1,064 research outputs found

    Derivatives pricing with marked point processes using Tick-by-tick dataR

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    I propose to model stock price tick-by-tick data via a non-explosive marked point process. The arrival of trades is driven by a counting process in which the waiting-time between trades possesses a Mittag-Leffler survival function and price revisions have an infinitely divisible distribution. I show that the partial-integro-differential equation satisfied by the value of European-style derivatives contains a non-local operator in time-to-maturity known as the Caputo fractional derivative. Numerical examples are provided for a marked point process with conditionally Gaussian and with conditionally CGMY price innovations. Furthermore, the infinitesimal generator of the marked point process derived to price derivatives coincides with that of a LĂ©vy process of either finite or infinite activity.Tick-by-tick data, Waiting-times, Duration, High frequency data, Caputo operator, Marked point process,

    Dynamic hedging of financial instruments when the underlying follows a non-Gaussian process.

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    Traditional dynamic hedging strategies are based on local information (ie Delta and Gamma) of the financial instruments to be hedged. We propose a new dynamic hedging strategy that employs non-local information and compare the profit and loss (P&L) resulting from hedging vanilla options when the classical approach of Delta- and Gammaneutrality is employed, to the results delivered by what we label Delta- and Fractional- Gamma-hedging. For specific cases, such as the FMLS of Carr and Wu (2003a) and Merton’s Jump-Diffusion model, the volatility of the P&L is considerably lower (in some cases only 25%) than that resulting from Delta- and Gamma-neutrality

    The relationship between the volatility of returns and the number of jumps in financial markets

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    The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First we show how to estimate the volatility of high frequency log-returns where the estimates are not affected by microstructure noise and the presence of LĂ©vy-type jumps in prices. The second contribution focuses on the relationship between the number of jumps and the volatility of log-returns of the SPY, which is the fund that tracks the S&P 500. We employ SPY high frequency data (minute-by-minute) to obtain estimates of the volatility of the SPY log-returns to show that: (i) The number of jumps in the SPY is an important variable in explaining the daily volatility of the SPY log-returns; (ii) The number of jumps in the SPY prices has more explanatory power with respect to daily volatility than other variables based on: volume, number of trades, open and close, and other jump activity measures based on Bipower Variation; (iii) The number of jumps in the SPY prices has a similar explanatory power to that of the VIX, and slightly less explanatory power than measures based on high and low prices, when it comes to explaining volatility; (iv) Forecasts of the average number of jumps are important variables when producing monthly volatility forecasts and, furthermore, they contain information that is not impounded in the VIX

    Volatility and covariation of financial assets: a high-frequency analysis

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    Using high frequency data for the price dynamics of equities we measure the impact that market microstructure noise has on estimates of the: (i) volatility of returns; and (ii) variance-covariance matrix of n. assets. We propose a Kalman-filter-based methodology that allows us to deconstruct price series into the true effcient price and the microstructure noise. This approach allows us to employ volatility estimators that achieve very low Root Mean Squared Errors (RMSEs) compared to other estimators that have been proposed to deal with market microstructure noise at high frequencies. Furthermore, this price series decomposition allows us to estimate the variance covariance matrix of n assets in a more efficient way than the methods so far proposed in the literature. We illustrate our results by calculating how microstructre noise affects portfolio decisions and calculations of the equity beta in a CAPM setting

    Modelling Asset Prices for Algorithmic and High-Frequency Trading

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    Algorithmic trading (AT) and high-frequency (HF) trading, which are responsible for over 70% of US stocks trading volume, have greatly changed the microstructure dynamics of tick-by-tick stock data. In this article, we employ a hidden Markov model to examine how the intraday dynamics of the stock market have changed and how to use this information to develop trading strategies at high frequencies. In particular, we show how to employ our model to submit limit orders to profit from the bid–ask spread, and we also provide evidence of how HF traders may profit from liquidity incentives (liquidity rebates). We use data from February 2001 and February 2008 to show that while in 2001 the intraday states with the shortest average durations (waiting time between trades) were also the ones with very few trades, in 2008 the vast majority of trades took place in the states with the shortest average durations. Moreover, in 2008, the states with the shortest durations have the smallest price impact as measured by the volatility of price innovations

    Pricing in Electricity Markets: a Mean Reverting Jump Diffusion Model with Seasonality

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    In this paper we present a mean-reverting jump diffusion model for the electricity spot price. We obtain a closed-form solution for forward contracts and calibrate it to market data from England and Wales. Finally, based on the calibrated forward curve we present months, quarters, and seasons-ahead forward surfaces.Energy derivatives, mean reversion, jump diffusion, electricity spot and forward.

