8 research outputs found

    Surface-Grafted Polymer Gradients: Formation, Characterization, and Applications

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    Unenlagiinae revisited: dromaeosaurid theropods from South América

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    Over the past two decades, the record of South American unenlagiine dromaeosaurids was substantially increased both in quantity as well as in quality of specimens. Here is presented a summary review of the South American record for these theropods.Unenlagia comahuensis, Unenlagia paynemili, and Neuquenraptor argentinus come from the Portezuelo Formation, the former genus being the most complete and with putative avian features. Neuquenraptor is more incomplete and exhibits pedal features resembling those of Unenlagia. The earliest and most complete South American dromaeosaurid is Buitreraptor gonzalezoru, whose preserved cranial remains, provides important data in the characterization of unenlagiines. The most recently described,Austroraptor cabazai also with cranial remains, allows further comparisons with Laurasian lineages and a better characterization of unenlagiines. The possible synonymy between nenlagia and Neuquenraptor is discussed. Additional evidences from Brazil and Colombia show that dinosaurs with similar dentition to that of unenlagiines were present in the whole South America. However, it is not possible to discart that these remains may belong to other unknown maniraptoran lineages, considering the increasing number of taxa of this group found in South America.Nas Ășltimas duas dĂ©cadas, o registro do dromaeossaurĂ­deos Unenlagiinae da AmĂ©rica do Sul aumentou substancialmente tanto em quantidade, assim como na qualidade dos espĂ©cimes. Uma revisĂŁo sumĂĄria do registro sul americano para estes terĂłpodos Ă© apresentada aqui. Unenlagia comahuensis, Unenlagia paynemili e Neuquenraptor argentinus provenientes da Formação Portezuelo, sendo o primeiro o mais completo e com caracterĂ­sticas avianas putativas. Neuquenraptor, muito incompleto, demonstra as caracterĂ­sticas do pĂ© que assemelhamse Ă quelas de Unenlagia. O mais velho, e mais completo dromaeossaurĂ­deo americano Ă© Buitreraptor gonzalezorum, cujo possui preservado ossos cranianos, fornece implicaçÔes importantes na caracterização dos unenlagiines. Descrito recentemente, Austroraptor cabazai tambĂ©m com ossos cranianos, permite mais comparaçÔes com linhagens provenientes da Laurasia e uma melhor caracterização dos unenlagiineos. A possĂ­vel sinonĂ­mia entre Unenlagia e Neuquenraptor Ă© discutido. As evidĂȘncias adicionais do Brasil e da ColĂŽmbia mostram que dinossauros com dentição semlhante Ă  dos unenlagiineos eram representados em toda AmĂ©rica do Sul; entretanto, estas evidĂȘncias podem igualmente ser relacionadas a outros maniraptores desconhecidos, considerando a grande diversidade do grupo na AmĂ©rica do Sul

    Environmental Interactions of Geo- and Bio-Macromolecules with Nanomaterials

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    A global dataset for crop production under conventional tillage and no tillage systems

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