310 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal distribution of mineral nutrients and sugars throughout the lifespan of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. flower

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    Although the physiological and molecular mechanisms of flower development and senescence have been extensively investigated, a whole-flower partitioning study of mineral concentrations has not been carried out. In this work, the distribution of sucrose, total reducing sugars, dry and fresh weight and macro and micronutrients were analysed in Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. petals, stylestigma including stamens and ovary at different developmental stages (bud, open and senescent flowers). Total reducing sugars showed the highest value in petals of bud flowers, then fell during the later stages of flower development whereas sucrose showed the highest value in petals of senescent flowers. In petals, nitrogen and phosphorus content increased during flower opening, then nitrogen level decreased in senescent flowers. The calcium, phosphorus and boron concentrations were highest in ovary tissues whatever the developmental stage. Overall, the data presented suggests that the high level of total reducing sugars prior the onset of flower opening contributes to support petal cells expansion, while the high amount of sucrose at the time of petal wilting may be viewed as a result of senescence. Furthermore, this study discusses how the accumulation of particular mineral nutrients can be considered in a tissue specific manner for the activation of processes directly connected with reproduction

    Leaf production and quality of sea beet (Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima) grown with saline drainage water from recirculating hydroponic or aquaculture systems

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    The application of greenhouse soilless culture (or hydroponics) and recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) is rapidly growing worldwide as these technologies provide controlled growing conditions for crop plants and aquatic organisms, thus enhancing productivity. The wastewater from RAS and hydroponics is generally rich in many essential plant nutrients and could be reused for crop irrigation, thus reducing the costs for both wastewater treatment and fertilizers. Many wild edible plant species are salt-tolerant glycophytes or halophytes and hence are suitable for cultivation with saline wastewater in cascade cropping systems or decoupled aquaponic systems. The goal of this work was to investigate the effects of drainage water from semi-closed substrate plant culture or saltwater RAS on leaf production and quality of sea beet plants (Beta vulgaris subsp. maritima) grown hydroponically in a greenhouse. Two experiments were conducted in autumn with plants cultivated in a floating raft system to compare five different nutrient solutions: standard nutrient solution (CNS, control; EC 2.80 dS m−1, Na 0.7 mM); the effluent from a semi-closed substrate culture of tomato used as such (tomato effluent 100%, TE100; EC 6.49 dS m−1, Na 34.9 mM) or diluted (50:50) with CNS (tomato effluent 50%, TE50; EC 4.50 dS m−1, Na 17.8 mM); the effluent from a saltwater RAS with gilthead sea bream, used as such (aquaculture effluent 100%, AE100; EC 42.00 dS m−1, Na 408.6 mM) or diluted (50:50) with CNS (aquaculture effluent 50%, AE50; EC 25.40 dS m−1, Na 204.6 mM). In both experiments, leaf production was significantly reduced in plants grown with AE50 (−46.8%, on average) and AE100 (−70.4%, on average) compared to CNS; on the contrary, no or minor differences were found between CNS, TE50 and TE100 plants. The reduction of crop yield was due to the higher salinity and not to abnormal concentration of some mineral nutrients in AE. In the first experiment, the use of TE and AE also resulted in higher leaf antioxidant capacity and concentration (both expressed on a fresh weight basis) of total chlorophylls, carotenoids, flavonoids, and phenols. In both experiments, leaf concentration of Na and oxalate (both total and soluble) significantly increased with the salinity of the nutrient solution. Due to the less favourable light conditions, leaf nitrate concentration was much higher in the second experiment than in the first one, regardless of the nutrient solution. In conclusion, sea beet could be grown using hydroponic wastewater with moderate salinity with no or minor effect on leaf production and quality. In contrast, the use of highly saline aquaculture effluents markedly reduced crop yield and negatively affected leaf quality due to increased concentration of sodium, oxalate, and nitrate. In general, sea beet leaves were high in oxalate and their consumption should be limited

    Complicated Grief: What to Expect After the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the worst public health crises in a century, with an expected amount of deaths of several million worldwide and an even bigger number of bereaved people left behind. Although the consequences of this crisis are still unknown, a significant number of bereaved people will arguably develop Complicated Grief (CG) in the aftermath of this emergency. If the current pandemic is unprecedented, the grief following the coronavirus outbreak is likely to share features with grief related to natural disasters and after Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treatment. The aim of this paper is to review the most prominent literature on CG after natural disasters, as well as after diseases requiring ICU treatment. This body of evidence may be useful for helping bereaved people during the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and for drawing clinical attention to people at risk for CG