    Spot price modeling and the valuation of electricity forward contracts : the role of demand and capacity.

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    We propose a model where wholesale electricity prices are explained by two state variables: demand and capacity. We derive analytical expressions to price forward contracts and to calculate the forward premium. We apply our model to the PJM, England and Wales, and Nord Pool markets. Our empirical findings indicate that volatility of demand is seasonal and that the market price of demand risk is also seasonal and positive, both of which exert an upward (seasonal) pressure on the price of forward contracts. We assume that both volatility of capacity and the market price of capacity risk are constant and find that, depending on the market and period under study, it could either exert an upward or downward pressure on forward prices. In all markets we find that the forward premium exhibits a seasonal pattern. During the months of high volatility of demand, forward contracts trade at a premium. During months of low volatility of demand, forwards can either trade at a relatively small premium or, even in some cases, at a discount, i.e. they exhibit a negative forward premiumPower prices; Demand; Capacity; Forward premium; Forward bias; Market price of capacity risk; Market price of demand risk; PJM; England and Wales; Nord Pool;

    Spot price modeling and the valuation of electricity forward contracts : the role of demand and capacity.

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    We propose a model where wholesale electricity prices are explained by two state variables: demand and capacity. We derive analytical expressions to price forward contracts and to calculate the forward premium. We apply our model to the PJM, England and Wales, and Nord Pool markets. Our empirical findings indicate that volatility of demand is seasonal and that the market price of demand risk is also seasonal and positive, both of which exert an upward (seasonal) pressure on the price of forward contracts. We assume that both volatility of capacity and the market price of capacity risk are constant and find that, depending on the market and period under study, it could either exert an upward or downward pressure on forward prices. In all markets we find that the forward premium exhibits a seasonal pattern. During the months of high volatility of demand, forward contracts trade at a premium. During months of low volatility of demand, forwards can either trade at a relatively small premium or, even in some cases, at a discount, i.e. they exhibit a negative forward premiumPower prices; Demand; Capacity; Forward premium; Forward bias; Market price of capacity risk; Market price of demand risk; PJM; England and Wales; Nord pool;

    Modeling asset prices for algorithmic and high frequency trading.

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    Algorithmic Trading (AT) and High Frequency (HF) trading, which are responsible for over 70% of US stocks trading volume, have greatly changed the microstructure dynamics of tick-by-tick stock data. In this paper we employ a hidden Markov model to examine how the intra-day dynamics of the stock market have changed, and how to use this information to develop trading strategies at ultra-high frequencies. In particular, we show how to employ our model to submit limit-orders to profit from the bid-ask spread and we also provide evidence of how HF traders may profit from liquidity incentives (liquidity rebates). We use data from February 2001 and February 2008 to show that while in 2001 the intra-day states with shortest average durations were also the ones with very few trades, in 2008 the vast majority of trades took place in the states with shortest average durations. Moreover, in 2008 the fastest states have the smallest price impact as measured by the volatility of price innovationsHigh frequency traders; Algorithmic trading; Durations; Hidden Markov model;

    Option pricing with LĂ©vy-Stable processes generated by LĂ©vy-Stable integrated variance.

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    We show how to calculate European-style option prices when the log-stock price process follows a LĂ©vy-Stable process with index parameter 1≀α≀2 and skewness parameter -1≀ÎČ≀1. Key to our result is to model integrated variance as an increasing LĂ©vy-Stable process with continuous paths in ΀LĂ©vy-Stable processes; Stable Paretian hypothesis; Stochastic volatility; α-stable processes; Option pricing; Time-changed Brownian motion;
