98 research outputs found

    Caracterização física de substratos elaborados a partir de resíduos agroindustrias.

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    Tolerância de Genótipos de Arroz à Salinidade da Água de Irrigação na Fase Reprodutiva

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    Estado nutricional do arroz: efeito da época de início de irrigação.

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    Absorção de nutrientes pelo arroz em resposta à época de início de irrigação.

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    Adubação Nitrogenada para Cultivares de Mamona no Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Efeito de iscas tóxicas utilizadas no controle de mosca-das-frutas sobre o estágio adulto do predador Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).

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    Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de iscas tóxicas empregadas no controle de mosca-das-frutas sobre adultos do predador Chrysoperla externa

    Biomarkers for Mercury Exposure in Tropical Estuarine Fish

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    Several studies have evaluated human risks due mercury (Hg) exposure through fish consumption. However, relatively few studies have explored effects of environmental Hg concentrations in biota, especially tropical fish species. The aim of this work was to assess in situ hematological, biochemical and genotoxic effects in tropical fish due to environmental exposure to mercury in estuarine ecosystems. A total of 282 fishes were collected from September 2003 to October 2005 in two estuarine areas: Ribeira Bay (reference area - 22° 55’ to 23° 02’ S and 44° 18’ to 44° 26’ W) and Guanabara Bay (highly impacted area by human activities - 22° 40’ to 23° 00’ S and 43° 00’ to 43° 20’ E). Total mercury levels in fish from Guanabara were twice higher than in Ribeira bay for the catfish species Genidens genidens (Ariidae), with significant differences among areas after standardization using length intervals (exposure time indicator). The species Haemulon steindachneri (Haemulidae) showed the highest mercury concentration, reflecting its position in trophic chain. Among effect biomarkers, only haematocrit, global leucometry and micronucleus assays seemed to reflect the differences on mercury exposure among areas, what may support their use for evaluations of fish exposure to mercury compounds. However, it’s necessary both laboratory experiments to establish cause-effect relationship and a continuous in situ study to obtain more information, involving more trophic levels, searching for sensible species to mercury exposure