    Reduction of nutrient run-off by the use of coated slow-release fertilizers on two container-grown nursery crops

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    The agricultural district of Pistoia (Tuscany, Italy) is one of the most important sites in Europe for the production of Hardy Ornamental Nursery Stock (HONS). One of the main problems of this sector is the environmental impact of the pot cultivation, mainly due to an incorrect irrigation scheduling that leads to high nitrogen and phosphorus losses. The aim of this research has been to compare the effects of the traditional fertigation versus new fertilization strategies, based on the use of controlled slow-release fertilizers (CRFs), on plant growth and on nitrogen and phosphorus run-off in two container HONS species (Photinia × fraseri and Prunus laurocerasus). Every week, plant height, cumulate irrigation and drainage volume were measured on four replicates for each treatment and species. Every four weeks two average samples of drainage water and irrigation water for each treatment and species were analysed, determining total nitrogen and phosphorus content, in order to draft a water and nutrient balance. The three different fertilization strategies did not produce any relevant effect on the final plant height and all plants were ranked in the top quality market category. The data confirmed that the use of CRFs could contribute to a huge reduction of nitrogen and phosphorus run-off in the environment and could be a winning strategy for the fertilization of HONS in nitrate vulnerable zones

    Modelling transpiration of greenhouse gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii H. Bolus) grown in substrate with saline water in a Mediterranean climate

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    Gerbera plants were grown in semi-closed rockwool culture under greenhouse conditions in different seasons in a Mediterranean climate. The plants were irrigated using either fresh (FW; 1.0 mol m−3NaCl)or moderately saline (SW; 9.0 mol m−3NaCl) water. In autumn, NaCl concentration did not influence significantly plant growth, flower production and transpiration (E), which instead were reduced in springin the plants irrigated with SW. In both seasons, water salinity did not affect leaf stomatal resistance (rl),which was determined by the inversion of the Penman–Monteith (PM) equation or measured with a diffusion porometer. The PM formula and two regression equations were calibrated and validated for estimating the hourly rate of daytime transpiration (Ed); a regression model was also fit to nocturnal transpiration (En). Regression models predicted Edas a function of vapour pressure deficit (VPD) and/or the radiation intercepted by the canopy. Leaf area index (LAI), which is required by all the equations, was modelled as function of crop thermal time (i.e. growing degree days). The PM model predicted Ed using a constant value of rl. Model calibration and validation were performed using independent data sets. The irrigation with FW or SW did not require a different calibration of transpiration models. Both PM formula and regression equations provided accurate estimates of Ed; fitted equations explained between 80% and96% of the variance in measured Ed. A linear regression of En against (LAI·VPD) accounted for 92% of measured En

    Is There a Major Role for Undetected Autism Spectrum Disorder with Childhood Trauma in a Patient with a Diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, Self-Injuring, and Multiple Comorbidities?

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    This case report highlights the relevance of the consequences of trauma in a female patient with an undetected autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affected by bipolar disorder (BD) with multiple comorbidities. A 35-year-old woman with BD type II, binge eating disorder and panic disorder was admitted in the Inpatient Unit of the Psychiatric Clinic of the University of Pisa because of a recrudescence of depressive symptomatology, associated with increase of anxiety, noticeable ruminations, significant alteration in neurovegetative pattern, and serious suicide ideation. During the hospitalization, a diagnosis of ASD emerged besides a history of childhood trauma and affective dysregulation, marked impulsivity, feeling of emptiness, and self-harm behavior. The patient was assessed by the Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ), Ritvo Autism and Asperger Diagnostic Scale (RAADS-R), the Adult Autism Subthreshold Spectrum (AdAS Spectrum), Trauma and Loss Spectrum (TALS-SR), and Ruminative Response Scale (RRS). Total scores of 38/50 in the AQ, 146/240 in the RAADS-R, 99/160 in the AdAS Spectrum emerged, compatible with ASD, 47/116 in the TALS-SR, and 64/88 in the RRS. We discuss the implications of the trauma she underwent during her childhood, in the sense that caused a complex posttraumatic disorder, a lifelong disease favored and boosted by the rumination tendency of high functioning ASD

