6 research outputs found

    Pollen analysis of Holocene sediments from the Poço das Antas National Biological Reserve, Silva Jardim, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    The Poço das Antas National Biological Reserve is located in Rio de Janeiro State, southeast Brazil. This paper presents information on past environmental characteristics of the area through pollen analysis. Two sedimentary columns were collected and five samples were selected for radiocarbon dating. The following ages of the columns from bottom to top were detected: column 1 - 1.20-1.16 m: 6080 ±40 years BP, 0.775-0.735 m: 4090 ±40 years BP, 0.385-0.345 m: 1880 ±80 years BP; column 2 - 1.22-1.18 m: 3520 ±40 years BP, 0.23-0.19 m: 1810 ±40 years BP. Three samples from column 1 and two samples from column 2 were selected for pollen analysis: 1.20 m, 0.77 m and 0.37 m of column1 and 1.22 m and 0.21 m of column 2. Chemical treatment followed standard methodology. The palynological analysis shows that around 6080 years BP the study area was dominated by a rain forest and from around 4090 years BP the vegetation changed to a fragmented forest, restricted to low hills and surrounded by an open area of grassland and pioneer plants, swamps and peat areas. The pollen assemblage of the samples 3520, 1880 and 1810 years BP suggest the permanence of this kind of vegetation between 4000 years BP and the actual.<br>A Reserva Biológica de Poço das Antas localiza-se no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, na região sudeste do Brasil. O presente estudo teve por objetivo fornecer informações a respeito de características ambientais pretéritas da área por meio de análises palinológicas. Foram coletadas duas colunas de sedimentos e cinco amostras foram selecionadas para datação pelo método de radiocarbono, revelando as seguintes idades, da base ao topo dos testemunhos: coluna 1 - 1,20-1,16 m: 6080 ± 40 anos AP, 0,775-0,735 m: 4090 ± 40 anos AP e 0,38-0,34 m: 1880 ± 80 anos AP; coluna 2 - 1,22-1,18 m: 3520 ± 40 anos AP e 0,23-0,19 m, 1810 ± 40 anos AP. Foram retiradas três amostras da coluna 1 e duas da coluna 2 para análise palinológica: 1,20 m, 0,77 e 0,37 m da coluna 1 e 1,22 m e 0,21 m da coluna 2. O tratamento químico foi baseado em metodologia padrão de preparação de amostras palinológicas. A análise palinológica indica que em torno de 6080 anos AP a área de estudo era dominada pela Floresta Ombrófila e que, por volta de 4090 anos AP, a vegetação tinha mudado para uma floresta fragmentada, restrita às baixas colinas circundadas por áreas de campo aberto, pantanosas e turfosas. A permanência desse tipo de vegetação entre 4000 anos AP e o atual é sugerida pelas amostras datadas de 3520,1880 e 1810 anos AP

    Small mammal populations of an agroecosystem in the Atlantic Forest domain, southeastern Brazil

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    This study reports 2 years of the population dynamics and reproduction of a small mammal community using the removal method. The study was conducted in a rural area of the Atlantic Forest, in Sumidouro, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. The population sizes, age structure and reproduction were studied for the four most common species in the study area. The overall diversity was 1.67 and ranged between 0.8 to 1.67. The species richness was 13 considering the whole study. The most abundant species were the rodents Nectomys squamipes (n = 133), Akodon cursor (n = 74), Oligoryzomys nigripes (n = 25) and the marsupials Didelphis aurita (n = 58) and Philander frenatus (n = 50). Seven other rodents were captured once: Necromys lasiurus, Akodon montensis, Sooretamys angouya, Oecomys catherine, Oxymycterus judex, Euryzygomatomys spinosus and Trinomys iheringi. There were higher peaks for diversity and species richness during the winter (dry) months, probably due to higher food availability. The marsupials had a seasonal reproduction with highest population sizes at the end of the rainy seasons. Nectomys squamipes reproduced mostly during rainy periods. Akodon cursor reproduced predominantly in the winter with the highest population peaks occurring during this season. The analysis of the population dynamics of the rodent species indicated that no species behaved as an agricultural pest, probably due to the heterogeneous landscape of high rotativity of vegetable cultivation. Rodent populations were more susceptible to the removal procedure than marsupial ones

    Why non-native grasses pose a critical emerging threat to biodiversity conservation, habitat connectivity and agricultural production in multifunctional rural landscapes

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