5 research outputs found

    Spatial variability studies in São Paulo, Brazil along the last twenty five years

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    Soil properties vary in space due to many causes. For this reason it is wise to know the magnitude and behaviour of the variability for adequate data analysis and decision making. Our work on spatial variability of soil properties in São Paulo, Brazil began in 1982 with a very simple soil sampling in a small field. Much progress has been made since then on sampling designs, field equipment and methods, and mostly on computation equipment and softwares. This paper reports the results corresponding to some aspects of this progress, as far as the field, analysis and computation work are concerned. The objective of this study was to illustrate the use of geostatistics in data analysis for three sampling conditions on long term no-tillage system. The analysis is done on a wide range of field scales, variables, sampling schemes as well as repeating sampling scheme for the same variable in different years. Semivariograms are compared for the same variables in different scales and sampling dates and depths as to provide a guide for sampling spacing and number of samples. Normalized crop yield parameters for many years are used in the discussion of time variability and on the use of yield maps to locate management zones. The time of the year in which measurements of soil physical properties are made affected the results both in terms of descriptive statistical and spatial dependence parameters. Crop yields changed (soybean decrease and maize increase) with time of no-tillage but the real cause was not identified. The length of time with no-tillage affected the range of dependence for the main crops (increased for soybean, maize and oats) and therefore increased the size of the homogeneous management zones. The evolution of the sampling grid from 20 m with 63 sampling points to 10 m with 302 sampling points allowed for a much better knowledge of the spatial variability of crop yields but it had the reverse effect on the spatial variability of soil physical properties

    Redução da proteína em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo por meio da suplementação de aminoácidos com base no conceito de proteína ideal Protein reduction in diets for Nile tilapia by amino acids supplementation based on the ideal protein concept

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    Este trabalho foi realizado para avaliar os efeitos da redução da proteína da dieta, por meio da suplementação com aminoácidos sintéticos, sobre o desempenho produtivo, a digestibilidade e o diâmetro da fibra muscular de tilápias-do-nilo. Os aminoácidos (lisina, metionina, treonina e arginina) foram suplementados de forma a manter o perfil de aminoácidos da dieta-referência. Foram utilizados 160 peixes com peso vivo médio inicial de 105,7 ± 2,5 g, distribuídos em 16 tanques (1 m³ cada) e alimentados com dietas contendo 26,74; 25,82; 23,09 ou 22,16% de proteína digestível durante 110 dias. Não foi observado efeito dos níveis de proteína nas dietas sobre o ganho de peso diário, o índice hepatossomático, a gordura visceral, o rendimento de filé, os teores corporais de umidade, proteína bruta e cinzas, o teor de cinzas no filé, a taxa de sobrevivência e o diâmetro das fibras do músculo dorsal. Com a redução dos níveis de proteína na dieta, foi observada redução linear dos coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente da energia bruta, proteína bruta, extrato etéreo e fósforo das dietas. Houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de proteína sobre a conversão alimentar, a taxa de eficiência proteica, a retenção de nitrogênio, o nitrogênio excretado, a umidade no filé, a gordura corporal e no filé e proteína no filé, de modo que os melhores valores foram estimados com 24,53; 24,25; 24,04; 25,15; 24,67; 24,14; 24,34; 25,11% de proteína digestível, respectivamente. É possível reduzir, de 26,74 para 24,53%, a proteína digestível em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo na fase de 100 a 500 g.<br>The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of reduction of protein in diets for Nile tilapia by supplementation of synthetic amino acids on performance, digestibility and diameter of muscle fiber of Nile tilapias. The amino acids (lysine, methionine, threonine and arginine) were supplemented to keep the profile of amino acids in the reference diet. It was used 160 fish with initial live weight of 105.7 ± 2.5 g, distributed in 16 tanks (1 m³ each tank) fed diets containing 26.74; 25.82; 23.09 or 22.16% of digestible protein for 110 days. It was not observed any effects of protein levels in the diets on daily weight gain, hepatosomatic index, visceral fat, fillet yield, carcass humidity, crude protein and ash, fillet ash, survival rate and on the white muscle fiber diameter. A linear decrease on apparent digestibility coefficients, gross energy, crude protein, ether extract and phosphorus was observed when protein levels in the diet were reduced. There was a quadratic effect on feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency rate, nitrogen retention, nitrogen excretion, fillet humidity, carcass and fillet fat and fillet protein, in which the best-fit responses were estimated with 24.53, 24.25, 24.04, 25.15, 24.67, 24.14, 24.34 and 25.11% of digestible protein, respectively. It is possible to reduce the dietary protein level from 26.74 to 24.53% for Nile tilapia 100 to 500-g phase