal development in the alpaca. In particular, Fuc moieties were found only during the Golgi-phase of spermatids, alpha-Gal were found in the acrosome of Golgi- and cap-phase spermatids, sialic-acid/alpha-GalNAc sequence was revealed during the cap-phase and elongated spermatids, and alpha-D-Man/alpha-D-Glc and GlcNAc were detected only in the acrosomes of elongated spermatids. Finally, beta-GalNAc, beta-D-Gal-(1-3)-D-GalNAc and beta-D-Gal-(1-4)-D-GlcNAc were added to acrosomal glycoproteins in the early stages of spermatogenesis and remained unchanged during the later phases. Differences in the carbohydrate expression were also demonstrated on the sperm acrosomes during passage through the post-testicular ducts

    Fetiform teratoma in an Italian-Fresian calf: case report and literature review.

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    Introduction. Fetiform teratoma is a rare form of teratoma in animals and people that resembles a malformed fetus. This paper describes the first case of highly differentiated extragonadal fetiform teratoma with cranial connection in an Italian-Friesian calf. Case presentation. A 35-day-old male Italian-Friesian calf weighing 55 kg was referred because of a mass localized in the fronto-nasal region. The mass contained two lateral structures of similar size and conformation that were recognized as underdeveloped hind limbs, while at its center there was a small tail. The mass was surgically excised and sent to the pathologist for examination. Gross examination identified two femur-like rudimentary limbs and a sketch of bone located in between, morphologically referable to a rudimentary coxae-like bo ne. Some mucinous cysts, a virtual body cavity showing adipose and muscular tissues, some cartilaginous nuclei and a coelomatic body cavity were also noted. Histological examination showed differentiation into skin with dermal appendages, hair, adipose tissue, cartilage, bone, lymphoid tissue, neurovascular bundles, and a rudimentary tail. No neural tissue including spinal cord, brain matter, or gonadal differentiation was seen. On the basis of these findings, the mass was diagnosed as a highly differentiated extragonadal fetiform teratoma. Conclusion. Fetiform teratoma should be included among differential diagnoses in cases of neonatal malformation in bovine. Analyzing the available literature, the Friesian genetic strain seem to be predisposed to fetal malformation, but a systematic reporting of cases is needed, in order to investigate further the epidemiological, etiological, pathophysiological and therapeutic aspect of this kind of congenital disease

    Constant Rate Infusion of Lidocaine, Tumescent Anesthesia and Their Combination in Dogs Undergoing Unilateral Mastectomy

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    Tumescent anesthesia (TUM) is a technique that was initially used to perform liposuction under local anesthesia, which consists of the injection of such large volumes of local anesthetic until to produce swelling and firmness (tumescence) of the surgical area. The aim of this study was to compare the intraoperative analgesic efficacy of lidocaine (LID) constant rate infusion (CRI), of TUM, or their combination (LID/TUM) and the postoperative pain and analgesic requirement in dogs undergoing unilateral mastectomy. Twenty-four dogs were premedicated with dexmedetomidine (3 μg/kg) and methadone (0.2 mg/kg) intravenously (IV). After induction with propofol IV to effect, dogs were randomly allocated to receive a loading dose of lidocaine (2 mg/kg) followed by a CRI of 100 μg/kg/min (Group LID) in addition to an equivalent volume of lactated Ringer's solution instead of local TUM; a loading dose of lactated Ringer's solution followed by a CRI of Ringer's solution in addition to TUM (Group TUM); a loading dose of lidocaine (2 mg/kg) followed by a CRI of 100 μg/kg/min in addition to TUM (Group LID/TUM). Anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Postoperative pain scores were assessed once the dogs had fully recovered from the sedative effects, and following 15, 30, 45 and 60 min. The results of the current study allow us to assert that all three treatments provided satisfactory intraoperative antinociceptive effects but administration of LID/TUM induced greater inhibition on sympathetic stimulating effect up to 60 min from recovery, thus, providing better early postoperative pain relief in dogs undergoing mastectomy