467 research outputs found

    Synergy between EngE, XynA and ManA from Clostridium cellulovorans on corn stalk, grass and pineapple pulp substrates

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    The synergistic interaction between various hemi/cellulolytic enzymes has become more important in order to achieve effective and optimal degradation of complex lignocellulose substrates for biofuel production. This study investigated the synergistic effect of three enzymes endoglucanase (EngE), mannanase (ManA) and xylanase (XynA) on the degradation of corn stalk, grass, and pineapple fruit pulp and determined the optimal degree of synergy between combinations of these enzymes. It was established that EngE was essential for degradation of all of the substrates, while the hemicellulases were able to contribute in a synergistic fashion to increase the activity on these substrates. Maximum specific activity and degree of synergy on the corn stalk and grass was found with EngE:XynA in a ratio of 75:25%, with a specific activity of 41.1 U/mg protein and a degree of synergy of 6.3 for corn stalk, and 44.1 U/mg protein and 3.4 for grass, respectively. The pineapple fruit pulp was optimally digested using a ManA:EngE combination in a 50:50% ratio; the specific activity and degree of synergy achieved were 52.4 U/mg protein and 2.7, respectively. This study highlights the importance of hemicellulases for the synergistic degradation of complex lignocellulose. The inclusion of a mannanase in an enzyme consortium for biomass degradation should be examined further as this study suggests that it may play an important, although mostly overlooked, role in the synergistic saccharification of lignocellulose

    Climate change challenges, plant science solutions

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    Climate change is a defining challenge of the 21st century, and this decade is a critical time for action to mitigate the worst effects on human populations and ecosystems. Plant science can play an important role in developing crops with enhanced resilience to harsh conditions (e.g. heat, drought, salt stress, flooding, disease outbreaks) and engineering efficient carbon-capturing and carbon-sequestering plants. Here, we present examples of research being conducted in these areas and discuss challenges and open questions as a call to action for the plant science community

    Comparative in situ analyses of cell wall matrix polysaccharide dynamics in developing rice and wheat grain

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    Cell wall polysaccharides of wheat and rice endosperm are an important source of dietary fibre. Monoclonal antibodies specific to cell wall polysaccharides were used to determine polysaccharide dynamics during the development of both wheat and rice grain. Wheat and rice grain present near synchronous developmental processes and significantly different endosperm cell wall compositions, allowing the localisation of these polysaccharides to be related to developmental changes. Arabinoxylan (AX) and mixed-linkage glucan (MLG) have analogous cellular locations in both species, with deposition of AX and MLG coinciding with the start of grain filling. A glucuronoxylan (GUX) epitope was detected in rice, but not wheat endosperm cell walls. Callose has been reported to be associated with the formation of cell wall outgrowths during endosperm cellularisation and xyloglucan is here shown to be a component of these anticlinal extensions, occurring transiently in both species. Pectic homogalacturonan (HG) was abundant in cell walls of maternal tissues of wheat and rice grain, but only detected in endosperm cell walls of rice in an unesterified HG form. A rhamnogalacturonan-I (RG-I) backbone epitope was observed to be temporally regulated in both species, detected in endosperm cell walls from 12 DAA in rice and 20 DAA in wheat grain. Detection of the LM5 galactan epitope showed a clear distinction between wheat and rice, being detected at the earliest stages of development in rice endosperm cell walls, but not detected in wheat endosperm cell walls, only in maternal tissues. In contrast, the LM6 arabinan epitope was detected in both species around 8 DAA and was transient in wheat grain, but persisted in rice until maturity

    Characterization of a modular enzyme of exo-1,5-α-l-arabinofuranosidase and arabinan binding module from Streptomyces avermitilis NBRC14893