    Effects of Nonthermal Plasma (NTP) on the Growth and Quality of Baby Leaf Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. acephala Alef.) Cultivated in an Indoor Hydroponic Growing System

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    The aim of this research was to develop an effective protocol for the application of nonther-mal plasma (NTP) technology to the hydroponic nutrient solution, and to investigate its effects on the growth and quality of baby leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. acephala Alef.) grown in a hydroponic growing system (HGS) specifically designed for indoor home cultivation. Four HGSs were placed in separate growth chambers with temperature of 24 ± 1◦ C and relative humidity of 70 ± 5%). Lettuce plants were grown for nine days in nutrient solutions treated with NTP for 0 (control) to 120 s every hour. Results of the first experiments showed that the optimal operating time of NTP was 120 s h−1 . Fresh leaf biomass was increased by the 60 and 120 s NTP treatments compared to the control. Treating the nutrient solution with NTP also resulted in greater leaf content of total chloro-phylls, carotenoids, total phenols, and total antioxidant capacity. NTP also positively influenced chlorophyll a fluorescence in Photosystem I (PSI) and photosynthetic electron transport. These results revealed that the NTP treatment of the nutrient solution could improve the production and quality of hydroponically grown baby leaf lettuce

    Innovative biorefinery process for the fractionation and conversion of giant reed to carotenoids and triglycerides

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    Innovative biorefinery process for the fractionation and conversion of giant reed to carotenoids and triglyceride

    Access to Mental Health Care during the First Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Italy: Results from the COMET Multicentric Study

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented public health emergency, with consequences at the political, social, and economic levels. Mental health services have been called to play a key role in facing the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of the general population. In the period March-May 2020, an online survey was implemented as part of the Covid Mental Health Trial (COMET), a multicentric collaborative study carried out in Italy, one of the Western countries most severely hit by the pandemic. The present study aims to investigate the use of mental health resources during the first wave of the pandemic. The final sample consisted of 20,712 participants, mainly females (N = 14,712, 71%) with a mean age of 40.4 ± 14.3 years. Access to mental health services was reported in 7.7% of cases. Among those referred to mental health services, in 93.9% of cases (N = 1503 subjects) a psychological assessment was requested and in 15.7% of cases (N = 252) a psychiatric consultation. People reporting higher levels of perceived loneliness (OR 1.079, 95% CI 1.056-1.101, p < 0.001), practicing smart-working (OR 1.122, 95% CI 0.980-1.285, p = 0.095), using avoidant (OR 1.586, 95% CI 1.458-1.725, p < 0.001) and approach (OR 1.215, 95% CI 1.138-1.299, p < 0.001) coping strategies more frequently accessed mental health services. On the other hand, having higher levels of perceived social support (OR 0.833, 95% CI 0.795-0.873, p < 0.001) was associated with a reduced probability to access mental health services. The COVID-19 pandemic represents a new threat to the mental health and well-being of the general population, therefore specific strategies should be implemented to promote access to mental healthcare during the pandemic and afterwards

    Novel Pharmacological Targets of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a psychopathological condition with a heteroge- neous clinical picture that is complex and challenging to treat. Its multifaceted pathophysiology still remains an unresolved question and certainly contributes to this issue. The pharmacological treatment of PTSD is mainly empirical and centered on the serotonergic system. Since the therapeutic response to prescribed drugs targeting single symptoms is generally inconsistent, there is an urgent need for novel pathogenetic hypotheses, including different mediators and pathways. This paper was conceived as a narrative review with the aim of debating the current pharmacological treatment of PTSD and further highlighting prospective targets for future drugs. The authors accessed some of the main databases of scientific literature available and selected all the papers that fulfilled the purpose of the present work. The results showed that most of the current pharmacological treatments for PTSD are symptom-based and show only partial benefits; this largely reflects the limited knowledge of its neurobiology. Growing, albeit limited, data suggests that the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, opioids, glutamate, cannabinoids, oxytocin, neuropeptide Y, and microRNA may play a role in the development of PTSD and could be targeted for novel treatments. Indeed, recent research indicates that examining different pathways might result in the development of novel and more efficient drugs
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