16,944 research outputs found

    BPS black holes, the Hesse potential, and the topological string

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    The Hesse potential is constructed for a class of four-dimensional N=2 supersymmetric effective actions with S- and T-duality by performing the relevant Legendre transform by iteration. It is a function of fields that transform under duality according to an arithmetic subgroup of the classical dualities reflecting the monodromies of the underlying string compactification. These transformations are not subject to corrections, unlike the transformations of the fields that appear in the effective action which are affected by the presence of higher-derivative couplings. The class of actions that are considered includes those of the FHSV and the STU model. We also consider heterotic N=4 supersymmetric compactifications. The Hesse potential, which is equal to the free energy function for BPS black holes, is manifestly duality invariant. Generically it can be expanded in terms of powers of the modulus that represents the inverse topological string coupling constant, gsg_s, and its complex conjugate. The terms depending holomorphically on gsg_s are expected to correspond to the topological string partition function and this expectation is explicitly verified in two cases. Terms proportional to mixed powers of gsg_s and gˉs\bar g_s are in principle present.Comment: 28 pages, LaTeX, added comment

    The mixed black hole partition function for the STU model

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    We evaluate the mixed partition function for dyonic BPS black holes using the recently proposed degeneracy formula for the STU model. The result factorizes into the OSV mixed partition function times a proportionality factor. The latter is in agreement with the measure factor that was recently conjectured for a class of N=2 black holes that contains the STU model.Comment: 14 page

    Nonlinear Schrodinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic nonlinearity

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    In this paper we deal with a nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation with chaotic, random, and nonperiodic cubic nonlinearity. Our goal is to study the soliton evolution, with the strength of the nonlinearity perturbed in the space and time coordinates and to check its robustness under these conditions. Comparing with a real system, the perturbation can be related to, e.g., impurities in crystalline structures, or coupling to a thermal reservoir which, on the average, enhances the nonlinearity. We also discuss the relevance of such random perturbations to the dynamics of Bose-Einstein Condensates and their collective excitations and transport.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    On Quantum Special Kaehler Geometry

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    We compute the effective black hole potential V of the most general N=2, d=4 (local) special Kaehler geometry with quantum perturbative corrections, consistent with axion-shift Peccei-Quinn symmetry and with cubic leading order behavior. We determine the charge configurations supporting axion-free attractors, and explain the differences among various configurations in relations to the presence of ``flat'' directions of V at its critical points. Furthermore, we elucidate the role of the sectional curvature at the non-supersymmetric critical points of V, and compute the Riemann tensor (and related quantities), as well as the so-called E-tensor. The latter expresses the non-symmetricity of the considered quantum perturbative special Kaehler geometry.Comment: 1+43 pages; v2: typo corrected in the curvature of Jordan symmetric sequence at page 2

    Laboratory experiments on the generation of internal tidal beams over steep slopes

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    We designed a simple laboratory experiment to study internal tides generation. We consider a steep continental shelf, for which the internal tide is shown to be emitted from the critical point, which is clearly amphidromic. We also discuss the dependence of the width of the emitted beam on the local curvature of topography and on viscosity. Finally we derive the form of the resulting internal tidal beam by drawing an analogy with an oscillating cylinder in a static fluid

    Black hole entropy, flat directions and higher derivatives

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    Higher order derivative corrections to the Einstein--Maxwell action are considered and an explicit form is found for the corrections to the entropy of extremal black holes. We speculate on the properties of these corrections from the point of view of small black holes and in the case when the classical black hole potential exhibits flat directions. A particular attention is paid to the issue of stability of several solutions, including large and small black holes by using properties of the Hessian matrix of the effective black hole potential. This is done by using a model independent expression for such matrix derived within the entropy function formalism.Comment: 21 pages, PACS numbers: 04.50.Gh, 04.70.Dy, 04.65.+

    Instanton Corrected Non-Supersymmetric Attractors

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    We discuss non-supersymmetric attractors with an instanton correction in Type IIA string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau three-fold at large volume. For a stable non-supersymmetric black hole, the attractor point must minimize the effective black hole potential. We study the supersymmetric as well as non-supersymmetric attractors for the D0-D4 system with instanton corrections. We show that in simple models, like the STU model, the flat directions of the mass matrix can be lifted by a suitable choice of the instanton parameters.Comment: Minor modifications, Corrected typos, 38 pages, 1 figur

    Asymptotic degeneracy of dyonic N=4 string states and black hole entropy

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    It is shown that the asymptotic growth of the microscopic degeneracy of BPS dyons in four-dimensional N=4 string theory captures the known corrections to the macroscopic entropy of four-dimensional extremal black holes. These corrections are subleading in the limit of large charges and originate both from the presence of interactions in the effective action quadratic in the Riemann tensor and from non-holomorphic terms. The presence of the non-holomorphic corrections and their contribution to the thermodynamic free energy is discussed. It is pointed out that the expression for the microscopic entropy, written as a function of the dilaton field, is stationary at the horizon by virtue of the attractor equations.Comment: 16 pages Late

    Holographic Gravitational Anomalies

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    In the AdS/CFT correspondence one encounters theories that are not invariant under diffeomorphisms. In the boundary theory this is a gravitational anomaly, and can arise in 4k+2 dimensions. In the bulk, there can be gravitational Chern-Simons terms which vary by a total derivative. We work out the holographic stress tensor for such theories, and demonstrate agreement between the bulk and boundary. Anomalies lead to novel effects, such as a nonzero angular momentum for global AdS(3). In string theory such Chern-Simons terms are known with exact coefficients. The resulting anomalies, combined with symmetries, imply corrections to the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black holes that agree exactly with the microscopic counting.Comment: 25 page