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    A gene encoding an α-l-arabinofuranosidase, designated SaAraf43A, was cloned from Streptomyces avermitilis. The deduced amino acid sequence implies a modular structure consisting of an N-terminal glycoside hydrolase family 43 module and a C-terminal family 42 carbohydrate-binding module (CBM42). The recombinant enzyme showed optimal activity at pH 6.0 and 45°C and was stable over the pH range of 5.0–6.5 at 30°C. The enzyme hydrolyzed p-nitrophenol (PNP)-α-l-arabinofuranoside but did not hydrolyze PNP-α-l-arabinopyranoside, PNP-β-d-xylopyranoside, or PNP-β-d-galactopyranoside. Debranched 1,5-arabinan was hydrolyzed by the enzyme but arabinoxylan, arabinogalactan, gum arabic, and arabinan were not. Among the synthetic regioisomers of arabinofuranobiosides, only methyl 5-O-α-l-arabinofuranosyl-α-l-arabinofuranoside was hydrolyzed by the enzyme, while methyl 2-O-α-l-arabinofuranosyl-α-l-arabinofuranoside and methyl 3-O-α-l-arabinofuranosyl-α-l-arabinofuranoside were not. These data suggested that the enzyme only cleaves α-1,5-linked arabinofuranosyl linkages. The analysis of the hydrolysis product of arabinofuranopentaose suggested that the enzyme releases arabinose in exo-acting manner. These results indicate that the enzyme is definitely an exo-1,5-α-l-arabinofuranosidase. The C-terminal CBM42 did not show any affinity for arabinogalactan and debranched arabinan, although it bound arabinan and arabinoxylan, suggesting that the CBM42 bound to branched arabinofuranosyl residues. Removal of the module decreased the activity of the enzyme with regard to debranched arabinan. The CBM42 plays a role in enhancing the debranched arabinan hydrolytic action of the catalytic module in spite of its preference for binding arabinofuranosyl side chains

    Analysis of cell wall proteins regulated in stem of susceptible and resistant tomato species after inoculation with Ralstonia solanacearum: a proteomic approach

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    Proteomics approach was used to elucidate the molecular interactions taking place at the stem cell wall level when tomato species were inoculated with Ralstonia solanacearum, a causative agent of bacterial wilt. Cell wall proteins from both resistant and susceptible plants before and after the bacterial inoculation were extracted from purified cell wall with salt buffers and separated with 2-D IEF/SDS–PAGE and with 3-D IEF/SDS/SDS–PAGE for basic proteins. The gels stained with colloidal Coomassie revealed varied abundance of protein spots between two species (eight proteins in higher abundance in resistant and six other in susceptible). Moreover, proteins were regulated differentially in response to bacterial inoculation in resistant (seven proteins increased and eight other decreased) as well as in susceptible plants (five proteins elevated and eight other suppressed). Combination of MALDI-TOF/TOF MS and LC-ESI-IonTrap MS/MS lead to the identification of those proteins. Plants responded to pathogen inoculation by elevating the expression of pathogenesis related, other defense related and glycolytic proteins in both species. However, cell wall metabolic proteins in susceptible, and antioxidant, stress related as well as energy metabolism proteins in resistant lines were suppressed. Most of the proteins of the comparative analysis and other randomly picked spots were predicted to have secretion signals except some classical cytosolic proteins

    PtrWRKY19, a novel WRKY transcription factor, contributes to the regulation of pith secondary wall formation in Populus trichocarpa

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    WRKY proteins are one of the largest transcription factor families in higher plants and play diverse roles in various biological processes. Previous studies have shown that some WRKY members act as negative regulators of secondary cell wall formation in pith parenchyma cells. However, the regulatory mechanism of pith secondary wall formation in tree species remains largely unknown. In this study, PtrWRKY19 encoding a homolog of Arabidopsis WRKY12 was isolated from Populus trichocarpa. PtrWRKY19 was expressed in all tissues tested, with highest expression in stems, especially in pith. PtrWRKY19 was located in the nucleus and functioned as a transcriptional repressor. Ectopic expression of PtrWRKY19 in an atwrky12 mutant successfully rescued the phenotype in pith cell walls caused by the defect of AtWRKY12, suggesting that PtrWRKY19 had conserved functions for homologous AtWRKY12. Overexpression of PtrWRKY19 in poplar plants led to a significant increase in the number of pith parenchyma cells. qRT-PCR analysis showed that lignin biosynthesis-related genes were repressed in transgenic plants. In transcient reporter assays, PtrWRKY19 was identified to repress transcription from the PtoC4H2 promoter containing the conserved W-box elements. These results indicated that PtrWRKY19 may function as a negative regulator of pith secondary wall formation in poplar