514 research outputs found

    Aiuti di stato: La “modernizzazione” del ruolo dello “Stato finanziatore” quale motore dello sviluppo dei Servizi di interesse economico generale

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    Il contributo affronta il tema delle compensazioni per oneri di servizio pubblico analizzando la disciplina europea sugli aiuti di Stato alla luce del pacchetto sulla \u201cmodernizzazione\u201d ed il modo in cui questa possa influire sul ruolo che lo Stato pu\uf2 giocare nell\u2019erogazione dei servizi di interesse economico generale. L\u2019Autore esamina anzitutto le varie modalit\ue0 attraverso cui la Commissione, recependo i precedenti indirizzi giurisprudenziali ed aggiornando i preesistenti riferimenti normativi, valuta le compensazioni per oneri di servizio pubblico, dai criteri Altmark sino al giudizio di compatibilit\ue0 di misure che astrattamente costituiscono un aiuto ai sensi dell\u2019articolo 107, paragrafo 1, Tfue. L\u2019analisi prosegue concentrando l\u2019attenzione sulle disposizioni settoriali del pacchetto sulla modernizzazione lungo due direttrici: da un lato, viene rilevata l\u2019intenzione della Commissione di verificare la compatibilit\ue0 della scelta degli Stati membri di qualificare un servizio come di interesse economico generale; dall\u2019altro, vengono esaminati i limiti entro cui la Commissione stessa anticipa che sia possibile considerare determinate attivit\ue0 quali Sieg e, quindi, in quali casi possano ritenersi adeguate le compensazioni eventualmente erogate dallo Stato. In chiusura viene dunque svolta una breve riflessione circa le ulteriori limitazioni che possano discendere dal rinnovato contesto in materia di aiuti di Stato al ruolo che l\u2019Autorit\ue0 pubblica si pu\uf2 ritagliare nel settore dei servizi di interesse economico generale.The article deals with the issue of compensation for public service obligations, especially in light of the \u201cmodernisation package\u201d. The aim of the contribution is to verify to what extent the application of State aid rules may affect the decisions of public Authorities on the provisioning of such services of general economic interest and, more generally, on the role that public authorities may play in this field. Given the inherent tension between public services and competition law, the Author first examines the various ways in which the Commission tends to consider the compensations for public service obligations in two key areas: measures falling under the Altmark criteria, and measures that constitute an aid under Article 107, paragraph 1, Tfeu. The Author then continues by analysing the provisions of the modernisation package in two main directions: on the one hand he analyses how the Commission intends to scrutinize, and to what extent, the choices of Member States to qualify certain activities as services of general economic interest. On the other side, it is investigated to what extent compensations paid by the State can be considered adequate. The Author traces then some conclusions regarding the limited role that the State is called to play, even in the services of general economic interest

    Services in the Field of Law within the Internal Market : Promoting e-Justice through Interoperability

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    The paper addresses the problem of intra-European services provided to professionals in the legal sector. Through a brief overview of the main services that are or may be offered in the internal market in this field, the author identifies the lack of interoperability as one of the most critical barriers currently preventing effective intra-community competition. The author wonders to what degree and under which rules of the treaties a European intervention could be justified and, therefore, what purposes could be pursued through European legislation. The author analyses the rail transport sector to assess if, and to what degree, existing barriers to entry could be reduced and innovation could be fostered by defining certain standards at a European level for the interoperability of IT systems in the field of law. In particular, the example of the rail sector is analyzed to determine the degree to which the solutions already in place for the \u201ctelematics applications for the passenger services subsystem\u201d could be replicated in the context of the services addressed by the paper. In conclusion, the author suggests that addressing the issues of interoperability in the legal services sector could be a useful first step towards the digitalization of the internal market, as advocated by the Commission in its recent Communication on the digital single market

    State Resources in the Case Law: Imputability Under an Organizational Perspective

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    Under an organisational perspective, the article analyses the most relevant case law on the criteria of imputability of the resources used to finance aid schemes. The Author\u2019s aim is to assess whether a link may be found between the first requirement set by Article 107(1) TFUE and the way in which Member States organise the use of their public powers. Having classified and analysed the decisions of the European Courts accordingly, the Author concludes highlighting the role, under State aid rules, played by the way in which public bodies are structured
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