947 research outputs found

    VUV-Vis optical characterization of Tetraphenyl-butadiene films on glass and specular reflector substrates from room to liquid Argon temperature

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    The use of efficient wavelength-shifters from the vacuum-ultraviolet to the photosensor's range of sensitivity is a key feature in detectors for Dark Matter search and neutrino physics based on liquid argon scintillation detection. Thin film of Tetraphenyl-butadiene (TPB) deposited onto the surface delimiting the active volume of the detector and/or onto the photosensor optical window is the most common solution in current and planned experiments. Detector design and response can be evaluated and correctly simulated only when the properties of the optical system in use (TPB film + substrate) are fully understood. Characterization of the optical system requires specific, sometimes sophisticated optical methodologies. In this paper the main features of TPB coatings on different, commonly used substrates is reported, as a result of two independent campaigns of measurements at the specialized optical metrology labs of ENEA and University of Tor Vergata. Measured features include TPB emission spectra with lineshape and relative intensity variation recorded as a function of the film thickness and for the first time down to LAr temperature, as well as optical reflectance and transmittance spectra of the TPB coated substrates in the wavelength range of the TPB emission

    Fish Welfare in Aquaculture: Physiological and Immunological Activities for Diets, Social and Spatial Stress on Mediterranean Aqua Cultured Species

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    Welfare assessment currently is less well-characterized for aquatic animals and the clas- sical methodologies used for terrestrial animals are not adequate to improve our knowledge about fish well-being. Among different approaches, the status of organism responses can be carried out using different physiological and biochemical tools. Here, we present the state of the art regarding fish welfare, methodologies, and experimental results with a particular focus on two important Mediterranean aquaculture species, Sparus aurata and Dicentrarchus labrax. We introduce an approach using physiological stress-indicators, growth performance and swimming activity to investigate the effects of the implantation of electronic tags to facilitate the application of telemetry for aquaculture purposes. The application of telemetry to research on aquatic organisms has expanded recently, and its utilization needs to be better understood. The mentioned approaches have been discussed for application in different aquaculture methodologies. Moreover, social stress and territoriality are relevant factors in the evaluation of gregarious species that may have consequences on the conditions of animals farmed in captivity. These aspects, that may impair the ability of fish to respond to various stimuli or negatively influence the flesh quality, here are analysed through behavioural observation, flanked by the physiological and immunological approach

    Calibrating accelerometer tags with oxygen consumption rate of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and their use in aquaculture facility: A case study

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Measuring metabolic rates in free-swimming fish would provide valuable insights about the energetic costs of different life activities this is challenging to implement in the field due to the difficulty of performing such measurements. Thus, the calibration of acoustic transmitters with the oxygen consumption rate (MO(2)) could be promising to counter the limitations observed in the field. In this study, calibrations were performed in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and a subsample of fish was implanted with such a transmitter and then followed under aquaculture conditions. The use of acoustic transmitters calibrated with MO(2) appeared to be a promising tool to estimate energetic costs in free-swimming rainbow trout, and for welfare assessment in the aquaculture industry. ABSTRACT: Metabolic rates are linked to the energetic costs of different activities of an animal’s life. However, measuring the metabolic rate in free-swimming fish remains challenging due to the lack of possibilities to perform these direct measurements in the field. Thus, the calibration of acoustic transmitters with the oxygen consumption rate (MO(2)) could be promising to counter these limitations. In this study, rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum, 1792; n = 40) were challenged in a critical swimming test (U(crit)) to (1) obtain insights about the aerobic and anaerobic metabolism throughout electromyograms; and (2) calibrate acoustic transmitters’ signal with the MO(2) to be later used as a proxy of energetic costs. After this calibration, the fish (n = 12) were implanted with the transmitter and were followed during ~50 days in an aquaculture facility, as a case study, to evaluate the potential of such calibration. Accelerometer data gathered from tags over a long time period were converted to estimate the MO(2). The MO(2) values indicated that all fish were reared under conditions that did not impact their health and welfare. In addition, a diurnal pattern with higher MO(2) was observed for the majority of implanted trout. In conclusion, this study provides (1) biological information about the muscular activation pattern of both red and white muscle; and (2) useful tools to estimate the energetic costs in free-ranging rainbow trout. The use of acoustic transmitters calibrated with MO(2), as a proxy of energy expenditure, could be promising for welfare assessment in the aquaculture industry

    Safety profile of recommended vaccinations in adolescents: Data from surveillance of adverse events following immunization in puglia (Italy), 2016–2020

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    Adolescence is a critical period for immunization, in which the adhesion rate to recommended vaccinations is often lower than desired. Since the safety of new vaccines is one of the most important factors determining vaccination hesitancy, post-marketing surveillance of adverse events following immunization (AEFIs) is recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) to better understand the safety of these drugs. This report describes AEFIs notified in Puglia (Italy) after recommended vaccinations in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years in 2016–2020 to determine the safety profile of these products in a real-life scenario. This is a retrospective observational study. Data were gathered from the list of AEFIs notified in subjects between 12 and 18 years of age following administration of recommended vaccines in Puglia in 2016–2020. AEFIs were classified according to the WHO’s decisional algorithm, and causality assessment was carried out for serious AEFIs. From 2016 to 2020, 323,627 doses of vaccine were administered to adolescents in Puglia and 50 AEFIs were reported (reporting rate: 15.4 × 100,000 doses). Of these, 17 (34.0%) were classified as serious, and causality assessment identified 13 of them (76.5%) as vaccine related. The most common symptoms were local reactions, fever and neurological symptoms. No deaths were notified. The benefits of immunization in adolescents appear to be greater than the risk of AEFIs for all studied vaccines; in fact, AEFIs occur in less than 0.1‰ of patients and are generally mild and self-limiting

