2,449 research outputs found

    Luther-Emery Phase and Atomic-Density Waves in a Trapped Fermion Gas

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    The Luther-Emery liquid is a state of matter that is predicted to occur in one-dimensional systems of interacting fermions and is characterized by a gapless charge spectrum and a gapped spin spectrum. In this Letter we discuss a realization of the Luther-Emery phase in a trapped cold-atom gas. We study by means of the density-matrix renormalization-group technique a two-component atomic Fermi gas with attractive interactions subject to parabolic trapping inside an optical lattice. We demonstrate how this system exhibits compound phases characterized by the coexistence of spin pairing and atomic-density waves. A smooth crossover occurs with increasing magnitude of the atom-atom attraction to a state in which tightly bound spin-singlet dimers occupy the center of the trap. The existence of atomic-density waves could be detected in the elastic contribution to the light-scattering diffraction pattern.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 1 Table, submitted to Phys. Rev. on July 25th 200

    Stability of spinor Fermi gases in tight waveguides

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    The two and three-body correlation functions of the ground state of an optically trapped ultracold spin-1/2 Fermi gas (SFG) in a tight waveguide (1D regime) are calculated in the plane of even and odd-wave coupling constants, assuming a 1D attractive zero-range odd-wave interaction induced by a 3D p-wave Feshbach resonance, as well as the usual repulsive zero-range even-wave interaction stemming from 3D s-wave scattering. The calculations are based on the exact mapping from the SFG to a ``Lieb-Liniger-Heisenberg'' model with delta-function repulsions depending on isotropic Heisenberg spin-spin interactions, and indicate that the SFG should be stable against three-body recombination in a large region of the coupling constant plane encompassing parts of both the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases. However, the limiting case of the fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas (FTG), a spin-aligned 1D Fermi gas with infinitely attractive p-wave interactions, is unstable in this sense. Effects due to the dipolar interaction and a Zeeman term due to a resonance-generating magnetic field do not lead to shrinkage of the region of stability of the SFG.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum dynamics and entanglement of a 1D Fermi gas released from a trap

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    We investigate the entanglement properties of the nonequilibrium dynamics of one-dimensional noninteracting Fermi gases released from a trap. The gas of N particles is initially in the ground state within hard-wall or harmonic traps, then it expands after dropping the trap. We compute the time dependence of the von Neumann and Renyi entanglement entropies and the particle fluctuations of spatial intervals around the original trap, in the limit of a large number N of particles. The results for these observables apply to one-dimensional gases of impenetrable bosons as well. We identify different dynamical regimes at small and large times, depending also on the initial condition, whether it is that of a hard-wall or harmonic trap. In particular, we analytically show that the expansion from hard-wall traps is characterized by the asymptotic small-time behavior S(1/3)ln(1/t)S \approx (1/3)\ln(1/t) of the von Neumann entanglement entropy, and the relation Sπ2V/3S\approx \pi^2 V/3 where V is the particle variance, which are analogous to the equilibrium behaviors whose leading logarithms are essentially determined by the corresponding conformal field theory with central charge c=1c=1. The time dependence of the entanglement entropy of extended regions during the expansion from harmonic traps shows the remarkable property that it can be expressed as a global time-dependent rescaling of the space dependence of the initial equilibrium entanglement entropy.Comment: 19 pages, 18 fig

    False vacuum decay in a brane world cosmological model

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    The false vacuum decay in a brane world model is studied in this work. We investigate the vacuum decay via the Coleman-de Luccia instanton, derive explicit approximative expressions for the Coleman-de Luccia instanton which is close to a Hawking-Moss instanton and compare the results with those already obtained within Einstein's theory of relativity.Comment: minor changes done, references added, version to appear in GR

    A causal model for a closed universe

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    We study a closed model of a universe filled with viscous fluid and quintessence matter components. The dynamical equations imply that the universe might look like an accelerated flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe at low redshift. We consider here dissipative processes which obey a causal thermodynamics. Here, we account for the entropy production via causal dissipative inflation.Comment: 9 pages. Accepted for publication in IJMP

    Surprises in the suddenly-expanded infinite well

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    I study the time-evolution of a particle prepared in the ground state of an infinite well after the latter is suddenly expanded. It turns out that the probability density Ψ(x,t)2|\Psi(x, t)|^{2} shows up quite a surprising behaviour: for definite times, {\it plateaux} appear for which Ψ(x,t)2|\Psi(x, t)|^{2} is constant on finite intervals for xx. Elements of theoretical explanation are given by analyzing the singular component of the second derivative xxΨ(x,t)\partial_{xx}\Psi(x, t). Analytical closed expressions are obtained for some specific times, which easily allow to show that, at these times, the density organizes itself into regular patterns provided the size of the box in large enough; more, above some critical time-dependent size, the density patterns are independent of the expansion parameter. It is seen how the density at these times simply results from a construction game with definite rules acting on the pieces of the initial density.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    La percepción de la información situacional probabilística en el deporte: Una aproximación desde la psicología

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    El objetivo del estudio es realizar, desde una perspectiva psicológica,un análisis del término información situacional probabilística (ISP) enel deporte. En concreto, se realiza una delimitación conceptual y revisión deestudios; así como una interpretación de resultados, con perspectiva críticointerdisciplinar,en base a la aproximación psicológica cognitiva y ecológicade la percepción visual. Los estudios analizados concluyen que los deportistasde mayor nivel usan esta ISP; contribuyendo a mejorar su rendimientoen la tarea (e.g., los procesos anticipatorios de acción). Las aportacionesdel estudio son valorar la ISP como una información que: i) compara lainformación visual presente con la pasada (aproximación cognitiva) o querelaciona deportista-contexto (aproximación ecológica), ii) es entrenable,siendo útil en aquellos deportes donde haya que tomar rápidas y precisasrespuesta