61 research outputs found

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 339.379.8(81) S729

    The impact of changing health indicators on infant mortality rates in Brazil, 2000 and 2005 Impacto de los cambios en los indicadores de salud sobre las tasas de mortalidad infantil en Brasil, 2000 y 2005

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the associations between changes in indicators of health-related resources and coverage, and variations in infant mortality rates (IMR) in Brazil's 27 states in 2000 and 2005. METHODS: Data were obtained from the Ministry of Health's online database, DATASUS. Stepwise multiple regressions were performed to model changes in IMR and its components (early, late, and post-neonatal mortality), using changes in the selected health indicators as predictors. RESULTS: Regression analysis showed that improving access to prenatal care (B = -0.89 per 1 000; P < 0.001), increasing public expenditure on health as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) (B = -0.72 per 1 000; P = 0.031), and increasing access to the water supply (B = -0.22 per 1 000; P = 0.033) were associated with significant reductions in IMR. Declining early neonatal mortality rates were associated with prenatal care (B = -0.14 per 1 000; P = 0.026) and access to sanitation services (B = -0.05 per 1 000; P = 0.026). Reductions in late neonatal mortality rates were associated with prenatal care (B = -0.12 per 1 000; P = 0.003) and inversely correlated to the rate of cesarean deliveries (B = 0.13 per 1 000; P = 0.005). Post-neonatal mortality rate reductions were associated with prenatal care (B = -0.64 per 1 000; P < 0.001), increasing public expenditure on health as a proportion of GDP (B = -0.76 per 1 000; P = 0.005), and access to the water supply (B = -0.17 per 1 000; P = 0.037). CONCLUSIONS: Improving access to prenatal care, increasing public expenditure on health, and access to sanitation and water supply were all independently correlated to declining IMR; however, higher rates of cesarean deliveries were associated with higher late neonatal mortality rates. Continuous collection and analysis of relevant health indicators is recommended for developing evidence-based health policies and accurate predictions of how specific public health interventions might impact IMR.<br>OBJETIVOS: Investigar las asociaciones entre los cambios en los indicadores de recursos y cobertura relacionados con la salud y las variaciones en las tasas de mortalidad infantil (TMI) en los 27 estados de Brasil entre los años 2000 y 2005. MÉTODOS: Los datos se obtuvieron de la base de datos en línea del Ministerio de Salud, DATASUS. Mediante regresión múltiple paso a paso se modelaron los cambios en la TMI y sus componentes (mortalidades temprana, tardía y posneonatal), utilizando como predictores los cambios en indicadores seleccionados de salud. RESULTADOS: Según el análisis de regresión, el mejoramiento del acceso a la atención prenatal (B = -0,89 por 1 000; P < 0,001) y al suministro de agua (B = -0,22 por 1 000; P = 0,033), y el aumento del gasto público en salud como proporción del producto interno bruto (PIB) (B = -0,72 por 1 000; P = 0,031) se asociaron con reducciones significativas de las TMI. Las reducciones de las tasas de mortalidad neonatal temprana se asociaron con la atención prenatal (B = -0,14 por 1 000; P = 0,026) y el acceso a servicios de saneamiento (B = -0,05 por 1 000; P = 0,026). Las reducciones en las tasas de mortalidad neonatal tardía se asociaron con la atención prenatal (B = -0,12 por 1 000; P = 0,003) e, inversamente, con la tasa de partos por cesárea (B = 0,13 por 1 000; P = 0,005). Las reducciones en las tasas de mortalidad posneonatal se asociaron con la atención prenatal (B = -0,64 por 1 000; P < 0,001), el aumento en el gasto público en salud como proporción del PIB (B = -0,76 por 1 000; P = 0,005) y el acceso a fuentes de agua (B = -0,17 por 1 000; P = 0,037). CONCLUSIONES: El mejoramiento del acceso al cuidado prenatal, el incremento del gasto público en salud y el acceso al saneamiento y a fuentes de agua se correlacionaron independientemente con la reducción en las TMI; mayores tasas de partos por cesárea se asociaron con mayores tasas de mortalidad neonatal tardía. Se recomienda mantener la recolección y el análisis de los indicadores de salud relacionados con la TMI para desarrollar políticas de salud basadas en evidencias y elaborar predicciones precisas de cómo pueden intervenciones específicas en salud pública influir en las TMI

    Accurate and molecular-size-tolerant NMR quantitation of diverse components in solution

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    木質バイオマス中の各成分の物質量を正確に決定する手法の開発に成功 --木質バイオマスからの効率的なバイオエネルギー・製品原料の獲得にはずみ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-02-18.Determining the amount of each component of interest in a mixture is a fundamental first step in characterizing the nature of the solution and to develop possible means of utilization of its components. Similarly, determining the composition of units in complex polymers, or polymer mixtures, is crucial. Although NMR is recognized as one of the most powerful methods to achieve this and is widely used in many fields, variation in the molecular sizes or the relative mobilities of components skews quantitation due to the size-dependent decay of magnetization. Here, a method to accurately determine the amount of each component by NMR was developed. This method was validated using a solution that contains biomass-related components in which the molecular sizes greatly differ. The method is also tolerant of other factors that skew quantitation such as variation in the one-bond C-H coupling constant. The developed method is the first and only way to reliably overcome the skewed quantitation caused by several different factors to provide basic information on the correct amount of each component in a solution