    WARP: a WIMP double phase Argon detector

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    The WARP programme for dark matter search with a double phase argon detector is presented. In such a detector both excitation and ionization produced by an impinging particle are evaluated by the contemporary measurement of primary scintillation and secondary (proportional) light signal, this latter being produced by extracting and accelerating ionization electrons in the gas phase. The proposed technique, verified on a 2.3 liters prototype, could be used to efficiently discriminate nuclear recoils, induced by WIMP's interactions, and measure their energy spectrum. An overview of the 2.3 liters results and of the proposed 100 liters detector is shown.Comment: Proceeding for IDM200

    Type Iγ phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase modulates adherens junction and E-cadherin trafficking via a direct interaction with μ1B adaptin

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    Assembly of E-cadherin–based adherens junctions (AJ) is obligatory for establishment of polarized epithelia and plays a key role in repressing the invasiveness of many carcinomas. Here we show that type Iγ phosphatidylinositol phosphate kinase (PIPKIγ) directly binds to E-cadherin and modulates E-cadherin trafficking. PIPKIγ also interacts with the μ subunits of clathrin adaptor protein (AP) complexes and acts as a signalling scaffold that links AP complexes to E-cadherin. Depletion of PIPKIγ or disruption of PIPKIγ binding to either E-cadherin or AP complexes results in defects in E-cadherin transport and blocks AJ assembly. An E-cadherin germline mutation that loses PIPKIγ binding and shows disrupted basolateral membrane targeting no longer forms AJs and leads to hereditary gastric cancers. These combined results reveal a novel mechanism where PIPKIγ serves as both a scaffold, which links E-cadherin to AP complexes and the trafficking machinery, and a regulator of trafficking events via the spatial generation of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate

    Efficacy of dupilumab in atopic comorbidities associated with moderate-to-severe adult atopic dermatitis

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    Background: Dupilumab is an anti-IL-4Rα antibody used in the treatment of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis (msAD). This study explored the potential benefit of dupilumab in perennial allergic rhinoconjunctivitis (PAR) and perennial allergic asthma (PAA) caused by indoor allergens in adults with msAD. Methods: This multicentric, prospective, observational, real-life study included adult patients with msAD who had been treated with dupilumab in 16 Italian care centres. Efficacy outcomes regarding AD, PAR and PAA were collected at baseline and 16 weeks. Safety was also assessed. Results: We enrolled 123 patients with msAD. Between baseline and 16 weeks of treatment, the following measurements decreased statistically significantly: Eczema Area and Severity Index, SCOring AD, Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure, pruritus score, sleep score, Dermatology Life Quality Index and IgE. Dupilumab treatment in patients with comorbid PAR (n = 41) was associated with significant improvements in PAR disease control (measured using a Rhinitis Control Scoring System) and in PAR Quality of life (QoL) (measured using the Rhinoconjunctivitis QoL Questionnaire scores). In 32 patients with comorbid PAA, dupilumab significantly improved PAA control (measured using the Asthma Control Test and five-item Asthma Control Questionnaire scores) and disease-related QoL (measured using the Asthma QoL Questionnaire scores). Thirty-five patients (28.5%) developed conjunctivitis during the study period. Conclusion: These results support the benefits of dupilumab for adult patients with PAR and/or PAA associated with msAD

    Growth hormone secretagogues exert differential effects on skeletal muscle calcium homeostasis in male rats depending on the peptidyl/non-peptidyl structure

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    TheorexigenicandanaboliceffectsinducedbyghrelinandthesyntheticGHsecretagogues(GHSs) are thought to positively contribute to therapeutic approaches and the adjunct treatment of a number of diseases associated with muscle wasting such as cachexia and sarcopenia. However, manyquestionsaboutthepotentialutilityandsafetyofGHSsinboththerapyandskeletalmuscle functionremainunanswered.Byusingfura-2cytofluorimetrictechnique,wedeterminedtheacute effectsofghrelin,aswellasofpeptidylandnonpeptidylsyntheticGHSsoncalciumhomeostasis, a critical biomarker of muscle function, in isolated tendon-to-tendon male rat skeletal muscle fibers.ThesyntheticnonpeptidylGHSs,butnotpeptidylghrelinandhexarelin,wereabletosignificantlyincreaserestingcytosoliccalcium[Ca2]i.ThenonpeptidylGHS-induced[Ca2] iincrease was independent of GHS-receptor 1a but was antagonized by both thapsigargin/caffeine and cyclosporineA,indicatingtheinvolvementofthesarcoplasmicreticulumandmitochondria.EvaluationoftheeffectsofapseudopeptidylGHSandanonpeptidylantagonistoftheGHS-receptor 1a together with a drug-modeling study suggest the conclusion that the lipophilic nonpeptidyl structureofthetestedcompoundsisthekeychemicalfeaturecrucialfortheGHS-inducedcalcium alterationsintheskeletalmuscle.Thus,syntheticGHSscanhavedifferenteffectsonskeletalmuscle fibersdependingontheirmolecularstructures.Thecalciumhomeostasisdysregulationspecifically induced by the nonpeptidyl GHSs used in this study could potentially counteract the beneficial effects associated with these drugs in the treatment of muscle wasting of cachexia- or other age-related disorders
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