94 research outputs found


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    COMUNIDAD DEL CARIBE -CARICOM- Declaración final de la VII Cumbre Cuba-CARICOM, celebrada en conmemoración del48 º aniversario de las relaciones diplomáticas entre los cuatro Estados independientesde CARICOM y Cuba y el 18º aniversario del Día CARICOM-Cuba, Cuba 8 de diciembre 2020 MERCADO COMUN DEL SUR -MERCOSUR- Comunicado conjunto de los presidentes de los estados partes del MERCOSUR, en ocacion de la LVI Cumbre de Presidente,  Asunción, 2 de julio de 2020. Comunicado conjunto de presidentes de los estados partes del MERCOSUR y Estados Asociados en ocasión de la LVI Cumbre de Presidentes del MERCOSUR, Asunción el 2 de julio de 2020. Declaración de los presidentes del mercosur sobre coordinacion regional para la contencion y mitigacion del coronavirus y su impacto el marco de una reunión virtual convocada por la Presidencia Pro Témpore paraguaya del MERCOSUR, Asunción 18 de marzo de 2020 EL FORO PARA EL PROGRESO DE AMÉRICA DEL SUR​​ -PROSUR- Declaración presidencial de PROSUR, en le marco de la videoconferencia presidida por Chile, en su carácter de Presidencia Pro Témpore PROSUR, jueves 27 de agosto de 2020         &nbsp


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    COMUNIDAD ANDINA DE NACIONES -CAN- Declaración de la XXI reunión del Consejo Presidencial Andino, celebrada en Bogotá el 17 de junio del 2021. COMUNIDAD DEL CARIBE -CARICOM- Comunicado expedida al conclusión de la cuadragésima segunda reunión ordinaria de la conferencia de Jefes de Gobierno de la Comunidad del Caribe, celebrada por videoconferencia el 5-6 de julio de 2021 COMUNIDAD DE ESTADOS LATINOAMERICANOS Y CARIBEÑOS -CELAC- Declaración de la Ciudad de México VI. Cumbre de la CELAC, selebrada en la Ciudad de Mexico el 18 de septiembre de 202

    Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: Belize

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    Belize's Initial Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) did not include agriculture in its mitigation targets, but it was identified as a priority sector for adaptation measures. However, implementing climate resilient agriculture (CRA) faces barriers such as a financing gap, lack of data, resource constraints, weak institutional capacity, and uncertain land tenure. Despite this, opportunities exist to build CRA and enhance climate ambition in NDCs by focusing on significant emission sources, promoting domestic growth of higher quality forage, establishing anaerobic digesters, and exploring measures beyond the farmgate

    Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: The Commonwealth of Dominica

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    Agriculture is the second-largest sector in Dominica, contributing between 11.5% and 15.2% of the country's GDP from 2010 to 2020. However, several barriers to implementing the country's NDCs have been identified, including limited availability of data, weaknesses in the institutional environment, inadequate financing, weak technology transfer and capacity development, insecurity of tenure, and high reliance on costly imported inputs. The opportunity to enhance climate ambition from the agriculture sector lies in reducing emissions from enteric fermentation and manure management, as well as exploring opportunities in adaptation, agroforestry, and practices beyond the farmgate

    Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: The Bahamas

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    The Bahamas stated adaptation priorities for the agricultural sector in its initial Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), including food security and reducing import dependency. However, as of August 2022, the country has not submitted its updated NDC. Barriers to including climate resilient agriculture (CRA) in NDCs in The Bahamas include limited access to baseline data, high costs associated with CRA technologies, and inadequate capacity for research and extension services. However, opportunities for building CRA and enhancing climate ambition in The Bahamas' NDCs exist, including reduced greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural systems and reducing the carbon footprint of the food system

    Building Climate Resilient Agriculture in Caribbean Countries: Haiti

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    Haiti's per capita GDP is the lowest in Latin America and the Caribbean. Climate resilient agriculture (CRA) technologies face barriers to inclusion, such as limited access to credit and inadequate policy framework. Agroforestry is important for Haiti's emissions reduction targets, but faces barriers such as inadequate compensation and poorly developed markets. The agriculture sector in Haiti is a significant emitter of greenhouse gases. Combining on-farm and beyond the farmgate measures will reduce the carbon footprint of Haiti's agricultural sector and provide mitigation and adaptation co-benefits